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Everything posted by surepip

  1. Come on guys, back off of all the paranoia. The CDC is asking all of its member head doctors to be on the lookout. You know, let us hear if you even think we have a side effect. Nowhere are there any statements even insinuation they are expecting anything. And the vaccine will not even be available for another month. This is alarmist false information twisted to be something it is not. Put your tin foil hat on and deal with it. There is nothing falling from the sky yet, but do make sure you are protected when indeed the sky does start falling as we all know it will.
  2. I have been out of pocket for the past few days with some health issues AND a down DSL. For those concerned, just what in the hell do you want them to do with the male chicks ? Do you want them ? In times past, they were simply conveyed out to the trash silo, and then transported, some alive and some dead, to a facility that dehydrates and grinds up the unhatched eggs, baby chicks, etc. and then it goes to the cat food and dog food companies. Over the past 10 years, all commercial hatcheries have spent the money to install macerators which meet the Humane Society standards for i
  3. As I stated, the generic fall flu vaccine will offer a broad immunity against what was expected. If it goes as expected, you will possibly still catch the flu, with a much less severe case. The H1N1 is a whole different story. It is specifically for that 1 strain and will offer a total immunity if you get it in sufficient time for your body to produce the necessary antibodies. 2 different scenarios entirely. Do your homework on the other strains out there which can easily recombine with the H1N1 to create a very deadly flu which a healthy person cannot and will not suppress. The
  4. Depending on the sophistication of the labs, other places can confirm an H1N1 infection, but it still goes to the CDC to be publicized and added to the data base. That is one of the reasons we have the CDC in the firstplace, as a cleaning house for data on all comminicable diseases. There will be many cases of H1N1 not detected becasue the patient was not specifically tested for it, and it may be too late to confirm if they actually had it, or were just exposed to it. It is a very, very contagious strain of flu, but not lethal at all unless you have a compromised immune system. It
  5. The Swine Flu Vaccine will have gone through all normal testing, as is done for any vaccine. Yes, it has been "rushed" into the trials as CDC and the other agencies involved generally have already decided by the beginning of the year what strains of virus they will use for the next fall's generic vaccine. This H1N1 strain did not show up until April, and it was the end of May before it was declared to be a pending panedemic so Yes, it was "rushed" into production. That terminology has to do with isolating the exact specific strain [now known as H1N1novel] to deliver to the vaccine product
  6. gog8tors, Thanks as well. This is pretty much the current situation. Other than as a worker in a poultry processing plant handling an infected bird which slipped through all the safety nets we have in place, you cannot catch the virus from handling or eating the meat. And every flock of chickens or turkeys which is killed and processed are serum tested for even just exposure to the virus, let alone having an active case. If they test positive they are destroyed and incinerated or composted. Again, you CANNOT catch the virus from the meat, chicken, turkey, or pigs; unlike bacte
  7. The annual generic flu vaccine is developed each year based on the most prevalent variety the CDC has the most evidence on hand to expect for next year. Depending on what variety ends up dominating, the shot may offer a limited protection [in that you will only get a mild case] to full coverage or even no coverage. They have found over the years though that any Type A innoculation will stimulate the immune system to form some antibodies. This vaccine is decided on in February/March/April and is in full production by the end of our summer. Much of their research for this will have come from wha
  8. Turned as in "STINKS" or turned as in color ? Oxygenation of the meat will make it turn off color. They pack it with Nitrogen to preserve the color and make it hard for anerobic bacteria [those that need oxygen] to thrive. When you hang a side or piece of beef properly, it gets realy gnarly looking. Trust your nose, not your eyes. You will be able to smell right of the bat if is has gone south.
  9. Don't know about ihave2dogs, but mine is in Biochemistry with 33 years of working with fertile chicken eggs and commercial chicken hatcheries and vaccine production sanitation. Once the egg goes into the lab to be incubated I am done. At the hatchery level, once a biddy goes into the delivery vehicle to go to the farm I am done. I have a patent on a machine used by commercial chicken [and turkey] breeder eggs to sanitize and disinfect them prior to incubation. I used to manufacture this machine at the North Industrial Park near the Sheriff's office but sold the manufacturing rights
  10. I am not being flippant, but with the first statement above you are showing your ignorance of how antibiotics work. Over use of antibiotics does not, and has not led to the superbugs which are resistant to various antibiotics. People who do not take their entire antibiotic dosage have created the resistant super bugs. Yes indeed, this is one our amature self healers have brought on themselves and the rest of the population. Dumbasses who do not follow their doctor's instructions and the lable on the bottle instructing them to take the entire bottle of pills. Every pill. And the d
  11. For your sake I certainly hope you never have an appendicidis, or need an arterial stint, or God-Forbid, develope Type II Diabetes and need insulin [which is full of all those same nasty perservatives but offers a maintained lifestyle with the arificial insulin]. And I hope you do not become a carrier of a devastating influenza, infecting those around you and not carrying if they get sick or not.
