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Everything posted by C_Watkins

  1. testing, one...two...three...
  2. There is a fair amount of behind-the-scenes work going on this morning. So far, we're able to keep the site (mostly)up while it happens, but you may see some oddities.
  3. Yeah, she saw it. She was just messin with me I told her you were pretty harmless... in brightly lit stores and parking lots, at least
  4. My wife may have just walked in from the computer room and asked me about the whole videocamera thing. Too funny.
  5. It's almost like you've seen where I work. We do lovingly call it 'the dungeon"... and we do keep all but the emergency lights off, most of the time. Being 'green', we say. Responsible. Saving energy. It's really not that our whole department is like a bunch of vampires, or anything
  6. I actually like the option, myself. I know there will be many who don't, however. Leaves it up to the individual, what content they view. As with any rating system, stars, points, trophies, reputation, confidence, etc... the vocal ones with strong opinions will usually suffer the wrath of those with equally vocal and strong, but opposing opinions... and there's lots of vocal, opinionated folk to go around pcom. I'm interested to see what kind of balance develops, myself, if it's continued for long enough. (Due to lurkers who never post, but may be perfectly willing to click an a
  7. We were laughing about this commercial at work the other day. +5 reputation to Geico's copy writers
  8. Use [ media ] full youtubeurl here [ / media ] (with no spaces, and a real URL, of course. )
  9. Pick a picture as large as your desktop resolution, or at least in the same format. (widescreen/normal) ie.. an 800x600 image will NOT look good stretched to 1920x1080 Use "Center" if you want to see how small the pic is versus the actual screen. It won't be distorted that way, but if it's not the right size/shape, you'll see it immediately.
  10. Not if you use the media tags [ media ] fullyoutubeurlhere [ / media ] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urNyg1ftMIU
  11. Use media instead of youtube, and use the full http://www.youtube.com/videocodehere in between. (Or just click the "Insert Media" button, and it will place them for you.)
  12. Outstanding! ...and your system is ever so slightly more secure, when you're browsing... which is a big plus.
  13. Seemed vaguely familiar, so I checked it out. Had to reach way back for that one.
  14. Tell me about it. I try to pretend the religion and politics forums don't exist, most of the time. Doesn't take much to drag me into that stuff, and I always hate myself for it later.
  15. You should only have to enter it once to turn ON the ones you want. It should still be a forum-specific thing, however. I just checked, and that does seem to be the case. (Turned ON photo hounds... and the Poltical forum still wanted the password. Looks right to me)
  16. Is your OS up to date? Your browser? I know some people were having issues with version 7 (and maybe 6) of Internet Explorer. Upgrading to version 8 should take care of it, if you're not there already. (Or use the latest Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, etc... All seem to work fine.)
  17. Oh, it's all mostly still here... and then some. I think some are a bit overwhelmed right now with the 'and then some' part. (Excepting the few who are having browser or system issues of some sort) Anything special you're missing, or need to know?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnjaUoR15dU It wasn't me.
  19. Is that only on the main (portal) page? Check to see if your desktop resolution is at least 1024x768 or better. Also, what brand and version of browser do you use? Is windows and your browser up to date? I run Vista. two PC's on 32 bit and one on 64 bit. Each of them has the latest versions of Firefox, Google Chrome 3.*, and Internet Explorer 8, and they are all displaying the site equally well.
  20. Soon® The change will be made very soon. Hard to say how long it will take, for everyone. Could be within the next hour or so, for some... and worst case, 24+ hours, for others.
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