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Everything posted by tundra

  1. :clapping: A tomato crossed with another tomato that shows a resistance to a certain disease (hybridization) is not the same as introducing genes from non tomatoes. Monsanto is manually inserting dangerous stuff in the genetic make up of those plants, they aren't even close to the same thing. Yes, please do your homework. There is a reason this stuff in being banned all over the world yet our government says it's OK for us to eat. SMH
  2. Grow as much as you can yourself, make sure your seeds come from a reputable place and you won't have to "shop" that much. This is a great start: http://www.southernexposure.com/
  3. When genes of a same species are genetically crossed you have hybridization. When you start adding things to the genes to make them more drought tolerant, pest resistant and their own products (Roundup) can't kill them , you might have a problem. Just as meat fed with antibiotics can probably be traced to our resistance to most common medicines and superbugs, just wait and see what stuff that can't be killed will do. There is a HUGE difference in hybridization and GMO. Most of Europe has banned Monsanto GMO corn. They aren't receiving boat loads of government funding from Europe.
  4. I agree, corn fed and grass fed beef have entirely different tastes. Angus, real Angus Beef, comes close.
  5. Above ground with a nice deck is a good way to learn if you like a pool, but the cost can be almost as much as an in ground with the decking. Remove all trees that will be near it. Not only does shade keep it from warming up as fast, the leaves and other stuff that comes out of the trees is a mess to clean out, it goes on most of the fall/winter. We have no trees on the North or West side of the pool and the ones on the South and East are at least 30 feet away. Leaves are the debil. The less trees, the less problems. I like the suggestion of prerunning wiring for a sound system, wis
  6. tundra


    The old Dimetapp would have fixed you right up, sigh.
  7. Not to mention how our property taxes have gone up. They won't come back down when the housing prices become more stable. Get ready for your mortgage to go up just as some went down.
  8. tundra

    Best Buy

    Was it the one in Dallas??
  9. tundra

    Best Buy

    If a store or business is closing, the employees are usually the last to know.
  10. I grew up with two uncles with severe autism, both are non-readers with abilities of 4 and 10 years olds. One is now 61 and the other 59. ADD and ADHD are not the same as autism. I do believe too many of our kids are overmedicated and misdiagnosed with ADD/ADHD. Kids are a wild lot today and teachers have little to use to discipline them. If we got in trouble at school, it was twice as bad when we got home. Yea, I had some teachers that weren't all that good but they were my teachers, elders, my substitute mom/dad. I had to listen to them, respect them. If my parents had a discussion o
  11. Wait, what?? I didn't read in Better Homes and Gardens that the Bible tells me what to do. I've never, ever heard a Bible talk, have you???
  12. Boiled potatoes Hellman's Mayo with canola Sweet Relish Boiled eggs Onion Seasoning Salt Pepper Finely chopped celery Litttle bit of mustard This one is good: http://www.food.com/recipe/hellmanns-the-original-potato-salad-304182
  13. Wonder if you added some corn syrup to it, would it make them unbreakable, glow-in-the-dark bubbles?? Unbreakable bubbles
  14. Best pie chart, ever!! Just for TP. :rofl: :rofl:
  15. The wildlife management area off Goldmine Road has a pretty nice trail back to the woods and the lake. You can park on the outside of the gate and walk in.
  16. This^^^^^^ is an Alinsky, community organizer specific. It's how they do it. I'm sure you have read "Rules for Radicals". It's there in black and white. The reason for this is simple: “Men will act when they are convinced that their cause is 100 per cent on the side of the angels and that the opposition is 100 per cent on the side of the devil.” The organizer “knows that there can be no action until issues are polarized to this degree.
  17. So tell me is this the Obama IRS or Bush's IRS?? Nah, Obama only found out about this via newspapers. It's definitely Bush's fault, Pubby said so.
  18. It's the Media, dummy!! If they would report the facts instead of protecting their favorite guy, more people would know what was going on. I remember when it was Bush's Attorney General, Bush's VP, Bush's this and Bush's that, it's all Bush's fault. Apparently the guy in the White House today has no connection to any of those positions, he knows NOTHING.
  19. I hope you never get called for jury duty!! Talk about having a predetermined opinion. Well there was this one time at band camp..........................
  20. OK, follow me here TP, try very hard to understand. I'm typing slowly so you can. Your amazing president gave everyone that works a 2% increase in pay to "stimulate" the economy. He got this money by reducing SS deductions, the general fund was to replace those shorted in the SS deductions. That decrease was set to expire after the 2012 election, it did so everyone is now again paying what they were before the "stimulus". This money never, ever was supposed to short SS, and it only applied to people that actually had jobs. TRUE STORY. Where's the logic in all of that??
  21. Yep, but what if it's someone you know offering you a ride, like your friend's dad or your bus driver?
  22. Could be or perhaps they are flooding the screen with news other than what they don't want anyone to know.
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