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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. ewwwww... this meat has ASSphalt nuggets in it... Where'd you say you bought this meat, dear??? PUBBY??? Why would pubby be sellin' you deer meat??? Kinda grainy...
  2. Steaks out of the back of a truck, I've had 'em... talk about generic tasting. I use those kinds of steaks to chop up into chili. We rarely eat good steaks and then only from a place like West Metro Meats were the grading of the meat is verafiable and you get more bang for the buck. Life's to short to eat bad or generic steak by itself...
  3. Seen a few in Mableton and Austell. But most are living quitely inside vacant house. Some have permission and keep the property up, others don't and tend to trash the place, making it harder on everybody else that are in the same sad straights they're in. It's strange that someone should mention telicommunication sites, we've seen an upsurge in homeless people setting up camp around our equipment, mainly because they break into the stuff to gain access to the electrical outlets...
  4. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers TBAR...
  5. That's the place to ask. But don't expect much out of it. Where'e your parents get it? Got any pics of it? I might make you an offer for it...
  6. They could make nooses to hang themselves out of bedsheets, shoestrings, or anything of available...
  7. Heading up to Tenn. for my Aunt's Wedding...
  8. I watched some of the earlier episodes and him and wife have been coached heavily in the later shows. Her hairstyle has changed and she's been hitin' the tanning booth. All the boys have lost the combovers and the girls aren't wearing the "church" dresses all the time. Her dress style has diffenently been "upgraded" from the ealier shows also...
  9. That's who he reminds me of!!! I kept trying to think of where I'd seen that kind of creepiness before...
  10. I find Jim Bob odd, period... Hello Jim Bob!!! 1950 called and wants its hairstyle back!!! There is nothing on the cheap with 18 kids...
  11. Oh damn... Don't let this get out. I do have a reputation to keep up... The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to Purgatory! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level | Score Purgatory | Very High Level 1 - Limbo | High Level 2 | Moderate Level 3 | Low Level 4 | Very Low Level 5 | Very Low Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very Low Level 7 | Very Low Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate Level 9 - Cocytus | Very Low Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno
  12. OK... I'm usually not into these kinds of reality shows. I decided to watch this Discovery Channel Series on the Duggar Family. The one with 20 kids and counting???!!! This may have been dealt with in another thread, but... WTH does JIM BOB do for a living to have an RV??? Bus??? Van??? Gigantic House and mucho property??? One hell of a grocery bill??? Where does the money come from??? I know people who pull 6 figure salaries that couldn't keep up with this family, I mean really, feeding 18 kids??? Somebody has to know where the money comes from???
  13. Both sides are all too human. Have the same failings as every other human being on the planet, but just as stubborn in declaring their total difference and rightousness (another all too human failing)...
  14. They wouldn't even be able follow their own rules. The conservative muslims are every bit as rabid at condeming Christianity and the West as conservative christians are at condeming Islam and the Arabs. One religion trumps another in an endless vicious cycle. It's been that way for the last 1000 years and very few are interested in changing. Hate is hate no matter how you dress it up and justify it...
  15. They deserve no mercy. People who prey on young children to satisfy their own perverted desires need to be given to those in prison who will make sure they suffer the same torments they inflicted on their victims. Boiling alive in napalm is too good for pedofiles...
  16. Looks like Bad Santa's gonna have to go visit the Naughty Santas and deck the halls with their guts... ...seesh... pedophiles... boil 'em all alive in napalm I say...
  17. Oh damn, it even comes with garbage in the front floorboard and a dented front hood...
  18. Love Loreena McKennitt, I've been a fan of her for many many years...
  19. -Starblazers -Space Giants (I always rooted of Rodac and the Luggiemen ) -Battle of the Planets (One of the most bizzare kids shows with huge sexual overtones.) -Ultraman -Superfriends -The Bananasplits -Battlestar Galactica (The Original Series) -Star Trek (They were re-runs then, I'm not that old) -Tranformers -GI Joe -Magnum PI (I even watched the final episode) -M.A.S.H. -Dukes of Hazzard -A-Team -That's Incredible -Airwolf
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