  12. When discussing the role of various Federal and State regulatory agencies, bear in mind why we have the USDA and FDA when it comes to our food, and drugs. Even with the agencies, there are still many greedy individuals who will stoop at nothing to make a buck. i.e.- Last year's Peanut contamination. The top management of the Peanut Corporation of America KNEW the product was contaminated and chose to ship it out anyway. I hope they put them in jail for a long, long time [they have been indicted]. I have been impressed over my 30+ years in the poultry industry how we as an industry ha
  13. A voice of reason and understanding. What I see here, from many otherwise intelligent and educated people is a great deal of misunderstanding and ignorance. And don't go flaming me, it is simply ignorance......not really knowing what a virus is, and how it attacks. Comments as to vaccinations having been the cause of weakening immune systems is an example of that ignorance. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to do its job prior to exposure of the virus. Childhood disease vaccines have done a wonderful job of reducing the severity of measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, small pox, an
  14. The H1N1 does not kill directly. It compromises the body's immune system allowing other causes of death such as pneummonia to be the actual smoking gun and cause of death. There are other varieties though, such as the H5N1 Avian flu which is still active in animal flocks and some human cases from Japan to Egypt which kills people by turning the immune system on itself. The young and healthy with the best immune systems die the fastest. The immune system goes haywire and starts attacking good cells instead of the virus. Death generally comes quickly and there is little the hospital c
  15. We are more than a mile and a half from Hiram High, and there used to be nothing but woods between us and them. And we could still hear them on game nights. Now, most of the trees are gone and the noise on Friday evenings is very much there. It does kind of step on enjoying the fall evenings on the porch. but then again, it is only for 5 or 6 games so it is not a big deal. We have 3+ acres, and as many of you know have been miserable since the developer came in and bulldozed us, and the surrounding 150 acres and are still getting used to the fact we have neighbors. One of them had a party
  16. I can't speak at all for beef and pork, but there is very, very little use of antibiotics in meat chicken. The breeders who produce the eggs for meat chickens will be given antibiotics if they develope a treatable bacterial infection and if the flock is to be processed as spent hens for human consumption they have a waiting time between providing the anitbiotics and when they are killed and processed. The PETA stories are for the most part BS as we cannot afford to treat flocks with antibiotics on a day in day out basis. It is much too expensive for what the chicken meat sells for. The breeder
  17. LPPT, Avian Influenza [Type A, which includes pigs and people as well] was not created in any lab. From what the virologists have been able to ascertain, domestication of poultry, raised in close proximity to people, and pigs opened the door for the natural mutation of this virus. It basically did not exist until about 2500 to 3000 years ago. As with virtually ALL viral diseases effecting mankind, it is becasue we domesticated wild animals and then lived very closely with them. It was not unusual up until the last 100 years to have your house and barn under 1 roof, and this is still co
  18. I wish this was true, but unfortunately human vaccine production in the USA is still years away from being able to produce for ourselves. Other than 1 facility which produces most of the childhood vaccines there were no other USA manufacturing facilities still operating 3 years ago. Bush "W" commited something like $4Billion 3 years ago to get the USA vaccine industry operating again. The majority of the flu vaccine will be imported. What is produced in the USA is by primarily foreign companies that had mothballed facilities here which have been cranked up again. The primary hold up
  19. With all of the misinformation concerning healthcare running around on the internet, I can't help but wonder the outcry from just the american public if we were to get a pandemic flu which was deadly [just 1 or 2% of those who contracted it] and infected at the current rate of the H1N1 if, our government had chosed to sit back and do nothing. The absolute condemnation of our leadership for allowing us to be subjected to a disease which killed at alarming rates and we had nothing to fight it with. The scenarios are very much, "What if", but they are none the less real. H1N1 is no
  20. Another Bureau of Misinformation video.....this is so absurd. Massachusettes HAS NOT PASSED ANY LEGISLATION MANDATING VACCINNATION!!! Yes, they have passed, or are considering a bill to give public health officials to mandate quarrantines of sick people. Remember Typhoid Mary ? Same deal here guys. And you can even have the flu, be symptomatic with no fever or other symptoms and still be shedding the virus and infecting others. Take your chances ? Sure, why not ? Play Russian Roulette while you are at it and hope the gun does not fire. The H1N1 is for real. The vide
  21. The generic flu shot, which should be available any time will be for the typical fall influenzas. It is not varietal specific and offers antibodies against what were to be the expected version of this year's malady. Then this H1N1 Swine Flu hit, at the wrong time of the year, and spread like wildfire, going from local to worldwide pandemic in a matter of weeks. As many cases as we have had here, and the rest of the Northern Hemisphere; the Southern Hemisphere has actually fared far, far worse as it winter time there is wrapping up now. As it gets colder here, and we move to more ind
  22. And we confirmed last week in Chile, that humans with the H1N1 can infect turkeys. Several weeks before, Australia confirmed several different cases where humans transmitted the disease to pigs as well. Humans, Pigs, and domesticate fowl [chickens, turkeys and ducks] all share an affliction for the same varieties of Type A Influenza. Now the virologists are getting very, very concerned that when the H1N1 re-emerges full force in the North Hemisphere [as it gets cooler and people tend to move indoors more to congregate, go to school etc] we will be looking at a strong possibility in
  23. It just seems people today do not understand what a horrific disease polio is and how it would strike down anyone. The atheletes, those who appeared to be in their prime, anyone. And it was not a fever, aches and pains, and some vomiting....and then you were well like a flu. Or a fever and lots of terribly irritating bumps like the chicken pox. Polio was very deadly, and if you lived, generally you spent the rest of your life in a wheel chair or crutches. And it is now virtually irradicated, until this past week. The college I attended in North Carolina had 4 or 5 single stor
  24. Your kind of attitude and ignorance is why WHO was using a live vaccine on a sugar cube as a method of vaccination to attempt to reach a 100% innoculation level. SmallPox has been erradicated as a disease found in Nature. It exists now only in a handful of laboratories around the world. Polio, up until the early 1960s was a mother's primary fear for her children. Hundreds of thousands were stricken down with the disease annually, normally in the summer throughout the world. Those of us who grew up during that time all knew other children who had the disease. If you survived the init
  25. Unless it has changed, if the bite is reported State law mandates quarrantine. Does not matter if the dog is up to date on vaccinations or not. Does not matter if he is in your fenced yard. It is truly unfortunate for totally innocent dogs protecting their own turf, but the law is written that way to make absolutely certain we don't get any rabies outbreak. The fact your dog was loose and not on your property does make you liable as well.
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