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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. In his words.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BKkTRMEyAhs&feature=player_embedded - Jamie
  2. I understand big data and I'm not some old fart stuck in a different world. I was a business analyst for 11 years dealing with forcast models, realtime reporting and a number of other tools. I understand the efficiency these tools bring. I know that a single payer system is more efficient, but I also know where efficiency leads when the taxes run out and a gun dictates where those efficiencies will be maintained. Efficiency determines life or death. Efficiency + government = no empathy, whether you admit it or not.....just ask anyone who has dealt with a heartless, by the book, no bra
  3. Lets get down to brass tax....Everyone including our glorious, "I know nothing," President... knows this is a mere stepping stone, lube if you will, to the next step, a single payer (there goes liberty) system. Quotes from Obama, Pelosi, Reid, even the great Marx...All allude to this or just bluntly state it. A system that is fundementally at odds with American ideals, exceptionalism, and the freemarkets. Your willing to sacrifice your liberties, my children's liberties, and grandchildren's liberties for what? A government system promising to feed you, clothe you, and now "heal you."
  4. If Ihad to slap a label on it, I would call it fascism. Whether it works appropriately or not insurance companies are going to the bank.....while uncle Sam and his henchmen stand in the corner.
  5. Obama lied and our healthcare died. Free the Obamacare refugees from the clutches of socialism! We are the 47%-60%! Sorry I had an Eddie moment... - Jamie
  6. Another complete disregard for the 1st Amendment rights of the freedom of the press. I'm utterly amazed that this continues to happen openly. What happened to the good old days when folks just disappeared? "And a potatoe gun..." LOL...Homeland Security looking for an unregistered potato(e) gun, priceless.... Gird your potato guns folks. Lock them away or bury them for the future apocalypse. Jop Opening: Minister of Propaganda - Jamie
  7. Hey guys I need some Birthday Party ideas... I've never thrown a party for my kids. Its always been a close group of just family celebrating birthdays. Any parents out there tried anything outside of the norm and had a good experience? We've been to parties at the jump houses, make your own cupcake, and a petting zoo and seemed fun (except the make your own cupcake). - Jamie
  8. Mine said Colorado as well. Maybe some mountaintop 100 miles from no where... Jamie
  9. I've got nothing,but good to say about John Henderson's StateFarm...
  10. Wrong, but we knew that was the case back in 2010-2011. Average family premium would drop by $2500 was wrong as well, but again the math told us that was wrong back in 2010-2011. Talk about VOODOO economics...Unicorn farts and fairy dust. - Jamie
  11. We have one of those just outside of our neighborhood. The local white trash continuously dumps their furniture, garbage, and deer carcass in the middle of the abandoned cul-de-sacs. I’m guessing the county is coming out on occasion to clean it up or run over it with a mower. What isn’t waist high in weeds is surface runoff into the streets…. Absolutely Lovely... - Jamie
  12. If anything, this program will increase the wealth gap that Eddie is so desperate to point out. Push the lower-middle class down so they can be identified as impoverished and pump them full of government cheese. Once your on the cheese, its hard to get off. A nasty dependency habit. - Jamie
  13. I wouldn't mind trying #3...
  14. It has always been simple math. Even when the President was stating.... What is this typical American Family? Evidently I'm atypical. - Jamie
  15. I know its anecdotal, but during my ex-wifes first pregnancy 7-8 years ago everyone that we knew that was pregnant, including my wife and sister-n-law, miscarriaged with their first child. It just seemed so odd at the time. - Jamie
  16. What about those 7 million Americans a year that don't file their taxes? How are we going to make sure they have healthcare? We need to help them too.... - Jamie
  17. I would like to point out the fine is $95 OR 1% of taxable income. If your taxable income is $70,000, your looking at $700.00 fine. The next year its $325 or 2% and the following year its $695 or 2.5%. - Jamie
  18. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development evaluated skills in 22 OECD member states as well as Russia and Cyprus. The study involved tests on 166,000 people aged between 16 and 65 years. While those 55-65 scored average, American youths did not. I have two small children, both of which are in public school. Granted they’re very young, but the concepts they are mastering in kindergarten are far more advanced than what I was taught back in the 80s. I don’t understand how we can be falling behind as a nation. Where is the disconnect? U.S. ranks in the botto
  19. Congress, the Senate, and the President could have been hashing this out long before the deadline. Has no one noticed that Senate passed only 1 appropriation bill from April 1st until October 1st OR that the senate didn't take up any of the appropriation bills from Congress. If you look at the votes, two of the bills from congress weren't even controversial. I assume everyone understands the process of how Congress and Senate operate. Budget Process It’s one big parliamentary game, being played by both sides….Its like two divorcees fighting over who gets the house, while the chi
  20. Two points: 1: As pointed out previouly, the barricades are to make the shut down more visible and painful for the public. Clinton didn't find the need to barricade anything, but the current administration does. An administration that is just as willing to inflict pain on the American public for political points as those being called hostage takers. 2: The White House has now sent more security personnel to the memorial than was sent to Benghazi. Of course I'm trolling on point 2...
  21. Culturally, Italy isn't ready to embrase homosexuality. They are much slower to social changes than the U.S. Its funny how we pick and choose which cultures we coddle. When are gays going to boycott Arab oil? - Jamie
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