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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. Treatment for bone cancer that involves medical marijuana. My link It cost more to house this prisoner than it does to send him to Princeton University.... - Jamie
  2. The Cobb Galleria "exceeded budgeted revenue and profit..." Cobb Galleria - Annual Report - Jamie
  3. You are understanding that correctly. The Marietta Conference Center was a losing proposition for the city and tax payers. - Jamie
  4. Why would anyone book a conference in Paulding County?
  5. My daughter has one....Doesn't even play with it. - Jamie
  6. I have a friend who had a trailer and 3 ATVs stolen in the same area. I'll have to forward your picture.
  7. You have to fall into a legitimate grievance group to get subsidized media time. - Jamie
  8. That is ridiculous. A "token" adopted baby. Honestly, I wouldn't have been surprised to have seen it posted here. - Jamie
  9. Where country is heading.... - Jamie
  10. LOL...I was thinking of George Burns... George Burns Jack Lemmon John Wayne Nell Carter Edward Bernays
  11. Maybe, but more likely that local regulators would say the building materials aren't code.... so a use and occupancy certificate can't be issued OR the EPA would say you must use non-BPA bottles and fine you. That is inspirational LTTP from a recycling standpoint and housing. - Jamie
  12. Wow.... 72% of the those polled now say that Big Government is the greatest threat in the future. There has been an incremental increase in those believing that government posed the greatest threat over the last 50 years, but there was this dramatic drop right after 9/11 followed by some of the largest privacy intrusions thus far for the sake of security. Now with NSA spying in the news and the negative perception of the ACA, the shift is moving back away from Big Government. Interesting to see how the messaging changes for some platforms or ramps up for other in the upcoming elec
  13. Here are the commments that are suppose to be viewed as racist: - Jamie
  14. The story has evolved a little. I would like to add the following: Roy Barnes is testifying in defense of Balfour Ethics charges were brought by two citizens. One of those being the co-founder of the Atlanta Tea Party Patriots. - Jamie
  15. There was some indication from one of the commentators on Good Morning, that something was said about the black community as well??? Anyone hear that? I've watched the show it's wholesome goofy entertainment. A nice change from everything that is wrong with entertainment. I knew once the show became popular there would be a incessant need to isolate and tear down the message being promoted. Anything off message and making headway against popular trends must be demonized. Send in the "Wrecking Ball"...I'm only 35, but yet I'm starting to sound like an old-fogie. - Jamie
  16. Its getting to be where the bottom 99% can't afford food, those damn farmers are in the top 1%. Lets get them to. - Jamie
  17. I wasn't referring to you, but apparently it may apply to you as well. I thinks me smell a troll. - Jamie
  18. Wow...Somebody's mama didn't either whip their ass enough or just didn't teach them manners. - Jamie
  19. That is a great message. Just add children letting their parents run their lives for them..... - Jamie
  20. Koch or Big Oil are behind this.... Let me go find a graph. - Jamie
  21. As long as all the vendors who setup don't have the same last name, I'm okay with going commercial. - Jamie
  22. Can you imagine this photo being taken today in a public school? Hell a charter school and the world would end. In 1956, kids were taught gun safety in school. Given the importance of firearms in our society, perhaps it would be wise to bring it back. Yeah, I know.... It would be taking a step back from banning firearms, but it may save a childs life. Time Magazine 1956 http://timelifeblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/06_113218219.jpg - Jamie replacement picture
  23. With all the technology we have today, why do security cameras provide the worse pictures? Judging by the photo that could have been me. - Jamie
  24. I believe the allegation could be that the acts of violence will sometimes be rationalized by the left in order to highlight the social implications that created the perpetrator who is also defined as a victim....OR it could be that felons tend to lean, to the left. Yes, I'm trolling... - Jamie
  25. LOL... Gregory: You said back in 2009 that the house wouldn't catch on fire. When there was a debate about the house catching on fire you dismissed it and stated that we have to pass the house burning bill in order to read it. Pelosi: (Staring with a blank expression)Yes, and it didn't. Gregory: The president has admitted that the house is on fire and has apologized. Do you stand by your statements? Pelosi: Yes, the house isn't burning. Well it is burning, but your gonna like it in the end after it stops burning. Gregory: We will? Pelosi: Yes, It will be more airy with a 360
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