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Everything posted by DomesticViolenceByProxy

  1. The concerns you raise are legitimate. The women's group NOW says parental alienation doesn't exist and highlights your concerns as occurring now. I have a friend that says government has only two responses, no reaction and overreaction. Right now, the pendulum has swung toward false allegations of some form of abuse and or addiction, Did you know Governor Deal declared 4/25/13 Parental Alienation Awareness Day. Actually that entire week was awareness week. Another thing you may want to look up is Title V funding and Title IV-D funding, connect the dots and decide for yourself.
  2. I haven't really crunched the numbers myself, yet. But a friend sent me this in an email.
  3. We don't speak at all unless there are witnesses, the conversation is recorded or in text/email. I have hundreds of recorded conversations and one of my kids has nearly a dozen. The court is frequently uninterested in "ancillary" evidence as apparently the GAL in my case was. I don't seek pitty. I have an excellent support group and family around us. I fear for my child that is still subjected to mental/emotional abuse that she works to appease her "captor". Much like someone in a cult or as mentioned previously, stockholm syndrome. I raise awareness so others don't have to experience this
  4. I really can't discuss my case at this time, however I am writing a book. I wouldn't have the time to convince you of what goes on in courts locally and globally. I can only say you should better educate yourself on parental alienation. As divorce rates increase and the number of blended families increase so do the extreme situations that are rapidly becoming the norm. I would suggest you read the book "Divorce Poison" by Dr. Richard Warshak. The problem is people discount the problem until one day we all wake up to the normalization of the extreme. I can share many more stories with you.
  5. If the shoe were on the other foot and the mother was obstructed from seeing her child while paying child support, would you say that she should suck it up and wait for a relationship with her children later in life? There are two sides to every story and sometimes three. Parental alienation is not a normal situation so taking the high road doesn't always work. Especially when dealing with a high conflict ex. Sometimes it takes a village to raise a child and you must use that village to save the child from a personality disordered ex because Axis II parent more often than not means Axis II
  6. When they donate it comes with a lot of fanfare and often posthumously. How often do they do it without recognition? Without something being erected or named after them?
  7. It's definitely better but there is still work to be done. It's not only an issue of money, it's an issue of parenting time and alienation just for the sake of being vindictive. Not only am I alienated from my child but siblings have been alienated. Can you imagine growing up without an entire side of your family? Alienation affects siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, family friends.
  8. Absolutely and it's time this issue is brought to the forefront to raise awareness. What's worse is it has split my children. The children that are grown and side with Dad are no longer allowed to visit or associate with their youngest sibling. When their mother and I are dead and gone, all these kids will have is each other. Edited to include: BTW, I'm one of the older siblings answering for my dad.
  9. Raising awareness IS working to get laws changed. Alienation is not gender specific. Mothers are alienated just like fathers. I'm not saying deadbeatPARENTS don't exist. Deadbeats don't commit suicide they run from death as much as they run from responsibility.. "In reality the world is as full of bad mothers as it is of bad fathers, and it is not the motherless children who become delinquent but the fatherless ones." Louis de Bernieres
  10. The difference is these are the men that are trying to support their children and that are being alienated from them. Men all over the world pay child support for children that they later learn are not theirs. They go to jail for failing to pay that child support and they are not allowed to see the children they are paying for whether they are theirs or not. Women who don't pay child support don't go to jail. Women who alienate their kids from the father don't have any consequences. Better than 50% of marriages end up in divorce. This means you or yours may be in this position one day. 40%
  11. What creeps me out is the children left in the hands of abusive parents with personality disorders and the parents that are alienated from their kids through false allegations to the extent they lose all hope of having a loving relationship with their child(ren).
  12. That is not including marital debts prior to the divorce or his living expenses; groceries, mortgage/rent, car payment, etc.. Your creditors could careless if you now have child support. They still expect payment because they don't want their living standards to decrease either.
  13. That is applying 20th century logic in the 21st century. 25% more women than men graduate college and the gap is growing. Women are breadwinners in better than 40% of households and women are gaining. With numbers like that, women should not be awarded custody 90% of the time. The world is changing it's time fathers become more than a cs check. In the 20th century men were far less involved with child rearing than they are today. Reality is that change happens in life and children are not exempt to these changes. You don't want the child to live in poverty but there may be some sacrifices that
  14. How does he do that from a jail cell for contempt for felony child support evasion? When the wife withholds visitation, she gets a finger wave and a warning. That's a deterrent, let me tell you. We don't know if she didn't lose her job too. If she does she gets gooberment assistance from any number of gooberment programs to help with the kids. He gets thrown back in jail.
  15. I guess you can't reach everyone. That's just a fact. It's easy to be critical of someone whose shoes you have not walked. I don't condone harming yourself or anyone else, however, I think the cowardly way would have been for him to act far worse than he did. There is never a perfect time but "Dear John letters" when you are in harms way is a cowardly act. As if you aren't under enough duress.
  16. If he cannot - find work - cannot support himself - cannot pay child support How does he suck it up and fight for his kids? Women have pro bono attorneys and federal assistance programs. Men do not. If he is jailed for failing to pay his child support after exhausting his pension, what money does he use to hire a lawyer? Didn't she also pick him? The pendulum has swung from misogyny to misandry. I for one can tell you first hand the truth cannot prevail if you can't afford to reveal it. Now I wouldn't harm myself or anyone else but frequently the spouse or the children are har
  17. That is heartbreaking. There is an obvious need for family law reform when courts play the part of bystander (enabler) to a high conflict parent. When dealing with a hostile aggressive parent that practices pathogenic parenting, sometimes it does more harm to the child not to engage the parent. Which is not to say denigrate the parent in front of the child. I hope this behavior is being documented thoroughly. Keep your nephew around others that see your brother in a positive light so he sees the good in his dad. Show him where to look without telling him what to see to develop his critical thi
  18. Well said, you obviously have had direct experience with such a person or persons.
  19. I agree but when they do realize that there are consequences, as with any sociopath, they alter their behavior to "save face". Appearances and image matter to sociopaths.
  20. You are correct on all counts. Pathogenic parenting is not gender specific. Unfortunately, the hostile aggressive parent often has a behavioral disorder so they can't help themselves and cannot grow up. Whether borderline personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder, the alienating parent will continue if there are no consequences for their behavior.
  21. You didn't do it in front of the kids or tell them and complain about did you?
  22. This will take at least 20 minutes of your time but you may learn a lot about yourself or someone you know. Do you denigrate the other parent within earshot of your children? http://www.hostile-a...g_HAP_step1.asp
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