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Everything posted by Paxilpapa

  1. I vote NO! Make the Russians clean up this mess,,, they seem to be Syria's protector. Any type of military strike will end up causing collateral damage as most of their weapons batteries are located in civilian areas. Next, you can still not be sure who directed the strike! Just last week, Kerry stated that it was Assad, based on French intel. If they had satellite imagery showing missile liftoff, why would they listen to the French. Then if you think about it, no Rebel or Republic troops were killed were they?!?! Only civilian, which tells me that the director of the attack made sure
  2. You should be getting a call from Anna, who raises Potbellies on their farm. Good luck!
  3. Dr. Iatridis at Ga Lung is wonderful!!!
  4. I caught myself dozing of at traffic lights!! I took a morning nap, an early afternoon nap, and a 5 o'clock nap on most days. Tell him two things,,, after the consultation, all he has to do for the test, IS SLEEP! It doesn't get any easier than that, and the big Number 2,,, "If mamma ain't happy, nobody's happy!". Oh, I know,,, tape record, or video record him struggling to breath. Maybe if he sees how bad it is, he'll go to a breathing specialist. Good Luck!
  5. Do what my wife did, make the appointment and tell him to show up!!!!! The new equipment is really great, the CPAP machine monitors your breathing, and increases pressure when you need it, and the newer face mask with "Nose Pillows" allows you to wear glasses when the CPAP is running. I'm glad I went back to the machine, I have so much more energy during the day.
  6. If you want to be devious, he can be at SPHS next semester! Just change his permanent address to the SPHS district. The easiest way to do that is use the address of one of his friends. It is not uncommon for high school kids to stay behind if their parents jobs move out of state, in fact we considered taking in one of my daughters friends when her parents were required to transfer to Florida. It is very important in this day and age NOT to move high schoolers to another school after their peer group is established, (unless they are headed for certain disaster). It makes wonder how he and his
  7. It could be either chiggers or mosquitoes. Either will cause itching, which the antihistamine in Benadryl counteracts. If it persists, the Vet can put her on a steroid treatment.
  8. This could be a good choice, as it looks like SD has no state income tax,,, (something to think about for retirement). Also, it has a mixed bag of population densities to choose from,,, the southeast has a lot of little towns around Sioux Falls, or the western side has wide open areas. Keep in mind that a location within 20 minutes of major medical assistance should be a must, the older you get. I would look at a Rand Atlas, then take a two or three week trip and visit different areas you think are interesting. Stay away from the Missouri river, take plenty of mosquito repellent and plen
  9. Try the folks at The Possible Shop, (Google muzzleloading kits) . They have a "Pirate Pistol" for $320. They have other percussion kits for less than $200, but the flintlocks are higher. It should be very a educational project, as there a lot of little extra things that will need to be done.
  10. Add to the cost of the ride, downtown parking and an armed guard if you're there after dark!!! It all might be worth it, if it were mounted on top of the Hyatt, and made it tilt at a funny angle to make you think it will fall off.... People would sell their cars, kids and pets to ride it.
  11. You're on the right track,,,, ask a lot of questions, Might I suggest you talk to other AT&T retirees as to how they handled their conversion to Medicare,,, that's what I did. Couple of things to watch for though, Part - C has some good things, but as I understand it, by law you can not have any Medi-Gap insurance, if that was in your plans. Next, I can not figure out if any Medi-Gap covers any drugs, Part-D or otherwise. The "Donut Hole", as I understand it, is designed to stifle fraud and hypochondria. They pay to a certain point then shift the burden to the patient. When the pat
  12. I would get the whole thing in writing before a commitment is made. Once you accept the position as a "Temp", the rules change as far as any protection under the law. They could terminate your contract after 3 months, (determining the 'Project' is complete), and even stiff you for the severance because at that point you are not an employee,,, by your choice! I'm not saying it will happen, but don't trust any oral agreement...... CYA!!!!!!
  13. I was in a Best Western about a week ago, and it had the 'Gideon Bible' and the 'Word of the Buddha' in the night stand. I didn't feel the least bit intimidated by either one,,, got a great nights sleep!
