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Everything posted by katcol

  1. They didn't give many details. Other than the child was attacked and where.
  2. katcol


    Glad I'm not the only one who has those. Some folks are still not talking to me from one of my broken-filter days. Ahhhhh, the quiet.
  3. Is anyone close to them getting things together for them?
  4. I kept looking over my shoulder, trying not to do a double post. Whatcha gonna do....great minds. I was just out there today. My reg. dr's office is in the same complex. I saw this name and wondered if they would be more convenient for us. Not so much!
  5. Channel 2 did a story on patients getting taken for hundreds of thousands of dollars. These were clients of Lockerman Chiropractic in Hiram. Lockerman Chiro
  6. Thanks. I did call and it's over $3K if she made a team
  7. Whew! Thank you so much! Do you have any idea what the cost is on the competitive team? Also, is there a dance or cheer(s) they need to know? If so, is there a way to find out what they are? If you know...
  8. Can I tell you guys just how much it sucks that C4 is having tryouts this weekend? I had read somewhere that most places would be having them in late May. Our doubt dd would be ready by this weekend. Not that 2-3 weeks would magically get her past the mental part of her back handspring...that's basically what she's down to. She's just scared to do it on her own. I was just going to sign her up to do classes there but according to their website, it's $50 per class! Even if she only went once a week, that would be $200/month. Tell me this can't be right! Anyone here take classes at
  9. That's strange. DD's high school was going to be well over $1,000. Wonder why they are so different. Thanks for everyone's input. I'll contact C4 and see what they have to offer.
  10. Ok, DD would like to try out next year (high school) and needs some help becoming more experienced and confident. She is close to getting her back handspring but not completely there. I read that competition teams would be trying out in May. Is that correct? That would probably be what it would take for her to get the experience she needs. Do they even have teams for girls that havent' been in since age 2? She actually made the jr. high team but then they pulled sports out before she really had time to do much. She did not make try-outs for high school this year, of course. With no d
  11. Just takes a little time. Bought the stuff that is supposed to dry it up for some old paint. One dried up. The other didn't. The HD stuff will help it dry faster.
  12. The congratulations goes to our unrelenting troops, no matter who is signing the paperwork!
  13. Didn't bother to see page 2...oops.
  14. So sorry to know that your family has suffered so much from the actions of this demon.
  15. Edited because I hadn't had coffee yet.....why do I let myself get on here before my coffee kicks in?
  16. We've had wind and distant thunder. Nothing more. Yet the lights have been flickering here in the southernmost part of the county. Anyone having power issues?
  17. Same here. If I didn't invite you and you didn't call ahead for reservations, we're closed. Maybe we should do the reverse thing. "Give me your address and I'll drop in on you unexpectedly, whenever I feel like it, at your home, and you can drop whatever it is you're doing so that we can talk then.
  18. head_banger36: Sounds like your heart is in the right place. I tend to seek out the good in fellow humans, too....still (I'm much older). I would just ask that you consider the fact that you are Juliette's only hope. I pray that you will seek out what is the best for JULIETTE and that something better will be brought your way. You have made the decision to be there for Juliette. Supporting this person is not your priority nor is it your responsibility. Support him all you want, just not at the expense of an already abused and neglected soul. She deserves better.
  19. Prayers for your daughter and your family. I would think Scottish Rite would've been the best route for her at this point but hopefully today's appointment will make a difference. If they put you off and she needs the ER again, I'd head straight to Scottish Rite, preferably with her records in hand.
  20. Sounds like there needs to be an all out Bentwater watch put on this guy. You guys should not let up!!!
  21. It's the condensor in the outside a/c unit. There is a hole in the aluminum that's pretty large - bigger than a baseball.
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