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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. It doesn't conflict with local religious practice or keep people from attending church, so it's ok where it's at and it meets the approval of the local city council.
  2. Happy Birthday!!! Hope you eat well today!!!
  3. In a move to reject the fundamentalist backed government of Egypt, crowds now call for the ouster to the sitting President Mohammed Morsi. Maybe here is finally a people who are tired of religious rule and superstitious tyranny. We can only hope that these fundamentalist religious hardliners are ousted and a government free from religious influence can be established... :drinks: CAIRO (AP) — Hundreds of thousands of opponents of Egypt's Islamist president poured onto the streets in Cairo and across much of the nation Sunday, launching an all-out push to force Mohammed Mors
  4. Do the actions of Homosexuality and Lesbians, the rulings handed down by the Supreme Courts and the legalization of Gay Marriage by individual States somehow impact the founding principals of this country of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness? The answer is no. One being offended by Gays and Lesbians is not the issue as ones being offended is an opinion. Religious arguments are highly suggestive, manipulative and interpretive by those offended and those using such religious arguments, through Laws, Legislation and Local Practice, often have no problem imposing restrictions upon those Li
  5. You've got a bigger chance of being attacked by your neighbors dog or your neighbor for that matter than you do being attacked by a Bobcat. That cat is what, 25lbs, yes that Bobcat is going to kill you and eat you...
  6. That Bobcat's more afraid of y'all than y'all are of it. Geez, ya'd swear it was a mountain lion on the prowl the way some people act...
  7. How about we change that to 'Have you ever used a racial slur?'. Seem in this country whenever one says the word "racism" or "bigotry" it is immediately assumed one is speaking of white people speaking or acting against blacks. For many their's is the belief that somehow black people or Latino or Chinese or any other ethnic group cannot be racist or bigoted against another....
  8. Ahhhhh yes, breath it in everybody. Inhale deeply and get a nostril full of good ol' American politics. Elections coming, watch as the main stream media pumps out the stories of racism and abuse. Your Presidency under fire for getting it's hand caught in the cookie jar, have your media lackies start pumping out those stories of black discrimination and historical white abuse of black people. Watch as the media dredges up any and all to divert attention away from the daily matters, because they know nothing gets their supporters fired up faster than racism and stories of bigotry. They need
  9. I'm still wondering how anybody knows what Jesus or Mohammad looks like???
  10. Not necessarily, web search engines and crawlers are picking up on the common key words in your topic title and including them in search results. As long as you're not in a topic that requires a pass word to access, even then it's just in the results, not actually being read...
  11. MY EYES!!! THEY BURN!!!! One of life's little unspoken rule??? - The thing with 18 wheels has the right of way...
  12. He's in the public eye now, I seriously doubt anything's gonna happen to him physically anytime soon. Now his professional career is pretty much dead, he'll be lucky if he can get a job at McDonalds...
  13. I've heard someone for the region pronounce it "fu*k it" and it appears to be one of those words cleaned up for westener's...
  14. Actually this goes even further back to 1996 with the Federal Telecomunicatons Act of 1996. If I can locate the whole act their is one part which says that the telecommunications companies had the provide the government with the ability to monitor at least 1% of the population at any one time. The Patriot Act further augmented the already existing Act so no, it wasn't completely on Presidents GW Bush's term in office. This crap has been going for a while and it's only gonna get worse...
  15. It's a really cool site. They talk about a lot of different things and it's really well done... :drinks:
  16. I cannot stand pure grass fed beef myself. It irony and picks up the taste of what the cattle have been feeding on. I personally think its a gimmick. Ten years ago you could not give pure grass fed beef away for free. But one guy I talked to who raised cattle in Douglasville complained about the cost of corn and soy feed that he used to finish feed the cattle before slaughter. It's cheaper to grass feed only but shmucks now pay nearly twice the going rate for beef. Now snotty foodies snort about how great their grass fed beef is and act like its something special. Oh we'll, a fool and t
  17. Seems those riding the waves of success finally got there bubbles burst also. It's an interesting and ironic article... So in Dubai, the number of Abandoned Luxury Cars lying around is kind of a Problem Some cities have a litter problem, some suffer from high crime rates and others might have a lack of affordable housing. And then you have Dubai, which for the last several years has been facing the unusual problem of high end sports cars being abandoned and left to gather thick layers of dust at airport car parks and on the roadside across the city. Here's the rest o
  18. The "Cattle Barons" are now Brazilians and Arabs. There are few large scale American Owners anymore. It's all going to Asia these days and what's here is getting expensive as demand goes up. It happened in Europe where Beef got too expensive to buy because most of it got exported. So people do without. We're going to be learning that lesson here real soon... The only reason we had beef cheap here was because of those American 'Cattle Barons'. Now they're either selling to Asia or are gone. Hope y'all like Soy...
  19. Welcome to the global economy. Demand for beef is skyrocketing in China and Asia, but mainly China. China is rapidly becoming the top economic consumer in the world and prices are starting to show it. One of the chief indicators of "not so great times" will be the price and definition of what a luxury food item will be. Beef will slowly move beyond what most people will be able to afford. It's already happening in our fast food items such beef in hamburgers and other staples. McDonald's Burger King and Taco Bell have already began adulterating the meats for lower cost items on the menus
  20. Welcome to the forever 39 club... :drinks:
  21. 1996 Federal Telecommunication Act has a provision where all telecommunication companies must give the Federal Government a way to monitor 1% of the population at any one time. This garbage has been going on since long before 911 or the Patriot Act. Wasn't this whole issue of government surveillance of media and news source the thing responsible for bringing down a Presidency??? :huh:
  22. I don't have an issue with anything you've just said. They are your opinions and you have your right to them. Nothing hateful about anything you've said... Nothing wrong with this either, preach away... You're right, if your Church wants to withdraw it's support for the Boy Scouts, they have the right to do that...
  23. Somehow I seriously doubt any of that was your goal... :nea:
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