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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. The question is strill worthy of an answer. For those who might say it is because of Christianity, I'd ask them about those societies where Homosexuality is still oppressed (such as Islam) but not influenced by Christianity???
  2. I don't have an issue with people having an different opinion on the matter of Homosexuality and Gays. But with some it's a religious issue. When someone debates them on the issue the only response for some is to either attack the poster directly or go after that persons faith. You can debate the issue without resorting to derisive comments and constant badgering of another's beliefs. One usually get the same what one puts into the conversation. But coming on here and straight up making such comments as the OP did, that's not an Opinion, that's straight up hate...
  3. I won't disagree with you on that point as I can only take responsibility for my behavior. I think the only reason the Mods have allowed this topic to stand is the response to such an ugly and hateful topic. Also the fact CRB hasn't really personally attacked directly on other posters could be another reason the topic is still here. But I am not the admin of the site, it eventually falls on Pubby's decision on the matter. If he doesn't want it here, it won't be here. You know that.
  4. If you know I'm just going to twist things around to make myself feel better, why are you here? I've already defined the difference. Or are you here just to be contrary and listen to your head roar? This is a debate. The exchange of opposing ideas. I'm sorry if you run out of material or if you lack the mental capacity to engage in such. The OP has posted derogatory and hateful statements in an attempt to vilify homosexuality and Gays in stereotypical fashion and is being challenged for it. As I said before, defying hate is not hate in of itself, just as self defense is not murder of on
  5. There is a difference between having an Opinion and being hateful/spreading hate. It's not hate to defy hate, just as it is not murder to defend oneself by killing their attacker. You know which is which, you're just being contrary. My oh my, and only 20 something post and you weigh right in, what took you so long to post? You should join the debate... and not the hate and derisive insults against Gays. Or other peoples beliefs. I have personally not said anything against anybody's beliefs, but I am rabid against those who simply come on here and spread hate and wrap it in the Bible...
  6. Nope, quite to the contrary. But the problem arises when I side against people who use the Bible for their means. Some assume because I speak against them, I somehow speak against the Bible. That is a defense of ones Pride and Ego, not Christianity. The word 'Bible' is taken from the Greek and Latin word "biblia" or "ta biblia" which is a meaning for books of often use to mean a collection of books. The Biblia I believe in is vastly larger than just the King James version re-interpreted at the behest of King James and the Church of England. It includes writings from before Christ, writing
  7. She needs to come with a warning label and a hazmat sticker. "Do not get near spark or open flame". She can get volatile. I've seen her go from nice to ball busting in the same sentence. But she really is a sweet lady, just don't light a match around her...
  8. My sis has may have the temper of gasoline, but she is an honest soul her heart is ten thousand times bigger than the hate filled nastiness you've came on here and spouted...
  9. Hate is hate. No matter how one justifies it, rationalizes it or wraps it in religion. There are many on here who get it, many who do not. But there is one fact also. There is a difference between having an opinion and actively supporting, propagating and spreading hate. Want to spread the Gospels of Jesus Christ, by all means do so. Want to spread your religious interpretations of Hate, Politics, Exclusion, Suffering and Misery. You're going to have a problem with me...
  10. I never said that the Bible is fiction. Please show me where I said the Bible is fiction... :unsure:
  11. It's OK sis, this is just debating. I'm not taking it personally...
  12. Oooo and a blasphemy to go along with it. Nice one...
  13. Because MEN have had their hands in the Bible and altered it with contradictions... ... I though you were done with this site Mathetes?
  14. How? Your statement was pretty clear...
  15. Soooo... God was wrong the first time??? :unsure: Deut 4:2
  16. ***The sound of someone toking really hard on a skull shaped bong*** Cough Cough Yeah man... I totally thing you're right... Cough This has been covered you waaaaaay too long. This need s to be exposssssed... Cough Cough ...your turn again to take a hit...
  17. Well Ladies and Gentlemen. For those of you who like to come on here and make your snide hate filled remarks and contrived fantasies against Gays with your small mind brain farts and limited vocabulary, there's a place you will consider wondrous and joyful in the exclusion and persecution of homosexuality to the fullest extent that ones religious fanaticism and fantasy can be indulged. Radical Islam. Unlike Radical Christianity, these wondrous wabbajacks of religious righteousness control a vast swath of this planet and will welcome you and your hate-filled ilk with open arms and wide fang
  18. When you write a post it is the ABC above a Checkmark to the right...
  19. I don't have a religious agenda thank-you very much. I just want religion out of government, period. You're the one taking this issue personally and now trying to make it something it's not. I've said nothing about my religious beliefs but you've identified you're with the "majority" and I could personally care less...
  20. Not even that. During the time of our founding fathers and within their memories were the roaring wars of the Protestants and the Catholic Church that raged across Europe. Also the fact of that the Church of England's head was the King himself and the inference to the colonies that rebelling against King was rebelling against God Himself. The founding fathers of this nation had every intent to remove any possibility of these things interfering with this country. Christian Principles as so touted by so many are really nothing more than common sense applied and taken credit for by religious
  21. Ok, let's go through this again. We will take the our most important document and dispel this notion that this nation is a declared Christian Nation with this simple comparison. The Preamble of the Constitution of the United States: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. And the Preamble of the
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