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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. Interesting. They had one guy sitting on the hood of a cop car -- one guy pointing off into the woods, and three more SOs pulling into the parking lot.
  2. Crazy amount of cops around the Marathon @ the corner of Bobo & D/A highway.
  3. LOL We have six flags passes - and it IS like stepping through a time warp there. Neon, ripped jeans, high top chuck taylors & knee socks -- I swear Axl Rose was wandering around there one time. Mullets, feathers, feathered hair.. Couple the fashion with the music they were piping in and omg... Thank you Six Flags for the revisit back to 1985.
  4. Apparently you selectively forget the black and metal and stuff started in the late 1970s.
  5. It's funny I read this today. On my way back from PCB Saturday, I noticed through the farm towns and small cities I saw more military billboards than I ever have in the cities or in the 'burbs. I wonder if this is their thinking?
  6. Looks like the same kid who used to walk our 'hood and cause problems
  7. omg we used to go there all the time. Their square almond fish was my fave. LOL My first job was at the old regal cinema off powder springs road.
  8. I suffer from textaphrenia
  9. You can take a bag, but they check it. No outside food or drink. We had to pour ours out in the drain when we came in.
  10. I hope she's found safe and sound. I know he parents have to be worried sick. NO matter what the "look" is or where she got tattoos, you know damn good and well her mama is freaking out. for shame this thread is so bitter.
  11. lol hubs tried to play last night... along with the other seventybillion people. Didn't work out very well.
  12. Libraries get their copies legally. You don't. You're stealing. They aren't. The end.
  13. LOL You assume that *all books* are in libraries. Keep doing what you're doing, man. And telling yourself it's okay by rationalizing it anyway you can. It's still the same as walking into a Walmart and grabbing book without paying because, "Well Hayul! It's free in thuh libarry!" cheers
  14. As an author, who doesn't set the price, but still would like to make a royalty off a sale, any sale, this just made my skin crawl. Anyway....off my soapbox... If you keep your eye out on new releases, they do put them on sale. I love my kindle fire.
  15. We don't have them yet. lol Will look you up when we do
  16. I got the freebie download because I'm a WoW subscriber. WEEEE CAAAAAAAANT'S WAAAAAAAAAAIT!
  17. One of my faves too.. Hulk. Smash. That and "better clinch up, Legolas." Damn near died laughing.
  18. It was a mess, mostly. It locked up my phone. lol
  19. I can't see that on my phone
  20. II'm out on Allison drive. Boo
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