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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. Probably the biggest thing all of these threads have done for me is given me a new respect for Daniel Stout.
  2. Everything I've read consistently rates android over the iphone. avault liquida pcworld Well, these articles aren't the ones I'm looking for.
  3. I have an HTC EVO. It ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Missed all the spelling error fun.
  5. Wonder if she has any stuff that should be put on ebay?
  6. OMG, they do! LOL, now I have images of the Cowboy Way in my head.
  7. Not me. I hid from as many as I could.
  8. The only way out of this one is to come down with a virus or something. Quick, go grab some ragweed.
  9. Imitations are rarely as good as the original
  10. It's wonderful! And better in person! (and near me )
  11. NO! I don't mind the drive to The Avenue for clothes shopping. Everything else I can usually find locally. And in both instances, I simply pull up in front of the store, walk in, shop, walk back to my car. I don't fight a ton of traffic, walk a couple of miles to locate what I need, and then lug it back to the car.
  12. I don't think that's true any longer. I "think" the county required that he set up several stations at key points around the county.
  13. I see you got your info. Just adding to the list of folks that like Sam Clark. Thankfully, I haven't personally needed his services, but wouldn't hesitate to call if I (truly) did. He's a great guy!
  14. I grew up with 3 of my cousins around all the time. 2 of them (male) had a favorite game to play with their mini-bikes. They would build ramps so they could do jumps and stunts. Their favorite stunt was making me and my (female) cousin lay on the ground while they jumped over us. Even crazier was that if the jump was successful we had to move further out away from the ramp. They watched way too much Evil Knievel. Football wasn't much fun with those two either.
  15. I think if I got into one of those positions, it would definitely be a religious experience. I don't know why, but I hate that.
  16. It is a terrible disease. And, I don't have the words for that woman. Shameful!
  17. Not usually in post #2 Her by line "probably been asked". Well, it has. But sure hasn't been answered.
  18. Some of y'all need to re-read. She asked about the SIGN.
  19. You can take your word twisting somewhere else. I have no desire to debate your ridiculousness all night. I didn't say that. There's no double standard. WTH are you talking about? Drama follows me? No, I don't think so. You just said you know her. Why don't you call and ask her! Her phone number is very easy to locate. I am not her official spokesperson.
  20. Did you specifically discuss the issues you have so often repeated here? Why do you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over and over and over? If it were common knowledge why withhold that information from the public at large? Why wait until now? Was it part of a master plan? Did you just want to enjoy an October surprise? Did you fear your candidate couldn't get legitimately elected so you and your cronies decided this backdoor approach was best? I'm not a Paulding native. I grew up "next door" in Cobb. Back in the day I could give you all the "ins and outs" of Cob
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