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Everything posted by DomesticViolenceByProxy

  1. Just a little confused on how things work. Let me see if I got this right... Democrat is in office - Democrats are corrupt Republican is in office - Democrats are corrupt Republican is in office - Republicans are corrupt Republican is in office - BOTH PARTIES ARE CORRUPT
  2. [sarcasm]Sounds like a pity party to me. Any qualified attorney had every opportunity to qualify to run and chose not to. May be they should have qualified and then withdrew if they didn't want to step on any toes. They made a personal choice to not make waves and conform with the status quo.[/sarcasm]
  3. [sarcasm]Sounds like sour grapes because something didn't go y'alls' way.[/sarcasm]
  4. Does this mean you get to say just about anything and you won't get a bullet? There's a lot I'd like to get off my chest. Unless it gets screenshot, I guess you won't have to worry about compliance with any subpoena either. In all seriousness this is about as far as I'll be going to test your disintegrating posts theory. This post will self-destruct upon server change over.
  5. Depends on the person I'd say. When I was in court last year I was concerned that there weren't enough fire extinguishers in the courthouse. I could have sworn the opposing attorney's pants were smoldering. I was sure they would burst into flames at any moment. I've been going over the transcript for my book and some of her statements definitely account for the smokey smell I experienced.
  6. Generally speaking, I think I'd take the word of someone with supporting documentation over the person who is an acquaintance. You don't make allegations against an attorney unless you can back it up. Besides, you really don't know a person unless you've lived with them or worked intimately in some way behind closed doors. Like The Postman says, backstabbers don't brandish the knife when you're face to face. The devil doesn't come wearing a red cape and horns. He's all smiles and wearing a suit. I think it is important to remember that it is the voters/tax payers that fund the checks
  7. This is an article about parental alienation by Wendy Archer that discusses social media in regards to parental alienation. SHOULD TARGET PARENTS USE SOCIAL MEDIA? November 9, 2013 at 10:19am Do you know a child or young adult who is alienated from one of their parents? If so, are you "friends" with the parent who has a relationship with the alienated child or young adult also known as the favored parent? Does this favored parent say to you "The reason *child's name* doesn't talk to *other parent* is because *other parent* posts about them and posts about parental alienation on soci
  8. This is an article about parental alienation by Wendy Archer that discusses social media in regards to parental alienation. SHOULD TARGET PARENTS USE SOCIAL MEDIA? November 9, 2013 at 10:19am Do you know a child or young adult who is alienated from one of their parents? If so, are you "friends" with the parent who has a relationship with the alienated child or young adult also known as the favored parent? Does this favored parent say to you "The reason *child's name* doesn't talk to *other parent* is because *other parent* posts about them and posts about parental alienation on soci
  9. This is a really good piece by a mom that has been a survivor of two sides of domestic violence by proxy. It is well worth the read. "No matter how educated judges and others involved in family court become when it comes to Parental Alienation, some individuals still won’t do the right thing, and even if they do alienators will still succeed somewhat in their manipulation of the system and kids. No matter what, it is in the best interest of any victim to have the power to put a name to what is happening to them and helping them realize it’s not that something is wrong with them." http://m
  10. Social media is an incredible resource. For years I had nothing to do with it. There is no denying that data mining is abused. However if you have a message or information to disseminate you can reach and educate many people at little or no cost. Targeting an audience, expanding it or even finding one. Years ago, a good newspaper circulation was reaching 50,000 readers. We do that with little effort or expense, reaching a global audience. I'm sure Pubby could say with far better clarity, precisely what a good readership was. When your message is powerful you can change the world. Just
  11. If Ray Charles calls anyone, I advise you not to take the call.
  12. Have you researched the company to see if anyone else has had similar problems/complaints in other counties/states or federal court? Have you checked other areas served by the company to see if anyone else has brought a suit against the company? I know Cobb county allows you to search their court records online http://www.cobbsuperiorcourtclerk.org/courts/. You have to install a small plug-in and use internet explorer. For more recent cases, you may have to go to the courthouse. It may seem like silly questions but sometimes we get so busy and overwhelmed with our own situation that we overloo
  13. I see your PufNStuf and raise you Sigmund and the Sea Monsters and New Zoo Review http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXZ3pOBX6Johttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwJQ6G7Z_II
  14. Upload your documents to scribd.com. You'll have to create an account. Once you upload them you can provide a brief description and you can password protect them, charge fees to view some docs to raise "donations", share them to other sites and email links to interested parties. You can also make them private or public as you please.
  15. If they have not exhausted their financial resources, I would definitely take this to federal court. There is a reason why some people fight so hard for state's rights and they aren't all good. The minute I had confirmation that I was throwing good money after bad I requested my former attorney withdraw and started making changes. “You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better.” ― Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life
  16. Thank you for speaking out. When you stand up for your rights, it gives others the strength to stand up for their rights. If there is anything I can do to help you please contact me. If you need help scouring through documents or building a database I will do that. Many people don't understand the legal land mines you have to navigate even when the truth is on your side. Legal professionals and powerful people can bury you in legal paperwork and legal expenses that make fighting for your rights cost prohibitive and overwhelming. My name is Gil Freeman and in my opinion, my children have be
  17. Not to mention if they runaway and commit a crime at 17, you are liable for damages.
  18. Good advice, I will heed it by not engaging further.
  19. I said I don't like you or anyone else that tries to speculate without any factual basis. Disliking you doesn't equate to hating you. I wouldn't even go so far as to say I have a problem with you. I don't often initiate ugly tirades I address things as they come. However in this instance I may have so I apologize if you think my comment was unnecessary. I'm a big boy. I've dealt with henchmen/enablers/FMs before so I don't fear hearing from them. I have no use for them myself so I don't encourage them but if it makes you feel better.
  20. I try to live by the words of Mother Teresa, but so far I have fallen short: I try anyway. "Perfection eludes us all." “If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives: Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies: Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank people will try to cheat you: Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight: Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous of you: Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten by tomorrow: Do
  21. Anyone who questions my integrity and motives solely on speculation without any factual basis, I dislike. I have no problem with criticism if it is supported with facts. I am just as blunt and direct as she is and some of you only have a problem with it when I express it. When she does so, you give her a pass. You cannot please everyone and I will not try. Selective outrage is hypocrisy and that flies all over you too.
  22. It's a typo. I didn't ask Pubby to fix it and since I did 1 name change in 365 days I can't fix it for a while. Nice to know I was on your mind . BTW, I help a lot of people believe it or not. I had an incident with someone the other day that wanted to harm themselves (not suicidal). I wasn't sure how to approach this person so I spoke to them and used part of your bit about harming yourself being a choice and that if the person succeeded everyone else will be able to sleep at night knowing it was a personal choice. It connected with this person and I think it helped them. Good for you bec
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