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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. Kroger need to get the tire boots and boot those people. The the guys will have to pay Kroger $50.00 to remove the boot and then Kroger can send the money to Hati...
  2. AT&T says we gotta work... Unless you want to use one of your vacation days...
  3. No, it's exactly that way today. Liberals control the Entertainment Industry today, conservatives controled it in the past. Nothing ever changes...
  4. Looking in the mirror and recognizing ones own faults can be a good thing. This goes for Christianity as well, indeed all the religions of man need that mirror of fault set before them, might make the world a better place. Only the Blind will see no fault in there actions and not act to truely remedy them...
  5. Glovers statement kinda reminds me of the Arab News Agencies blaming the quake in Indonesia on the US and Zionist. It only influences those stupid enough to believe it. Ignorance in both Science and Religion can be devastating as a weapon for those who know how to weild them...
  6. That's been going on since the Entertainment Industry started. It's true for all sides...
  7. I'm sure there are many who would condem you 'as not a true Christian' for not agreeing with Robertson. Just as there are those who condem Robertson and those who agree with him 'as not a true Christian'. Christians judging Christians, kinda stings doesn't it???
  8. I only said some... ... and those some know who they are...
  9. My oh my, Rev Pat Robertson and others of his ilk are a big ol' slice of crow for the Christian Community. Those on here quickly distance themselves from such as Robertson, saying "his actions do not reflect on what Christianity really is", but are all to quick to condem other religions in total sighting actions of extremist or high profile cases of those acting against the standards of that religion. Islam is condemed by many because of the actions of extremist. Tiger Woods "needs to turn to Jesus" because obviously Buddism is flawed... That is a big ol' slice of Crow some of y'all are
  10. That is also a legit viewpoint, but it must be a subject that is very carefully tread upon. When it's an unpopular religion or group, the majority can decide what is legit and what is not. I'd have my doubts about the Church of Dynamite, but some on here would easily deny Johova Wittnesses a place within "their" community...
  11. There is a difference between a piler and a pig. Some people just don't care...
  12. 80% of Americans are "pilers". Let's face it, after 7 or 8 years, you start to run out of places to put your crap. It get tucked here and there along with "projects" that never get finished. Pretty soon you've got random piles everywhere with no place to put 'em. I see it all the time in customers houses, it's alot more common than people think...
  13. Not alot going on in your life???
  14. Ohhh nooooooooo!!! The next ice age is upon us and 'man made global warming' was the only thing that was holding it off. Now the planet's gonna freeze solid and were all doooooooooomed!!!! ***secne of a person on his knees in the cold snowcovered fields*** "Damnit!!! You finally went and did it Al Gore... You went and SCREWED IT UP... Damn you Al Gore... Damn you all to HELLL!!!"
  15. Stay off the secondary roads everybody!!! It's NUTS out there!!!
  16. I thought about waiting till 10 or so to try and go into work, but then I thought "that's what everybody else is going to do." so I went ahead at 7:00am and the roads were clear of traffic...
  17. You know you wanna join the Polar Bear club, go ahead, dive in head first. That thick skull of yours will bust right through...
  18. 278 from Dallas to Powder Springs was in decent, but the side roads are pure ice and snow. Anywhere the salt trucks haven't been are dicey at best...
  19. I can't weigh past 275 lb, I've gotten to 270 but keeping my happy job and pay motivates me to keep as far below that as possible. My sights startin' to get that way, such is life...
  20. Yep. It's my body and it's perfectly healthy even after using the low carb diet...
  21. Dude, chill. I'm not a 500 lb blob, nor am I not intelligent enough to know how the process works. This "diet" is based on how your body reacts to thinking it's starving. While I'm no bodybuilder, my eating habits are controled by moderation rather than following some so called lifestyle change. At 6' 2" I'm a big guy so keeping under my companys weight restrictions requires me to use this diet. People CAN use this diet to reduce their weight and then moderate their diets to keep the weight under control. ONce again, I use diet on a yearly basis and I'm perfectly heathly...
  22. Dude, ya got some misinfo there. To begin with while you are kicking your body into starvation mode, your body starts using the fat reserves in your body for it's daily energy needs because you've taken away the carbs and starches it usually using. Also you have to eat some fat with the diet as they contain many of the nuetrients your body needs (if you only eat lean meat, you'll eventually go into whats called rabit starvation) I'm here to tell ya I'm not shriveled and I'm perfectly healthy thank you. I use it when I need it and usually only do it once a year, keeps my weight down.
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