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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. We don't take ours down till after New Years, it's still Christmas till then...
  2. That's why I stay out of the Political Forum for most parts... You have extremist in all societies, but in China it's different, these guys are thugs in control, and want to stay that way. You'll disappear if you're branded a troublemaker in China. Hardly the case over here, even at the political parties worst... ...and they're our number 1 trade partner ANNNNDDDDDDDD we owe 'em money!!!
  3. $14,000 for a 4 cyclinder sedan???!!! KEEP LOOKING...
  4. Extremist here in the US don't jail dissidents, shoot 'em in the back of the head then sell their organs...
  5. Ok... This is almost funny... almost... One of the most brutal governments on the planet wants to blame it's societal woes on computer videogaming. Half of the human rights abuses the United States gets accused of China actually practices in the open without shame. Now the Chinese Government suddenly gets all moralist and blames all the crime on videogaming... too funny (Not really, these guys are gonna get shot in the head and their organs "donated") China Blames Online Games for Drugs, Murder, Teen Pregnancy China's state news channel has blamed hugely popular online games for
  6. My mother got one for my wifey. She loves it...
  7. Not to mention you'd probably have the swat team call on ya' for a good ol' fashion Christmas woopin'... with festive red and green batons and Santa Hats...
  8. It's in the tops of those dang oak trees... Why not just tape it to the front of your pants and head for the mall???
  9. We pretty much just lay around the house and go no where also....
  10. Judging by some of the responses, maybe you should rethink your Resolution???
  11. I use to luv that show. But I never got something. If all the animals would come to him, why'd he need that gun??? When Mr Deer come up for a pettin', as soon as the squirrels are looking the other way, Adams just clubs the sucker and hide the carcass in the house, Ben's the only one the wiser. Ben ain't sayin' nothin' cause he's gettin' a big ol' haunch of venison tonight for din din. Why the gun??? Mr Texas Walker Ranger comes into the mountains looking for Adams, the squirrels eat 'em. I just don't understand... Maybe it's the beard...
  12. ...and if you do look like Grizzly Adams??? Then WHAT??? HUH??? HUH??? I'm not being defensive!!! I only look alittle like Grizzly Adams... well... maybe more than alittle... damn, grizzly bears... get away from me... I'll chop ya up into stew... freakin' bears... don't come luvin' on me...I'm not Grizzly Adams... get away... well, yall are nice to suggle in winter... and yall do eat any dogs that get out of line...along with A-hole customers... and all those people who say I look like Grizzly Adams....
  13. I get alot of greif over my beard, nobody likes it...
  14. I wish Lady Raider a very Merry Christmas...
  15. I want to wish TBAR and his family a very Merry Christmas... I also want to wish Soapmom and her family a very Happy Yule...
  16. With Martin's, like all things in life, moderation is usually the key... ... I prefere the pork tenderloin buscuits myself...
  17. Awwww look, St Pubby left me a present, he knows just what I like... 5 sticks of C4 Plastic Explosives, in Christmas colors, how sweet... uhhhhhh... wait a minute.... wires... battery... hooked to a clock... aww dang it Pubby, ya got my present mixed up with JMT's again... Ooooo time to go!!! *** sounds of running away***
  18. Gabriel's Message The angel Gabriel from Heaven came, His wings as drifted snow, His eyes as flame; 'All hail,' said he, 'Thou lowly maiden Mary,' Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! 'For known a blessed Mother thou shalt be, All generations laud and honour thee, Thy Son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold,' Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head, 'To me be as it pleaseth God,' she said, 'My soul shall laud and magnify his holy name.' Most highly favoured lady, Gloria! Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ, was born In Bethlehem, all on a Christmas m
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