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Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

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Everything posted by Thoughts from the Evil Galaxy

  1. See what comes up when you type your name and check the alternative spellings... I've gotten some pretty interesting results... Thoughts... I got nothing on the spell checker... Pubby = Pub by, Pub-by, Pub, Nubby, Hubby, Tubby...
  2. I wasn't dis'ing you or your name but it just popped out when I was running the spellchecker. :lol: Now I'm interested to see what the alternative spelling comes up for everybody else's name...
  3. For many on here 'g'od must be part of the Government, ask and they will tell you that the United States is a declared "Christian" nation, which is absolutely wrong. Your are free to worship whom or what you want or even not at all. But religion in government has absolutely nothing to do with freedom of religion. If you want to make a sign and preach your interpretations of the Gospel on the public sidewalk, have at it, I don't care, in fact I totally support it. Want to force Public Schools to teach your interpretations of the Gospel to my child, Houston... we have a problem. Want to ere
  4. I haven't attacked your religious beliefs either. As I stated before, I personally could care less about another persons religious belief. But I am passionate about removing and keeping religious interpretations out of Government. You may have a common Christian belief with a majority of this nation but the majority does not have the right to dictate societal norms based on religious premises. In fact they are contradictory to my religious beliefs and I certainly don't want to have to obey officially mandated laws, legislations and practices based on yours nor someone else's religious int
  5. ... and now you're taking it personally. I haven't said anything about you personally. I don't even know you. You're taking offense because I disagree with you and somehow think I am insulting you. You're wrong and you need to put your big girl panties on and deal with it... Also, I'm not a Grammar or Spelling Nazi. Grammar and Spelling Nazi's are one of my biggest pet peeves and I have not said anything about your grammar or spelling. You brought that up yourself... Indeed...
  6. I happen to respect Ronald Regan greatly. He was an excellent politician and statesman. Yes he used religion in his politics and I may not agree with everything he said and was, but as the Ronald Regan the Man and a President, his life and career was certainly most impressive...
  7. But the attitude is still here, just as it is there. The only difference is that in this country people have fought long and hard to keep this kind of religious interpretation from taking hold and overturning it where it has taken hold. People bitch and gripe, piss and moan over how 'g'od is not allowed in society. How their religious interpretations of who 'g'od is and how 'their' interpretations of religion would make society such a marvelous utopian paradise if everyone who simply just bow to 'his' (and conversely their) collective will. This society must ever remain vigilant against su
  8. Yes he did and I was impressed. Especially in this day and age of "I don't give a fvck about anybody else"...
  9. Hmmm, I think Muslims in countries where religious based laws allow people to lawfully excute girls and women for adultery after they had been raped, use that very same condesending rationalization. Religion is not the foundation of moral behavior. But if a Law violates the basic principals of an individuals Life, Liberty or their Pursuit of Happiness, it must be overturn. No matter how much one justifies, moralizes or rationalizes, it will always be just another excuse to support those violations of another rights to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness in this country...
  10. Sometimes people apply standards to others where their standards do not apply... Reddit Users Attempt to Shame Sikh Woman, Get Righteously Schooled A Reddit user going by the handle "european_douchebag" posted a surreptitious photo of a Sikh woman with the caption "i'm not sure what to conclude from this." The user's apparent confusion stems from the fact that the woman—bound by her religion not to cut her hair or alter her body—has an abundance of dark, untrimmed facial hair. The mind of european_douchebag was SO INCREDIBLY BLOWN by the fact that women have
  11. I would make a Law that all religion, religious interpretation and practices must stay out of nor be a part of any local, city, county, state or federal practices, laws and legislation... Oh wait... Those are already in place... But people ignore them, twist them and re-interpretate them to suit there needs. So why bother...
  12. It's all funny, in a cosmic sort of way. That is until you break one of their Utopian Religious Transgressions and you're in court over something that's not in your Bible. Often ordinances and unofficial "blue laws" are legislated because of local religious interpretation by city, county and /or state politicians. Being ticketed for Swearing in Public is often cited as such an example in cases in Pennsylvania and Massachusetts . Although Pennsylvania has reversed it laws on the issue as Free Speech advocates file lawsuits on the matter. It gets silly and ridiculous, then eventually overtu
  13. Hasselback Potatoes. Those have been around a long time. I saw them in a Swedish Recipe Book from the 50's... 1850's...
