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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. LOL.... It is non-controversial, just as the odds of dying in a plane crash considerably drops if you never get on a plane. Statistically where does owning a firearm place the odds of dying by a gun (provided you’re not in Chicago) as compared to dying on a bicycle or drowning in a 5 gallon bucket? If you bring medication into your home, the risk that you will overdose, someone will become addicted, or a kid/pet will ingest increase dramatically. I would like an unbiased opinion from one of these doctors on that one…….. Hell, you’re more likely to be killed by modern medicine than by a
  2. As I recall Obama and company had quite a few ethical issues concerning campaign finances. Another issue just popped up within the last 2-3 days concerning an appointee drumming ups "Hope and Change" dollars while on the job. All are dismissed as human error, technical issue or something similar. Technically, Jason Carter started off his campaign with an ethical issue, which was raising campaign funds while the Georgia General Assembly was in session. I don't care for Deal, but Carter is just on a political witch-hunt at the expense of the Georgia Tax payers. - Jamie
  3. [sigtube] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Za_SkMa0s&feature=player_embedded [/sigtube] Dem Congressman Henry Cuellar provides his thoughts about the President's visit to TX. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Za_SkMa0s&feature=player_embedded - Jamie
  4. Someone please explain how the scenario shows the creeping in of fascism? A NEW Law is passed (creeped in) that infringes upon the rights of an employer. Court rules that the law infringed upon the rights of the employer. Screw critical thinking...Just run with it. - Jamie
  5. I read the article....Did you? The following quote is specifically labled as "slut shaming" I was expecting something a little more expletive. No "F" bombs or even the use of the word "slut" in any of the quotes provided by the writer. The quotes are in fact tame/respectful if you've read what's happening on the otherside of the divide. - Jamie
  6. We can partially thank progressive social engineering and academia for emasculating men. Its wrong to teach a boy how to be a man. There are no misogynist gender roles such a protector and children no longer need a father. - Jamie
  7. You are correct. They are against all abortifacients. - Jamie
  8. Hobby Lobby only objects to the mandate requiring companies to provide access to emergency contraception like the morning-after pill, which is essentially termination. Evangelicals aren't typically against contraception. - Jamie
  9. 1st quarter was deeply impacted by the weather. The U.S.economy had to write off billions in losses. Nothing indicates that the 2nd quarter will reflect negative growth. - Jamie
  10. Everyone realizes this is a republican run-off? Just checking... Thad Cochran is a pasty old Republican cracker, the establishment, that's been in the senate since the 70s. - Jamie
  11. “Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of state education. Then the socialists say that we are opposed to any education. We object to a state religion. Then the socialists say that we want no religion at all. We object to a state-enforced equality. Then they say that we are against equality. And so on, and so on. It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not
  12. The Huffington Post had an article that placed the Educational spending percentage of GDP at 7.3% based on 2010 data. I would find it hard to believe it dropped 6% under the current administration, but that is neither here nor there. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/oecd-education-report_n_3496875.html My concern is that we are spending more more on education that any other country in the world and getting subpar results. - Jamie
  13. My mother-n-law's step dad retired from the Princeton University Plasma Physics Lab and never graduated highschool.... - Jamie
  14. Interesting....California has some of the highest taxes, but also ranked highest with those in poverty. Maybe we need to rethink this poverty thing and how to deal with it.
  15. I've trout fished all my life, but I've never thought or heard of anyone using marshmellows. It obviously works, lol. - Jamie
  16. Summer is upon us and the program that I enroll my children into is advising there isn't enough participation so it may be canceled. Do you folks have any suggestions? I had them in the Oak Grove Montessori summer program so it’s somewhat educational while having summer fun. My mother-n-law suggested the YMCA. Does anyone like their program? I'm looking for something to cover 5 days 8-5 kinda thing. - Jamie
  17. Is the city of Dallas friendly to new businesses/old businesses in the square?
  18. These charts were better when Barnes was govenor I guess......... - Jamie
  19. Before reading this article I never thought about companies hiding legal disclaimers of this nature in something as benign as a downloadable coupon. I mean who would ever think about hiding forced arbitration language in disclaimers on Facebook. Sure its obviously legal, but when does business savvy become an ethical issue. I like General Mills products, but I'm almost disturbed enough to save my money. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/17/business/when-liking-a-brand-online-voids-the-right-to-sue.html?hp&_r=2 So the next time you download a coupon or "like" a company on Faceb
  20. Surprised no one recalls the shooting at Crevlo Dollar's church. A nut walked into the church and shot a man leading prayer service. - Jamie
  21. Wonder if anyone has contacted Dharma? - Jamie
  22. Chinese satellite images yielded no crash site: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/03/12/malaysia-airlines-investigation/6315339/ - Jamie
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