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Everything posted by surepip

  1. I believe that merits a Mortgage Burning Party. Congratulations!
  2. Nixing Sonny's Bass Fishing extravaganza in middle Georgia comes to mind right off the top of my head. It would be nice to see all of the state reps, senators, the governor and all of their staffs taking furlough days as well. Instead we stick to all the other lowly workers and teachers. There was PLENTY of other pork in the budget which could have been cut. But a backroom deal is a backroom deal sealed over a handshake and cigar.
  3. How about the eyesore communites of graded building lots covered in weeds ? It is so fun to drive down Palisades, with what used to be natural fields, woods, and a nice view all around. Now we have acres and acres of ragweed, etc. Our 2+ acres of front grass has to be mowed continually now to keep the weedseeds which blow in from all over from germinating and flowering. Not to mention the miles of half covered erosion fences. At least there are no abandoned houses.....yet.
  4. Roy and Boss Hogg Murphy gave us the homeowner's tax relief grant; Sonny and Glenn took it away.
  5. Please show me a link, and or the details of any revision to the speech. I have seen nothing posted anywhere showing the speech was changed, and specifically how anything was changed for political to non-political. I believe this would be one of those "Falsetruths", soon to be taken and accepted as Gospel Fact.
  6. You are not making any sense when you say it is a sale summit meeting, and then later you say it is just to be doing your job at that office ?!?!? When you hire on, you are epected to be available 8 to 5, or whatever.....where ever they want you. A traveling sales job, and an annual 2 day meeting are 2 completely different things. If they are willing to provide you with more training then you acquire more skills. I would assume it is at least a semi-decent job, and not running a cash register on your feet all day, so make arrangements for the kids and go with a good attitude. Otherwi
  7. Unless your job description specifcally says you NEVER have to travel, I would think training meetings are a part of the job. And, I would assume they are paying your expenses to travel, hotel, and food. To answer your question, no, I would say they cannot make you travel. But they also don't have to keep you in the job position either, and refusing to attend a work related meeting out of town would be pretty solid ground to dismiss you from the position. How secure do you feel in the job ?
  8. MrsSurepip still looks FINE in a short skirt and she is way over 50.
  9. You got the credit in the past and it reduced your total tax bill by $200 to $300. This year, no one got it and the tax bills went up as a direct result. Plus the greenspace/King Jerry TajMahal Administration complex bond. Plus I believe a small millage increase for the county as well.
  10. No, the homeowner's tax credit was a property tax relief [basically a rebate applied to your tax bill] provided by the state years back to offer some statewide relief. It was passed and renewed for a set period of time. By choosing to not renew it this year, Richardson and Perdue simply sat back and let it expire, increasing your tax bill by $200 to $300. Nothing to do with Homestead which is a county by county rebate.
  11. Send Speaker Glenn and Governor Sonny a thank you note for NOT renewing the Homeowners Tax Relief. This probably accounts for the single largest increase in your taxes this year as it jacks them up between $150 and $300. So even if your assessed value plummeted, you still had this increase in straight dollars of taxes owed.
  12. So then, what caused the autism as I described above in my geneology ? No vaccines then. And we saw 4% in 2 back to back generations. Then zero in the following 2 generations when we were those who were receving the vaccinations which supposedly were the cause we are now saying is the instigator for austism. Do we really have the numbers over successive generations to be able to say the vaccinations are the cause ? I don't think so, at least not in my family. We do not know for certain what causes it. In my family I went through the records and ruled out the other "normal"
  13. With various posts concerning autism, causes, both known and unknown, put your detective hat on and figure this one out. We had a large family reunion the end of June with the descendants of my grandfathers generations who were born and or grew up in Rome, Ga. at the turn of the 19th century. There were 9 original brothers and sisters. My Greatgrandfather died very young, at 48, leaving his widow with 7 children still living at home in grade school or high school. All 9 children graduated from college, and 7 received post graduate degrees. 2 became dentists, 3 became physicians. Both
  14. Yardwork will do more for your mind and your knowledge of swine flu.
  15. The video is full of BS, not to mention the half truths and sensationalism. I especially got a kick out of the insinuation this current H1N1 virus was man-made in a lab, making a mixture of flu strains from humans, pigs, and chickens. Hello ? ALL Type A Influenza virus strains are endemic to poultry, pigs, and humans. Human influenza originally came from early domesticated chickens and other yard fowl raised for food in close proximity to people. The receptors in the sinus and bronchial tissue where the virus has to "stick" in order to infect us are virtually identic
  16. I just noticed yesterday that Olga's in the Hiram Kroger/KMartha center was closed as well. Maybe these times will improve the quality and service of those food joints remaining.
