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Everything posted by JYD

  1. W/M on Dallas Hwy. refused to look at my SIL's flat because They said that they weren't the factory sizes. It turned out it was a cut valve stem.
  2. Troup Farms on Hwy. 381 used to.
  3. W/M has a small mesh laundry bag that works great.
  4. Our business IT department just sent this oit company wide. They too agree that our virus protection won't work on it.
  5. Roy Rogers, Gene Autry,Lone Ranger These were real cowboys.
  6. Parsons upholstery used to be in downtown Hiram. I have not used him or his son in a number of years but they did great work for us.
  7. They neglected to say that the undertaker took a week to get the smile off his face.
  8. If you are reading this and able to reply than you should say thanks to a teacher.
  9. So we should either do what they want or ignore them. We lose to many good officers from them responding to stuff like this.BUT that is just this one persons thoughts.
  10. The mattress place by K-Mart sells single pieces.
  11. Where on Brownsville Road are they located at. Maybe Coach went there.
  12. I have found that Gorilla glue makes a great wood glue that I have used for a similiar repair.
  13. My neighbor used the long tent stakes thru the holes in the bottom legs.
  14. Also according to my SIL, you get a discount on your insurance.
  15. Subby GO,GO,GO have a great visit. Prayers were answered.
  16. Well hello RRR. We don't hear from you alot anymore or not like we used too.
  17. Both of these are good. A good friend used both when their daughter got married.They were very happy. I do know that the Sleep Inn is under new management and very strict. Therefore no drugs or prossies.
  18. JYD

    Miss Jessie

    Has anyone saw her recently or know her status. I live near her and haven't saw her in over a month. Has her health got worse?
  19. JYD

    Thank you

    Heather, You have been strong as long as we have known you. Hold your head high.
  20. My girls went there with no problems. They played in the band under Ray Webb no problems. Mr. Wilcox was at PCHS when my girls went there and they loved him. Craig was at the alternative school when it got shut down but I heard that he had turned it around.
  21. Try the non emergency number for the PCSO. It is 770-445-2117
  22. Parents will allow kids to do a lot. My 13 yr old neice wants a piercing. i told my daughter that she was crazy if she allowed it.
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