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Everything posted by surepip

  1. Again, so much Mis-information. You will not get a case of the flu from a killed vaccine injected. That is a wives tale, and/or you got the flu before the vaccine had the opportunity to go to work. Inhaled weakened live vaccines can be a different story. If you don't want the vaccine because of side effect possibilities, so be it. But stop the horror stories which scare others away. Most, if not all are BS. This H1N1 was not "rushed" into production any more than any other seasonal vaccine. Generally the CDC, et al look at what they expect to see the next year based on what is
  2. Plain and simple....he calls in an antibiotic for you. It is the wrong one for what you actually have AND gives you and adverse reaction as a result. You then have severe side effects as a result. Your lawyer sues the doctor for 30% of what he can collect. We as a whole then pay that much more for seeing our doctor to cover your settlement. Any physician who prescribes antibiotics for an unknown illness over the phone for a patient they have not see in the past 30 days will end up spending most of their time in court. And I suppose you would be willing to pay him for writing your script ?
  3. So, so much misinformation. If this woman's dystonia was jump started by the vaccination she received, or not, will be virtually impossible to confirm. But the story is a bit misleading in the way the headline was worded. Anyone can get adverse reactions to just about anything, including Bayer aspirin. Most adverse reactions to the vaccines are from people who it turns out have allergenic problems with eggs. The vaccines are grown in fertile chicken eggs. What most are not understanding is how this H1N1 is indeed already in a pandemic and is projected to go epidemic dependi
  4. That was a tutu which TBAR for a charity fundraising event for the American Heart Association. Be Nice!
  5. He moved so damn fast it would have just been a blur!
  6. Old ThatBoyAintRight has not been seen much on P.com since the Godslinger Radical Right Posse took over the political forum. But I still see him at Rotary lunch on Tuesday and sit with him. He was sitting across from me today as today's speaker was announced. And this nice young man reaches down under the table at the head of the room, and removes a RATTLESNAKE from a large tupper ware container. I luckily ducked as TBAR easily cleared the table on his way to the door. Well not really cleared the table, but he certainly got from his seat to the exit door in less than
  7. The dollar is so weak against other currencies right now you will probably have to rule out leaving the country.
  8. I began my travels in Europe in my mid-20s, while working for German companies [no I don't speak it, only reasonable Spanish] and saw a great deal of Western Europe and Hungary, Poland and some of the Balkans, all business related. Spent more time in the mid-east than I care to remember, and lost of memorable trips through south america. After coming back from 5 or 6 weeks gone to the mid-east and some of Europe, MrsS put her foot down and stated she was going to start coming with me to make me do some tourist stuff instead of just visiting customers and trade conferences. We got HOO
  9. Tiki torch fuel should do fine. I have used kerosene in the past but the fragrance [?} can be kind of rough. You guys are tough though and should be able to take it. We spent a winter in Rabun county in a house we renovated on top of the mountain from Lakemont. We had a battle every morning as to whom would go down and light the kerosene heater. We were scared back then to sleep with it burning, but in an A frame cottage at 6:00am it could be down right knee knocking cold. I got to where I enjoyed that kerosene smell, knowing heat would follow.
  10. Just as an aside hijack, how do you explain the recent publications on autism births.....now at 1% of the population ? I guess it could be linked to the parents getting vaccinations, but according to the data if is not transferable as such. The number of austism related cases to vaccinations is so small it cannot be factored to a link to the vaccine. So where are these coming from ? My guess is Mickey Dees......................
  11. My siblings, the whole heard of them, assume I was wrongly brought home as a family member from the hospital at birth as I CANNOT swallow b e e r. Can't stand the taste. I can rinse my mouth out with it, but that is about it. er I just can't swallow it. They, on the other hand as a rule do not care for the grape nectar I enjoy. So we have a happy symbionic relationship accordingly. They drink their carbonated horse pee, and I drink properly fermented grape juice. Each to his own, accordingly, other wise known as whatever floats your boat. Saludos, Prost, Cheers, or whatever.
  12. We are going to have some wonderful burgers from ground london broil & ground ribeye fat. A really nice taste. Getting ready to do the low carb thing for awhile around here, so instead of buns, we will have cottage cheese, garden salad, last of the garden tomatoes and pickles, onions, etc. A mixed dry spanish red wine with some lambrusca added and served chilled.
