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Everything posted by bwilliams

  1. *huffs new baby head smell* aaaahhhh...
  2. I hope your son comes home safe. that being said....turn off the news. If you need to know something, you'll find out. The world won't stop turning if you turn off the news. xo
  3. that's crazy! But yeah, yay for money saved! :
  4. especially with the intuit or square thingies you can use on your phones. They're cheeeeap and easy!
  5. wonderful stories. A boyfriend of mine died on 6/20/2001 in a car wreck. My 2nd daughter was born on 6/20/2007.
  6. aaahahhahahhaaha :jotsitdown:
  7. I cant run.. or if I do, I'm tripping and falling all over. And I fight in my dreams but I can't ever land a punch or if I do its like I'm just smacking around. It's weird.
  8. Dude... I could make a veritable sheeze ton of money if I could produce drugs.
  9. it's easier just to judge than google. woohoo!
  10. Yes. In the same vein, can you run in your dreams? Or fight?
  11. from http://www.medicinenet.com/puberty/article.htm#when_does_puberty_occur
  12. Well at this point she's fairly early but still "normal."
  13. We've been discussing it since she was around 7. Got the American Girls "the care and keeping of you" book (on amazon for real cheap!) and she's read the cover slap off it. We have sit down talks about everything as much as we can, but yeah... I feel your pain. Hubs had a full on hormonal tween on his hands this morning. She was damned and determined to stay home. (I'm also pms'ing *snarl growl* so I guess we're just on the same wavelength.) Tell her M wears deodorant, too. She's not alone in the slightest
  14. Dude. Trader Joe's is the sheeze. And it's not outrageously priced. And if you tell them it's your first time, they give you stuff. And even ring a bell and Woo. it's cray.
  15. Would trader joe's have anything? East Cobb area?
  16. Norway, Germany, or Scotland for me.
  17. winner winner, chicken dinner.
  18. Yeah. If someone called my kid a nasty name and slapped her (and at 19 months old, wth?) I'd be screaming about it from every mountain top that I could climb. I garroonteee.
  19. I admit I didn't watch any of this when it happened, but I've read 2 pages and I'm still so lost. Dude drank some water on tv and who shot who in the what now?
  20. For dinner, my house shall have the flu
  21. haha! a woman died! Burned alive! With pictures! But it's so far away it doesn't affect us. Let's laugh at her expense.
  22. So they tried something new and missed the mark? Oh well. They'll know better next time, hopefully. I'm sure kids had a good time. At least they're trying new things. My oldest was Grooooooooounded so we didn't go
  23. Oh, and a recent one... 'shine bright like a diamond" I can't stand the way Rhianna sings that. :choke choke choke:
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIwrgAnx6Q8 the mother of misheards.
  25. Where are you going where they aren't considered extra cost?
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