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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. USAA doesn't have a store front. What's your advice then?
  2. Same thing happened to me a couple of weekends ago. Payroll check. Code Whatever. Phone Call says not to ask, not to bring it back, get over it. Jackholes.
  3. The three finger salute gave me chills. I boohoo'd reading it in the book. The 2nd movie is being filmed in Georgia!
  4. Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It ruined me on fiction. Nothing compares.
  5. I tried watching it the other night and was pulled away from it. I want to watch it again! gaah! Also sitting on my hands waiting for Season 3 of Downton Abbey! It starts soon in England. So not fair! lol
  6. I usually just smile and nod until they're done, then wish them a good day and close the door. No reason for me to be rude. They've never said anything to me deserving of me being mean. Though I always wonder why they're still looking for members if there's only a certain limit into their Heaven. VIP room's closed? Why are we still recruiting?
  7. ::spew::: You owe me a keyboard.
  8. More developments http://radioinsight.com/blog/headlines/70278/99x-atlanta-is-no-more/ https://www.facebook.com/989TheBone
  9. That's why I like Steve Craig on 92.9. He's not offensive and he's still hilarious. He also knows a metric sheeze ton of info on music, which fascinates me. I'll miss him.
  10. I can only pick up 99x on 92 somewhere between Bells Ferry and Roswell.
  11. Hide Chicken McNuggets under mozzarella and sauce and call it McParmigiana?
  12. online etymology has insight too. Apparently it's a hard word to trace. I'd put the direct link here, but the dirty word lang. filter messes it up. lol http://www.etymonline.com
  13. cut/paste her name/phone number into google. learn all sorts of things about people.
  14. Help my friends out. Make my kids 'trust fund babies' etc etc.. Build a house in the mountains of some other country. Buy one near the beach. If I managed to stay living in Atlanta, I'd buy a hockey team.
  15. Whenever we drive through to PCB, I always drive slow and day dream about owning one of those old homes in the historical district of Eufala.
  16. Is this strictly for Paulding residents? Curious - a friends' daughter who is interested in info lives in Cobb.
  17. zuuuuchini to rival the vortex???
  18. Thaaaaanks. Now I'll be listening all night. LOL
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