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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. That's what I told her! Just based off pictures they have posted on here. BUT NOOOOO!!!!!! She's going to do some father/daughter........THING. Blick. :
  2. Don't know about Friday afternoons. Their website hasn't been updated since April. http://tdfm.org/ We're going to the one in downtown Dallas Saturday AM.
  3. Been wanting to take DD to The Warehouse, but she up and made plans to spend the afternoon with her father. So I guess it will just be me and Papi.
  4. Sooo jealous! Wish I had a pool. I suppose I could go get in the lake with the ducks and the geese.
  5. I understand. Really I do. I'm sure the kindle will be a great gift and he will love it. It's just not for ME. But your not buying me one.
  6. Fine. Go ahead. Participate in the slow death of the book!!!! J/K I know how hard it can be to be a chauffeur to your kids. I did it enough in my day. I'm just a Book-ist. I want a REAL book.
  7. How about a Library card. They are free and he'll have access to all the books he can read! And you take them back and don't have them laying around the house. I'm mourning the slow death of REAL books........... I remember, as a kid, being so PROUD when I got my library card.
  8. I've woke up crying, laughing, and once yelling at Papi. I don't always remember the dreams, but I do know I dream in color. Some people only dream in black and white. I'm convinced Papi is beating me in his sleep cause I always wake up with mystery bruises!
  9. <hijack> Hey yo so..... Póg mo thóin. We are TOTALLY trying the cauliflower pizza crust tonight! <end hijack>
  10. Papi and I are going to check out the Dallas Farmer's market in the AM, and then go by The Warehouse, to check out the action there! If anyone else is out and about, look for us! I'm kind of hard to miss. It's the hair.
  11. You know it's not really the fall that's the problem. It's the sudden stop.
  12. So......inquiring minds want to know.....pool ready yet??
  13. $200 an hour x 8 hour day = $1600............... anybody want to be my baby?? J/K
  14. Stay away from that KFC. Something ain't right about that place.
  15. Thanks! Like I said, they are just cherry tomatoes, but I'm SOOO looking forward to picking my first ones! So satisfying to start from seeds and see what you can grow and then EAT!!! I've been so pleased with my results just in pots on the back porch! Next year I'm going for the Big Girl tomatoes!
  16. Why oh why do you dig up the old polls??? What satisfaction do you gain from it? What thrill? What amuses you so about filling the Recent Topics page with old polls??
  17. Somebody REALLY didn't want to do jury duty.
  18. Girls use more than boys. We don't "drip dry".
  19. So is the Farmer's Market EVERY saturday from 8am-noon??
  20. I saw this episode of TABOO. There are people in the world who are in to some very "odd" things.
  21. WHOA!!! WAIT!!! When did the one in Dallas close?
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