  14. It reactionaries, you will always have those who lean far to the extreme. Just as there are the Hyper-Religious who go to their extremes in getting Laws and Legislation passed to counter every victory over those who are the Anti-Religious. Which is what this is was. But it all boils down to Politics. The Hyper-Religious scare those in their ranks with things like "They're gonna make Churches admit gays!!!" or "They're gonna shut down all the Churches!!!" Just as the Anti-Religious are screaming "They're going to outlaw being Gay, and round 'em up and put them in camps for treatment". Th
  15. Pataks, best pork slab and beef bacon on the planet. Period...
  16. Not me. I just want religion kept out of Federal and State Government Laws, Legislative Actions and Practices. Politicians use Religious Voters to keep them in office and Religious Voters use Politicians to further their Utopian Idealistic Interpretations on society through Laws, Legislative Actions and Local, State and Federal Practices and marginalize all those who do not agree with their interpretations. I personally could care less that you believe the world floats on the back of a giant turtle in a cosmic sea of milk. Just keep it out of the Government Processes of this country...
  17. Yes I do have the same problem. It demeans the tome from it's original intent. I just saw on Yahoo news an Athiest group was having books published to have placed in the rooms along side the Bibles. I wonder how long that will stay that way? Would you leave Athiest works there beside the Bible? I don't think either of them belong in the room. It's politics as far as I'm concerned... I have met a park ranger who was of the "pagan" faith and they were telling me they were tossing the books. Most of the time people ask permission to place these kind of things in the cabins, but in this
  18. Like everything to do with things such as this, Politics and Religion walk hand in hand. Gov. Deal is pandering to the Christian voters who considering this a victory in getting Christianity integrated into the State Government. I just saw it all over Face book with people cheering this as a "Victory for Christ", like and share if you agree. Is that why people are placing these bibles in Public Parks and Vacation Cabins? Somehow thumbing the noses at all others who wish that Religion would stay out of Politics all together? Sure seems that way. Just as many interpret the building of a Mo
  19. For many, if you're not a "Christian" you an atheist. Does not matter what faith it is. I still say just throw the thing away if it offends, it's just others advertising their faith. It doesn't belong to the State nor the Park. Use it for toilet paper if you want. Now if you toss the thing out with the trash and the Park Rangers say something about it... Now we have a problem...
  20. The issue of Bibles being left in State Park Cabins and Vacation Room is a grey area in the Separation of Church and State. In essence the State isn't paying for the Bibles to be placed, but it does use the "good ol' boy" technique of simply turning a blind eye to the Bibles being left. At one point in some of the parks I know the cleaning staff, maintenance and even park visitors were throwing the Bibles out as they found them. Just as some Christian patrons would throw a copy of the Koran out if they found it in their room, anybody could simply toss the Bible in the trash or out of their
  21. Funny you should say that, because Politics and Religion walk hand in hand...
  22. Pubby's story does illustrate a valid point. When religion takes over a community, it's always the minority that suffers. It does not matter if it's Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist or any religion. Once it gains control of the hearts and minds of a people, it suppresses all who oppose the Utopian Vision of the majority while manipulating and re-enforcing it's control over the population by supporting such actions from the shadows or in public. Don't think for a second that if here or anywhere where such control is dominant, such things as what happened there, can't or won't happ
  23. Hate is Hate, no matter how one justifies it, cloaks it in religious righteousness or defines it by narrow social standards... Those people were lucky to get away with their lives in that region of the world. As far as here in the US Georgia, only vigilance by local authorities and even religious leaders keep that kinds of violence from happening here today. In the past... Not so much...
  24. My earliest memory is of me and my older sister having our picture taken at my Great Grandmother's house on her old couch. I was wearing a blue sailor suit that matched my sisters and I thought that suit was the greatest thing in the world. Years later I found that picture as an adult and I was probably between 6 months and a year old in the picture...
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