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Everything posted by orrby

  1. homemade chicken pot pie..
  2. We have used Turbo Tax for years. Seems really easy. So far so good for us.
  3. Cool I will be there tomorrow..
  4. Anyone know how much the price range is for them?
  5. I just did a search for DDD. Found website myself. The rum drink sounds so yummy I have almost a 5th of coconut rum in the fridge. Give me more recipes. What flavor is Curacao, I never heard of it.
  6. Thank you, I will be leaving here soon and will keep a eye out.
  7. DDD is predicting something coming on the 25th, said to circle our calendars, its coming. he said, Thursday will just be flurries, not expected to stay.
  8. Nicole Kidman as a medical condition that prevents her from having more children. So it was one option they had, if they ever wanted another biological baby, was to get a surrogate. She has had so many miscarriages that I am sure this is why they did it. The other faulks well If there is not a medical condition, I think they are being selfish. If you don't have time to get pregnant and care the child yourself, then you don't have time for the child. Children are a lot of work and time.. Teens are a whole different ball game. Parents need to talk to there kids and be open and hone
  9. Very pretty.. I love them all.. One thing please don't yell or smack me. I have lived in Paulding all my life and all my life I have heard people calling a hat, a toboggan. This has always drove me insane. ( a short drive I assure you) You guys do know that a Toboggan is a long flat-bottomed light sled right? http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/toboggan When I was younger I always corrected my mom and she always got angry.. I guess it is just one of those things.. But besides that, They are very lovely items.. I like the dark blue plaid scarf.
  10. Hutcheson pass at Courthouse rd was awful last night at 7pm.. Courthouse rd was a large sheet of ice. Buchanan hwy, Mulberry rock rd, Ridge road was in good shape.
  11. put oatmeal in a blinder and chop it until it is a fine powder, the pour it into a tub of warm water for a oatmeal bath. You can pour some sea salt into the tub for a salt bath as well.
  12. orrby


    my family is loving it.. guess we should move to the mid west
  13. Mine can stay up as long as they want. They are 13 and 17. When 10am rolls around the following day, they know, regardless of what time they went to bed, they will be getting up. My kids know, that if I am in the bed, they had better not wake me up. Unless it is Very important. They normally don't stay up passed 1am or so when they stay up, they know that 10am comes early and you get tired having to stay up all day long with no nap. If they go to bed when I go to bed and get up earlier than 10, then they can nap, or if they are sick, they can nap. When school is in, my 13 year old
  14. I live in Union area and my sub road is mostly frozen with some slush.. I don't think there will be school tomorrow. Still have not heard anything yet though.
  15. why salt it down when it is just going to refreeze. To me that is a waste of money and time. People need to stay home. wait until it gets above freezing so that they can clean it up when it wont keep refreezing and wasting money.
  16. If i had the money, I would build me a WHOLE Castle not just a little Tower.. I love the old world Castles. My hubby is the same way.. I think it is wonderful. They need to get some stone work on it. That would be really pretty.
  17. Yeah channel 5 just said we wont get over freezing until Friday, and Fridays high is only 35, I would be surprised if we made it to school at all this week, as well.
  18. Wednsday or Thursday? LOL Tell her to sit back and enjoy our holiday.. It is gonna be a while before roads are safe again.
  19. My chocolate lab is in Heaven as well. She went out last night and was trying to catch the snow in her mouth as it fell, like the kids do. Then she started using her nose to plow threw the snow and throw it into the air. It was so funny. She loves snow. This morning however was not so fun for her. She went out looking to play and found it was crunching under her feet. She was making wide long steps. It was so funny. After a while we noticed she started walking in our foot steps or walking in her own, to keep from having to break the ice. My husband made a snow/ice ball and threw it
  20. snow/sleet mix at rose's store.
  21. It is not supposed to start until 9pm and it is going to last a good 24 hours. We are going to get something, will it be ice or snow is the question, not if it is coming or not.. It will be here. Might just take time.
  22. Just got a call from my boss, said SPMS assistant Principle just called her, NO school tomorrow..
  23. Same here. Carroll and even Pike county have closed. There are lots.. They know it is coming. I dunno what the hold up is. I hate how our county always puts things off until the last min. They better not call me on my way to work tomorrow to tell me no school..
  24. I am next to rose's no snow here yet either. When i see the first flake I will let you all know..
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