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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. Nothing here either. Just thunder, lightening, and dark clouds off in the distance.
  2. Looks like they gonna send him home on blood thinner til echocardiogram can be done. Trying to prevent any potential blood clots beforedeciding to shock him back into a normal rhythm. The afibrilation could stop on its own or not. Just have to follow docs orders and see what echocardiogram shows. Please think of Papi when you pray. I need him with me a long time.
  3. Sitting all day at the hospital stinks. Papi has been having some atrial fibulation. They have done some test and we are just waiting for it to stop. The doc kept him at hospital overnight. Now we just waiting for doc to come back. Probably be this afternoon some time. We hope he can go home then. Pardon any spelling or grammar mistakes. On cell phone.
  4. Any prayers, good vibes, good mojo, good juju, magic dust or anything else you can send Papi's and my way are appreciated. K. Thanks.
  5. One of my favorites: http://www.v-r-a.org/ppp/Friends2/Friends2.htm
  6. There's a little place of hate in my heart for you right now. J/K
  7. For a year or less, I'd say Money Market account.
  8. I wondered if I was the only one to find "Wiz-o-meter" funny.
  9. OH LAWD!!! That's my dad! Don't tell my mother!!!
  10. Did you just ask me out on a date?? Ok....I accept! Don't tell Papi!
  11. Corner of 278 and 61. Across from Kroger. Behind new Walgreens that's being built.
  12. Oh Honey.....if I'm doing it, I'm getting the Chick-fil-a sandwich!!!
  13. And if you have highly expensive items such as jewlery, furs, etc, these need to be covered in your policy. Some carriers require a "Rider" policy for these items.
  14. Especially when you add in that I need a land line for the business phone. VOIP wouldn't work. And yes.....he is VERY different! Chicken nuggets anyone??? .
  15. I feel your pain, but we are low carbing! Can't have chick-fil-a!!! Much.
  16. GOOD GOD! That's less than two miles from my house! TORTURE I TELL YOU!!! TORTURE!!!
  17. 20% chance of rain on Friday and Saturday. I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed. And I'll cross my eyes if ya think that will help.
  18. We ran the numbers and came out better to stick to AT&T for phone and interwebs and Direct TV for television.
  19. Dang............I always miss the good stuff........
  20. Mayhap my expectations were too high. We'll have to try again.
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