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Everything posted by jlewi

  1. How about not waiting till the last day to get your tags. Not rocket science.
  2. Your cereal bowls? or bowels
  3. It was a woman manager.It started in the restaurant.
  4. Hook your phone to your computer and down load to your pictures.
  5. The boyfriend doesn't seem to broken up when doing the interview. Probably the girlfriend caught him with the other women and they were really fighting and she charged her and they both went through the window.
  6. I'm pretty sure it would go thru the firewall and run down the frame rail.
  7. The reporter he banned wasn't the one that did the story on Deal.
  8. I sometimes say "Thank you for thanking me"
  9. I thought the idea of having the farmers market in downtown Hiram was to help the businesses there also. People would buy produce and visit the Merchants downtown.
  10. Check out angel flight. I think they provide free medical transport. http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7kNNka9NUHQASSFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1OXZsb2gzBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA1ZJUDA1OV8xNDk-/SIG=11btg8c2j/EXP=1303373229/**http%3a//angelflight.com/
  11. Too bad they didn't have a sniper shoot the scumbag in the house before he came out. All those "hostages" were probably partying with him the whole time. Yea he was such a "good" guy.
  12. yea don't worry about the kids -just about putting something in the mail box!
  13. It will be the guy next to him
  14. Maybe the first one was for the railroad crossing. I know they have been working on the crossings from Powder Springs to Hiram this week.
  15. I got a call from Code Red about the severe weather at 1:50 AM
  16. I think ATT has the I phone 3GS for $49. Thought I heard it in a commerical.
  17. I got the idea from the OP's post that it was purchased in school
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