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Everything posted by CrabbyDaddy

  1. True.... Funny thing about attics......I never have been in one in the winter. Never even think about it until it's 100 degrees outside. Lol
  2. Blow in insulation is really easy and relatively inexpensive. If you buy enough bundles (10 or more I think) at lowes they will let you rent their insulation blower for free. at least they used to.
  3. I'm good. I figured out how to ignore that's really all I needed.
  4. Maybe that's why they prefer "mobile" homes. I crack me up.
  5. All this time I thought they just used knives.
  6. What'll ya have. What'll ya have. What'll ya have. Wonder if he has a toilet in the presidential limo?
  7. Before Pcom went down someone asked what gypsies are. Well in my opinion the are the European version of rednecks and white trash.
  8. I thought I said something wrong and got blocked. Lol
  9. Mini golf and a go cart track. Bet that would make some money over there.
  10. Failed business after failed business after failed business. Nice place though, I wish we could have something nice there.
  11. Well....sometimes Pcom needs a little shot of piss water and vinegar to get rid of that not so fresh feeling. Just saying'.
  12. As long as it doesn't threaten any property of lives it needs to burn. Natures way of cleaning house.
  13. Have faith...there is ample time to persuade voters. BTW your YouTube linky no worky.
  14. Ok you caught me......I am a man and I do not nurse my young. But that does bring up the age old question of why do men have nipples.
  15. Just wanted to share this with you in hopes that this song will get out of my head.
  16. After. Who would ever do it before?
  17. I chew it up and spit it in my kids mouths. It works for birds why not people.
  18. I wouldn't worry to much about robberies and shootings for several reasons. 1.Those kind of people don't generally show up at patriotic events. 2.Those criminals usually aren't awake at 10am. 3.There will probably be quite a few people there that are law abiding citizens w/ concealed weapons. 4.When you hold a gun sideways it makes it incredibly hard to accurately aim it.
  19. Call turners feed in douglasville. The have a supplier come to their location.
  20. Looks like they really stuck it to him.
  21. I think you should continue with the Pcom updates. But if you do call the police, post it on here before you do so I can have enough time to turn on the scanner.
  22. Now that's thinking ahead.
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