  13. A point many seem to miss in discussions on H1N1novel is the plain and simple fact this is no ordinary run of the mill influenza. From past data collected over 50+ years, this virus should have disappeared entirely late last spring soon after it appeared. Instead it kept infecting in the Northern Hemisphere all summer and wrecked havoc in the Southern Hemisphere. This has never been seen before and has many of the scientists rattled as to how this could happen. It went from a localized outbreak to a pandemic in less time than we have ever encountered before with any virus, at a time
  14. Cute! Domestic fowl in confinement pass the flu back and forth, allowing it to mutate at a rate no laboratory can duplicate. It infects the intestinal tract and the respitory tract as well, so they can pass if back and forth by breathing and because turkeys and chickens will also peck at the fecal material on the sawdust. Each time another bird gets it they provide the mechanism for it to mutate. A turkey breeder flock in its prime is worth about $50 or more per bird, and will take 6+ months to replace assuming they can obtain new day old birds immedietly. It is no small matter for a co
  15. That is not just Kentucky. The vaccine is becoming available in batches. The initial doses are reserved for health care workers, and those most likely to have the worst effects from the virus. As more of the vaccine comes in, it will be available to anyone.
  16. No reason to be flippant. This particular H1N1novel has shown itself to be substantially different from the normal seasonal flu virus categories we deal with. And it should be quite understandable as to why the poultry industry is taking it so seriously. We have to kill flocks on a month in month out basis now if they show any antibodies to any form of the influenza. We cannot take the chance on any mutation. This one is not to be taken lightly. On the other hand, the more people who do get vaccinated, the fewer to be spreading it around in a fully contagious stage.
  17. Swine Flu, Avian Flu, and Human Flu are all Type A Influenza and are interchangeable. For one reason or another, the media has chosen to lable this H1N1novel a "Swine Flu". It is no more, or less dedicated to pigs than any other Type A Flu. There is great concern within the scientific community for the H1N1 though, and rightly so. H1N1 has been identified as having the same amino acid links as did the 1918 Spanish Flu. It has shown itself to be highly virulent. So far, it has remained a low-path version, and hopefully will stay that way. On the H5N1 Avian the poultry industry, a
  18. Here is the CDC link. CDC H1N1 link Hoshi's numbers for California seem high. Take note the these are for April through 2 weeks ago which is the general dormant time for Influenza here. 1200 deaths and 13,000 hospitalizations seems high seeing how we are just entering the typical flu season.
  19. The H1N1 novel has already shown itself to be an anomaly. It has remained active through out the warm weather season and will really rear up and become more prevalent when we hit cold weather. This is most unusual for any Type A influenza and rightly so, has the scientists watching it closely. It also has already shown the ability to pass from infected humans to domestic fowl in 2 separate turkey breeder houses in Chile last May. One of the workers in the turkeys barns infected the 5000 turkeys in each barn which had to be destroyed. Once unleashed on a confinement poultry house it will i
  20. Partially it will depend on the limits of the policy. A lawyer will get 25% to 30%, but will go after the max numbers of what the policy will pay. You are entitled to loss of use, pain and suffering, etc., up to the limits of the policy. If there is a $25,000 cap and you are already out $20,000 with what was detroyed, then take that into consideration before paying the attorney percentage. On the other hand, if they have $50,000 coverage, the by all means get an attorney. Since he will be working on a percentage he will try to get the maximum settlement. It can take forever to s
  21. This H1N1 is a nasty. It is very contagious, but seems not to be letal, then several deaths pop up from healthy young people. H1N1 was the root of the infamous Spanish Flu in 1918. This mutant is different, but of the same classification. It could turn very lethal overnight. The vaccines have been through standard testing. There will be some who have side effects, but compared to the illness rate, and deaths from this H1N1 to date, getting the shot is increasing your odds of not getting a debilitating case of the flu. I will get all the shots, and I carry tamiflu/relenze becau
  22. We spent many a long weekend in DC with the kids when they were young. I generally need to visit the Eastern Shore of Maryland with work once or twice a year, and DC is 9/10ths of the way there. We would arrive on Wenesday or Thursday evenings and stay at a very reasonably priced hotel in Roslynn, just across the Potomac, with a Metro stop 1/2 block away. From there we could get around DC with the Metro. I will always recall a beautiful Easter Sunday when we were there and walking Arlington, and came up on JFK's grave. Very moving. The Custis house on the top of the hill is a nice place t
  23. Surf & turf; Grilled skewered Jumbo Shrimp with a garlic lemon oil to baste, a 2" thick boneless RibEye, rare served with a bed of mixed garden greens radhichio, arugula and a basil/oregano/tomatoe/mozzarella ball salad with balsamic vinegar and a cote du rhone.
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