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Everything posted by katcol

  1. Your daughter needs to be hanging out with my daughter. Two peas in a pod. I wonder if Mom thought this through before going public with this story. Now he has a cool nickname and is much more popular, depending on how cool he is about it.
  2. I don't know, confronting them in the middle of a very public place might be the way to go for a teenager. I doubt that I would've stopped to consider all the ins and outs of it. I probably would've take a picture of them with my cell phone where they could see me. Then we would've had a chat about why they think they find themselves attracted to jail bait, the process that generally follows such encounters and how I tend to skip over that process when it comes to my daughter. Have a nice day, gentlemen. Thanks for the heads-up.
  3. Now if it looked like a desperate situation, I'd be the first to say fill 'er up. But that sounds a little hokey.
  4. Has he met Jessie Claire? Sorry, I am stupid when it comes to FB or I would've figured out how to message you. If he hasn't, please message me! You guys will know if he has met her.
  5. Damn. I had the day off and everything. Knew nothing about it.
  6. That was an easy segment for Cosby. So cute!
  7. Sooooo Cute! Are their eyes like cat eyes? Strange, I never noticed that.
  8. Thanks. Had to share.
  9. I doubt they did dna testing. Just going by what was put down in history. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet him personally. Sad face.
  10. What a pit mix is capable of
  11. I had settled on the ego-T. It works better than lots of others that I had tried. Just had to clean the atomizer once a week or so to keep it tasting right. Always have to have a back up atomizer on hand. Now I use the same batteries but with the T-2 or T-3 tanks that you can get replacement wicks for. Maintenance seems a little easier and it holds more juice, therefore lasts longer. Pubby, maybe you could hold a class on juice mixing. I'm so picky about my ejuice!
  12. You guys are hilarious. It went down the way it went down. We hardly ever answer our door unless we are expecting someone. We do not deal with sales, etc. unless it is a neighborhood child that we know. She may have been on the phone with the hubby as things were progressing to a needed 911 call. Hubby has called me before calling the popo. He wasn't asking permission. Mama did what she needed to do. Also, I noticed that they didn't report that he was shot in the back as he ran from the gun. So, had he immediately backed away from the situation he might've changed the end result.
  13. Could be that the teacher is first to be killed. Then again, the teacher in the next room could be pulling his/her weapon and end it before anyone else comes in contact with the thug. They don't expect to come out alive but I doubt they factor in the possibility of being engaged by anyone inside the school. It will be interesting to see if Texas ever has an issue, knowing that the teachers may be armed. Have they ever? These cowards are banking on powerless victims.
  14. I was thinking about that. They would most likely have to use a three point harness where it would be extremely difficult to get the gun out unless you had practiced with it. Then there is the burden of wearing that to school. It wouldn't have to be the principal. Just someone who works in the front office. Could be anyone who passes background checks, etc. I would think there would need to be some type of compensation for the additional liability. It would be interesting to see how the teachers in Texas have handled it. Haven't had time to look into it so I'm not sure if they jus
  15. Thanks. We wouldn't just throw a weapon in the hands of the teacher of the year, of course. We could have extensive background checks and psychological tests done on those that would sign up for the assignment. Unfortunately, I believe it should involve more pay, depending on what is required of the person responsible. They would most likely have to attend some form of a mandated deputy type schooling, to have that type of responsibility. If so, POST would require that they have a certain amount of education and firing qualifications each year. Therefore one might have to consider additi
  16. I didn't get through the President's entire speech so I don't know if he ever got his point across (what he wants to try). Has anyone considered keeping someone who's "packing" in the front office at all times? Doesn't have to be a resource officer, just someone who is trained to hit their target. I'm sure that's not the direction our pres. wants to go in but if he wants to stop tolerating these acts, seems to me you stop them at the front door. THAT would be NO TOLERENCE. They would have to be well trained in targeting and in knowing when you can actually engage use of force, but tha
  17. Don't worry about those who discount everything. It is what it is. You aren't trying to sell anything here. Wish I had learned how to tune in like you have. There are times when I just know things. Never when I need it for picking lotter numbers and such. However, it has saved my hide more than a few times.
  18. Oh yeah, I think that's what we were watching recently, about the Paulding Light. It was on a show like MythBusters but for the paranormal. They could not prove where the light was coming from.
  19. bh67....oh the things we should discuss! You are not crazy. You are probably very perceptive, at a minimum. Does anyone else in your family have similar experiences?
  20. Nope, that still makes her the person who kept her from getting hit by a car.
  21. So, does anyone have research handy on the results for other counties? I believe Cobb has at least one. I know for a fact that Douglas County has had a Charter School for years. A friend's VERY intelligent children have gone there since they opened their doors. Don't know if their teachers are certified, uncertified, etc., I just know that they are thriving beyond most. There is a waiting list to get into the school so it would seem that the public prefers to have the charter schools. Isn't that what it boils down to? What the public wants? If we've become so disfunctional, with ev
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