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Everything posted by katcol

  1. Thank God everyone stopped to assist this little girl. Mom or Dad would have to be close to death to excuse that. I know things happen with children but that one should be inexcusable. It will be interesting to learn how defax handles this. Hey, isn't it about time we applied the "three strikes, you're out" philosophy to parents who endanger their children? The one time, bizarre, freak accident....mmmmm...maybe. But if you get up to three life endangering incidents? Children have been forced out of the parents' home for lesser offenses. Obviously the child would have to live thro
  2. Call asap! If you are having a reaction it could get worse. Some reactions can eventually cause trouble with breathing. You must be very allergic to get a reaction so quickly...assuming that's what it is.
  3. I can't agree with taking the nurses out. Are you kidding me? One nurse for close to 1,000 kids (and adults for that matter)? If we can pay a regular staffer to dole out meds as if they knew what they were doing then we can easily pay a nurse to do it instead. What if a child's heart were to stop? Even if there is a defibrillator, would anyone other than the nurse know how to use it? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Worth it? Also, our nurse has to monitor one severely diabetic child that I know of. There may be more. So, we're fine letting the least occupied person in the office fi
  4. I was on the phone with my mom and she said more than six police cars have come flying by, then a firetruck and more officers. Anyone have any info?
  5. We'll live either way. I'll bet it would be big numbers though...the amount saved.
  6. Whether it's Friday or Monday, saves money and I wish our board would look at this option! Our families are having to make drastic life decisions to deal with our end of things. Higher taxes are not the answer! Looks like lots of places are making changes to alleviate so much pressure on the taxpayers. I have to agree about the 5 year olds, maybe 6 year olds. The day is too long for some of them already. Maybe they would consider split shifts for kindergarten. I know, I know....it doesn't provide child care all day. That's not really what it's for though.
  7. Times is hard. Even the birds are having to lean on each other I've never seen them in a flock before either. Odd.
  8. Tim Burton, JDepp and Helena. Can't wait to see it. The story is meant to be wacky. Maybe these three can finally do it justice.
  9. Hey, how'd you get the French puctuations on your keyboard?...accent circumflex?, etc.?
  10. Yup. He's a huge sweatheart! 176lbs of sweatheart! He was a scraggly rescue...skin and bones, no hair, skin infections, etc. Look how far he's come!
  11. That's horrible. I didn't think they had a national guard. It's a shame. There must be some way to turn this around. Surely other governments/people have had to face something similar. Prayers for the ones caught up in this!
  12. True that! Sorry they made a mess, though.
  13. Too bad they can't just call in a national guard and shut it down. I'm sure it's not that easy. Sounds horrific.
  14. You made an excelent point. Early release....that would seem the most likely thing to go to make up missed time. Why would no one think of that? What purpose does it serve...allow the teacher to meet with parents? Surely this is over done anyway. The ones who need to meet with the teacher should be able to make that happen without calling school for the day. Maybe if the classrooms were not over populated..
  15. We're sorry. That would be entirely too convenient for everyone.
  16. Agreed. Had I gotten reports of any bad roads, mine would've been home, at least for another two hours. I think whoever decides for the county gov't buildings made the call early on but the BOE likes to wait it out. BOE being a different entity, they made a different decision. I'm still toying with the idea of letting mine stay home for awhile. I have about 1 minute left to decide... Any bus drivers back yet? I value your opinions more than anything else.
  17. Guess I'll go drag them out of bed. Just wanted to make sure. Our board is doing a good job but that doesn't mean they dictate everything for our kids when safety could be a concern. Thanks for making me feel better.
  18. Ready and willing. Even the very hot natured are ready to make up time lost with the sun!
  19. However, we are in a subdivision. Anyone else considering keeping their children home for an hour or two...until the sun has at least a little time with the roads? Are all the roads (other than the one in front of our house ) completely dry and safe out there? I know the bus just came by. I held my breath for her.
  20. Too bad we're not on that four-day week plan. Then they could've just shifted their day off or just add a couple of Fridays and everybody would stop trippin'.
  21. BIL just called saying that he was in craigslist when he got stuck and virus warnings. When he went back on with my sister's computer it did the same thing. Now both pc's are fried for the time being. Just thought I'd warn others.
  22. Seriously? It is official. They can do no right. I don't always agree with them but if you cancel school due to the sporatic and unreliable weather reports, you're wrong. If you make the call but a little too late, you're wrong. If you watch and make the call according to what you are seeing and not wanting a repeat of a dangerous situation...wrong. I have to say....they did every single thing right today. Even though they called the time, they still listened to the concerns of parents throughout the county and made an another adjustment on the fly. Personally, I could not ask for
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