  14. Paxilpapa


    We didn't get power back until 8:00 this am, and that was only after an all night battle with Greystone's automated phone system. I got so disgusted with it at 4 am, that I went out looking for a service truck to flag down. They were at the subdivision when I returned and had no knowledge of our problem, (apparently the last call got thru), or that Indian Lake had no power as well. How does emergency services fall thru the crack that badly???
  15. Same here! School was for school, not entertainment. However in the 5th grade and again in the 6th grade they loaded all of the "Blue Collar Heathens" on buses and took us to a real theater for a lesson in culture. First we saw "Around the World in 80 Days" , then the next year "South Pacific" in Panavision. Then in high school we got to watch the "Signal-13" trilogy and "The Heartbreak of VD". Apparently they had given up on culture and went for practicality.
  16. If he titles them,,,, there is nothing you can do,,,,, so there must be nothing wrong with it,,, period! That's the fallacy of this of this whole argument. That and the notion that you get to decide what is right and proper for someone else. Don't you think that other people feel the same way about you!?!?! Surely you are not a PERFECT neighbor, I'm sure that you have something in your yard that annoys me.
  17. What's the difference whether or not they are 'Titled and Registered', if your complaint is that in someones opinion they are an eyesore or health hazard? "One mans trash is another mans treasure" is what we have here. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean your neighbor must make a change. I don't like the looks of travel trailers, bass boats, trash cans, kids toys and unused lawn mowers, but I realize that other people have every right to do with their stuff that they like,,, Hell, they may be that proud of all of their possessions, that they want them on permanent display. The
  18. The Feds took charge of Ted Kazinsky, and finally settled on a plea bargain for life without parole. As smart as this kid is suppose to be, they might be hard pressed to make a case other than conspiracy. Until the shootout, where another 'Pressure Cooker' was found, they only thing they knew they did is throw away a couple of back packs, which is still legal in this country albeit extremely suspicious after the explosions. I'm really curious as to the connection to MIT... Is that where one or both of them made the bombs!?!?!
  19. Does anyone know if Mass. has the death penalty??? (Lucky64??) It seems to me they do not, so the feds would have to try him for something wildly serious for him to get the needle. What does everyone expect him to say anyway, other than "My brother did it, and I went along with it just to protect him!". If it was his brother, which seems likely, junior probably didn't have access to the big picture.
  20. Sarcasm????????? I don't think they'll ever straighten out the legal wrangling from the last widening project, which is why it got cancelled and completely expunged from state records. Anyway, since we have the west Hiram bypass, we have "absolutely no use for a 4 lane through Hiram", RIGHT!?!?!?!
  21. Our first home was a VA loan, which was 0% down. As I recall, part of the VA loan rules says that the buyer can not pay any points on the loan, but they are allowed to pay all or part of the closing costs. Usually they ask that the seller pay both points and closing, however the closing costs are negotiable. Anyone know what points are on s 5% loan????
  22. Stouffers Mac-n-Cheese, (cheese-n-mac), or Potato Chips, (nice potato chip sandwich with really fresh white bread), or Ice Cream with Hershey's syrup. In any order I can get my hands on them........
  23. In no particular order: The Midnight Cowboy The Road to Perdition The Shootist Lawless Lincoln Freebie and the Bean Brian's Song National Lampoon's Vacation
  24. You mentioned a roof leak, and it rang a bell with me. Several years ago we had a roof leak in the corner of the garage, (gable flashing problem), but that think stunk like a dead rat! Something in the wood was rotting like no other wood I've seen. The common thread at your house may be the vent stacks going up through the roof. Each of your sinks, tubs, commodes, etal is attached to a vent stack for a number of reasons, but as the seals age, they deteriorate and allow rain water to leak down into the walls. This should be a problem for your landlord to repair, but you may be able to elim
  25. Jim'N'Nick's,,, Large salad with Beef brisket and an ice tea. Quick, yummy and no clean up!!!!
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