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Everything posted by J'smom

  1. Forgot to add Rudolph and Frosty! Can't watch "Christmas Shoes" because the song alone gets me! A friend/coworker had been diagnosed with bone cancer (after beating breast cancer) and we nearly lost her two weeks before Christmas and she had two girls and the song came on the radio on my way home from work and I could see her youngest doing that. She did survive 9 more months, though.
  2. Charlie Brown, Mickey's Christmas Carol, It's A Wonderful Life, How the Grinch Stole Christmas
  3. Common is the least common of all the senses. You're right, headlights on, but NOT BRIGHTS!!
  4. I always thought I'd like it when I went from Mommy to mom or mama or something not as whiny sounding, but the first time my oldest called me "Mom" instead of "Mommy" I corrected him. He said he was too old to call me Mommy anymore--I nearly cried. He was 8 at the time. Now I'm "mama" but I've got my baby starting to jabber, so there's hope. Until he looks at me and says "dada".
  5. The scary thing is my name isn't tied to this house. Hubby bought it years before we met, so the house and all utilities are in his name. We have cell phones, no land line, and the only thing that's addressed in my name is a credit card and car payment, so how was I connected to this address?
  6. For a dollar you can buy the Wall of Shame newspaper with mugshots for several Georgia counties, including Paulding, with mugshots, names, and what they were arrested for. It comes out on Thursdays (pretty sure it's Thursdays) and it's at a lot of gas stations. Bought it on a whim and found my cousin's picture staring back at me one time. Cousin had told mom that it was a ticket for seatbelt violation, that's not what the paper said!
  7. So it should be Strawwoman?
  8. Yeah, I removed it from Spokeo. It was three clicks actually and a copy/paste into the URL, but I got it removed.
  9. I call mine by his name but call him hubby on here because I'm too lazy to write out husband (whew, I'm tired now). He calls me by my name or Sweetheart or Hun. I can tell when he's aggravated at me because he'll call me Honey.
  10. That sucks. I was in band all through middle and high school and marched all 4 years of HS. I can't imagine being treated like a second-class citizen of the school for it. In fact, the stands were fuller during halftime than they were in the 3rd quarter--people came to see us more than the football team, we were that good and they were that bad--and we made an entrance. Of course, there were 300 of us so we had to be in the stands before the game got started otherwise we'd still be filing in, and some of the smaller schools had such dinky visitor's bleachers that we took up the entire visi
  11. I think they're trying to stop that, especially if the person isn't charged. You know what's scary? I googled myself to make sure my name's not coming up as an escaped murderer or anything, and found the website Spokeo.com. One click and they had my full name, address, picture of my house, how much we paid for the house, number of bedrooms/bathrooms, home prices in the neighborhood, names of people in my household and hubby's age, and for $3.95/month it'll show their online profiles for 70 different sites. My facebook is set to "friend only" so it shouldn't show any of that and my fac
  12. Sorry, my spare guinea pig is white with a brown spot. Oh, the beer cans are on aisle 20 of Wal-Mart, in the cooler. All you have to do is pick them up, give the cashier money, open them, drain them, wash and dry and you're good to go. Hope that helps! LOL
  13. Thank you to all my fellow nurses, and to those who recognize everything that nurses do. By the way, anybody looking to hire an experienced LPN?
  14. If you don't have nitros already prescribed, then chew ONE aspirin. Aspirin has blood thinning qualities which is why it's recommended, but you don't need too much. If you DO have nitroglycerin prescribed, place ONE under your tongue. If, after 5 minutes, you're still feeling the symptoms and paramedics aren't there or you're not sitting in the ER, take a second nitro. If the same situation after another 5 minutes then take a 3rd. Never take more than one nitro at a time.
  15. If mom has primary physical custody then dad shouldn't be entitled to it. I'm guessing the disability is for one of the kids? The disability should go to the custodial parent because they'll have the medical expenses. Maybe dad would pay child support plus half medical expenses. I'd tell mom not to sign the papers until that gets straightened out. I know it's near impossible getting to speak with your own attorney, they make you deal with the paralegal, but I'd set an appointment with the attorney directly instead of just dealing with the paralegal. I'd also ask the social security offic
  16. When she cussed in front of my child after the second time I asked her not to for the child's sake, I'd have gotten on the phone to the police and filed harassment charges. She came to their vehicle and was harassing them, using aggressive and threatening language, and then returned for another confrontation. She wasn't even parked in a parking space so she should have moved anyway. These people are nicer than I would have been--someone harassing me while I'm sitting in my vehicle in front of my child, minding my own business--um, no.
  17. Joint legal custody or joint physical custody? My ex and I have joint legal custody, meaning we have to agree on major decisions together, but I have primary physical custody and he gets every other weekend visitation. True joint physical custody is an even split between parents. Let the attorney figure it out. My divorce was 7 years ago and I'm sure a lot has changed!!
  18. It's not just 1-2 weeks a year you can use it unless that's the time frame you buy into. RCI has three different time areas, blue is spring/fall, white is winter, and red is year-round. My parents and grandparents have red time and our family has gone in April (the kid's spring break--Wilmington, VA), May (honeymoon in Daytona), July/August vacation (Daytona, Orlando, Tampa, Naples), October (honeymoon, Caribbean), July (anniversary, Caribbean), even February (off-season vacation, New York). Yeah, there may be some really bad ones out there, but we've been in it 25 years and haven't had a s
  19. My parents have been with RCI for 25 years and never had any problems with it. They bought a unit in the Smoky Mountains but only went there twice; we'd exchange every year. Basically you're buying a unit, whether it's a studio, 1-bedroom, 2-bedroom, condo, etc. You buy it for that one week and it's "shared" with other owners the other weeks of the year. If you want to go a different week or to a different place, you "bank" your week and they search for what you want. There's an exchange fee but it's less than $200, so you're getting a nice resort for a week for $200. There's taxes due e
  20. I thought you were going to say you were selling World's Finest Chocolate bars. Good luck with your search!
  21. My oldest is in Tae Kwon Do and he's stuck with it a year and a half--the longest he's stuck with something continuously. The uniform is mandatory and the monthly fee, but he won't need sparring gear until he's a green belt so you've still got some time before you need to worry about that. Once the sparring gear is bought you won't need to worry about it again unless he outgrows the footpads or helmet. There's a testing fee but that also goes toward the purchase of his next belt level so you keep his belts--there's great display cases so he can see how far he's advanced. They do have tourn
  22. Make a special dinner together and have a picnic in the backyard or living room floor. Heck, you're still newlyweds and he's a guy--all you need to do is tie a ribbon around yourself!
  23. After seeing our trampoline float across the yard last March, I'd recommend staking it down. Metal stakes, save the wooden stakes for vampire purposes. My biggest gripe with the trampoline is the stupid net enclosure that rips if you look at it wrong. We've had ours just over a year and there is no net left. Part of it is the 11-year-old being a boy, part of it is the net material itself. It's designed to keep you from falling off while jumping but I don't see how it could stop anyone, just slow down the descent. Get just one tiny hole in it and it's all downhill from there.
  24. Yep, need the doctor to order it if he determines it's needed. Check with your insurance to see which one is in network and if any deductible/coinsurance would apply.
  25. Searchlights for Fred's grand opening.
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