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Everything posted by krwills

  2. My house. top of Kennesaw Mountain High Shoals water fall Jekyll Island Sweetwater Creek State Park, Lithia Springs McIntosh Park, Douglasville Used to also be Pumpkinvine creek, but that went the way of progress
  3. not mine Teems is who is not getting rid of mine.
  4. Good luck! I have been fighting them all summer in our basement. I tried diatomaceaus earth, waited a week and still had them. I got an exterminator that has sprayed twice a month now for three months. They don't seem to like me, but get on my husband still, if he goes down there. It is unfinished and has no furnishings in there. I have no pets. I also have no clue what else to do. I just keep vacuuming and having them spray. (yes, bagging and disposing of the vacuum contents)
  5. Wow! Only a year to go to court for shooting a dog, and I took 2 years to get my neighbor to court for shooting at ME! My neighbor only got probation for 4 felonies and 6 misdemeanor charges. He still has animal crualty charges pending, unless the county saw fit to just drop those charges, since I am not here to push for them. Congrats on getting them punished. I know it has been a tramatic and heartwrenching time for you.
  6. I'd be in trouble here at work, if I said that out loud. I work with all men. Not raining in Acworth yet, but looks like it will.
  7. Has he lost his eberlubbin mind!! Does he not realise you have just quit smoking? You are already saving him a chunk of change, and he wants you to kill him now? Girl I'll buy for ya!!
  8. I was not in the mood for some foo-foo poem crap, so I almost didn't open this. I saw who posted it and decided to take a look. I'm glad I did. I liked that.
  9. Then buy it today. It's only Friday.
  10. Her's is Feb.13. She turned 81 this year and is quite a little spit-fire. She loves her dancing.
  11. Yes, everyday above dirt is a good day. My mother was born on a Friday 13th. She is as good as good can be. Means Friday 13th must be a good day. Let's see what it brings.
  12. To all of you who want to quit smoking, there is no magic pill. Cigarettes are a real physical & mental addiction. You can beat it. It takes will power and determination. People can say all they want about the physical addiction, (that's all the crutches will help)It's the physical that is such a pain. The idea that after every meal, every time you get together with friends, each time you get in the car to go somewhere etc.... Those are the constant reminders. You need the mindset that you are an EX-smoker and that's that. I have seen people actually addicted to the patches. My boss was
  13. We could turn it into a "how proud we are of MrsB" thread if you want. We are proud of all our EX smokers. Keep up the good work!
  14. Happy 8-9-10 to ya. Hope you all have a great day.
  15. I used a member from here to do some tree cutting. He did an excellent job, but I & some neighbors really need him again. Can you help me fine him? Jason with Extreme Tree Worx Where are you?
  16. Now there's some junk we could use!! NG you really only do this for entertainment! You would NOT believe what all you will see. I swear take pictures, because the next day you'll be thinking "Nah I didn't really see........" I had a chicken in a cowboy hat, wave at me and blow a kiss??? That's one of the only things I can mention on here. You don't need a used toilet? Don't buy it. Find a talking deer head for $2.00, you can sure make somebody's Christmas SPECIAL! LOL!! Do you not ever go to white elephant parties? Or gag gift parties, or over-the hill parties.....you'll find some
  17. I thought sure this thread was about some stange buzzing you were hearing this morning. MrsB, please just chill. The withdrawals will be over soon. LOL!
  18. Dick pulling ahead. Won't go down without giving it all he's got. itriedsohardtostayoutofthisbutyalljustkeptitgoinLOL
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