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Everything posted by Cabe

  1. he he, I have a picture of my son in the dog's crate.
  2. LPPT, fix their signature. There's a bunch of typos. That'll make me all . Welcome!
  3. The above is why I didn't point out that it's a win-win for you.
  4. Mine was 3rd grade math. 8 years x 24 (2 meetings/month)
  5. You said there would be evidence. Those are your words and a campaign video. There would have only been 192 meetings (not all in the evening as you suggest).
  6. I would love to meet Mrs. Feelip. However, a weekday meeting would rarely, if ever, work for my husband. I'm not going away. It's my job to stay and be a thorn in a few sides. Some I make happier if I stay, some more miserable. That's why I stay.
  7. He ignored me on the coffee, I figure he'll ignore me on this one too.
  8. Why not? I've known from the beginning I wasn't changing your (or others) opinions. I agreed to meet you for coffee last week.
  9. Well, I see this is no longer worthy of discussion. Doesn't take y'all long does it.
  10. www.payscale.com Just google. there are a lot of sites.
  11. You really should get your facts straight before you type this utter bullcheeze! I don't even have time to sift through all the lies you've listed.
  12. Happy Birthday Russell! I hope you have a wonderful day! to you both
  13. Don't they get a pep rally that is shown on the Fri AM program?
  14. Dang y'all! We are 40% and Luella is 37%. VOTE! EARLY AND OFTEN!
  15. I happen to know that volunteers were making a lot of calls for Mrs. Braddock. I'm unaware of Mrs. Galloway's involvement, or why you (and others) continually feel the need to draw her in. So, the outcome doesn't really matter, does it?
  16. Apparently not. Exactly. WTH is GA Politico anyway? (other than a liberal blog?)
  17. to get a table (for a group) I suggest slightly before noon.
  18. Did you order that in honor of my 21st wedding anniversary?
  19. I could probably do that. Let me know what you get going.
  20. Just wanted to point out that the Tea Party movement is NOT strictly Republican. It is a grassroots, conservative movement of citizens who got fed up with steps our federal government was taking. It is closed to no one. There are many factions, even within a state.
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