  17. I also can catch it by just getting down wind. Round-Up will kill it, but it will take several applications. It is classified as a woody vine and is just hard to kill. I can spot it from a long way off, and know where to be on the lookout. It likes the edge of woody areas. I spray the perimeter of our woods continually, from early spring until fall. It will also grow up trees like other ivys the the stalk also has plenty of oil. In North Georgia, you will never be completely rid of it unless you spray every spring and summer. Tough stuff. Knock on wood, I have not had a r
  18. What is hamburger helper ? Take a close look at the package ingredients. Learn how to thicken a sauce without lumps, and what spices and herbs you like, and you can make your own for a fraction of the cost. When I notice the sour cream is about to turn green, we have strogonoff. Sour cream, parsley, paprika, and a bit of white wine will give you the same results as the packaged stuff. Learn to cook with oregano, thyme, rosemary, parsley, coriander, cumin, paprika, GARLIC, etc. and you can do the same as the packages putting in the twists your diners prefer. You can grow a sustai
  19. Can't say that I miss the coyotes. I used to shoot them from the upstairs deck as well as the tree rats with the fuzzy tails. There is one other natural nature show we get to watch from the back deck in the winter. We still have 100 feet or so of hardwoods behind the house, and then a graded road area the developer used to move dirt up the hill during the initial construction. Eventually it will be a road. On the other side of it is what is left of the old hardwood forest. If any of the forest critters want to enter our little 3 acre oasis, they have to come across this "No man's la
  20. Hence, go to CDC.gov, and WHO, and the other sites. Note that Obama and company have nothing directly to do with WHO. the World health Organization is pretty much independent. The H1N1 vaccine is NOT being rushed through testing. We are going to have to wait another 6 weeks while it is being tested. The primary purpose of those tests is to determine proper dosage. They have been ongoing in mostly Southern Hemisphere countries who have had a higher incidence of H1N1 because it is still in the tail end of their flu season [late winter below the equator]. Side effect, if there are any u
  21. I am really surprised the mass media has not picked up on this human to bird and human to pig contagiousness. All of my poultry related sites have it as well as WHO and the various international sites concerned with food production. Unlike our annual flu varieties, the world has not seen a flu with the lethal qualities of H5N1 since the 1918 Spanish worldwide panedemic. And we had no airtravel then. Seriously, for this bug, there is no cure, and to date when it has managed to infect a human, it is lethal most of the time. It corrupts the immune system causing your body to send out an army
  22. With the new subdivision going in, we are down to the tree rats with fuzzy tails [which I shoot whenever possible], hawks, and rabbits. We basically now are a 3 acre oasis on the edge of 150 acre desert. There are still woods to the west, but not anything to the South or East. The deer have apparently moved on. We used to see them close to the house on a daily basis, and the same for the turkeys. I miss watching the turkey hens grazing in the front yard with 30 or 40 poults [young turkeys] of various ages, herding them about. And this last spring is the first time we have not heard the to
  23. They are indeed bulking up getting ready to head south for the winter, and we have more this fall than we have seen in several years. We have a feeder at one end of our front porch, which is 30 long and covered. And we have another one at one end of our upstairs deck which is 32' and covered. I was sitting on the edge of a big long table on the front deck yesterday, petting the dog when 2 hummers started going at it in circles around my head. They must have done 25 or 30 laps as I quietly sat there. Chance, the dog, was watching them while doing her head around and around. I could fe
  24. Soapy, I have always preached to educate yourself and do what you feel is best for you and your family. My issue on this thread is the links and sites referenced and the twisted facts in the article quoted. The way the story is worded is to sensationalize something taken totally out of context. The sites are a bit on the "Anti-Anything-Obama" and are far, far less than truthful trying to make a standard medical information request into something sneaky and underhanded and insinuating the CDC knows full well there will be all kinds of awful neurological side effects and is warning
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