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Everything posted by CedarcrestPC

  1. Did anyone make it to the north georgia relic hunters show last weekend?
  2. I ignore any warning coming from California. The chewing gum sitting on my desk causes cancer in California. But it seems not the other 49 states. I'll make sure to leave it here next time I'm on the west coast.
  3. Yeah, that train is insanely close to the house. Yeah she is a couponer too.
  4. The "Dollar Dollar make me hollar" cracks me up in the 3rd video. Yes the 17 year old is in her 3rd trimester. I watched the first 2 episodes with my wife, only saw a few minutes of the 3rd.
  5. http://tlc.howstuffworks.com/tv/here-comes-honey-boo-boo/videos/the-return-of-honey-boo-boo.htm
  6. I've always been partial to, There are lies, damn lies and statistics.
  7. No, don't do any of those tune ups. If anything they will make it worse. Those are very slow speeds. Do you hae another computer you can test from? That will tell us for sure if its your internet connection. Nick
  8. Can you go to speedtest.net and run a test? Dsl should stream fine, but I believe the switch to uvverse is pretty painless.
  9. Also may want to try printfree.com
  10. Thanks!, to you and everyone else from my PCOM familiy who's found me there! Nick
  11. I've always been a very light Facebook user, typically I log in for personal use 1-2 times a month. Therefore I've never really done anything with the Cedarcrest PC page. But I think its finally time. If your a satisfied customer feel free like me here.
  12. They delivered both our kids, and they were great.
  13. What version of windows are you running? Xp, vista, 7
  14. I talked to someone who got one at target last weekend for 275 I believe. I'll try to find the details
  15. Yeah, give me a buzz, I'm here. Make sure to leave a message if I don't answer.
  16. If you'd like I can take a look at it, diagnosis is free. As suggested it could just be a power cord. BTW, you did word your post correctly
  17. Give me a call and I can give you a good run down / overview of the options and the best stores locally to shop at. We just bought a new laptop a few weeks ago and hit all the major retailers. 678-453-8022
  18. I got a choice between the 95 gallon can and the little tub. I went with the 95 gallon can. I had a 65 gallon can from american but it wasn't large enough. Thats mostly b/c of all the shipping boxes I recycle though. There was a $10 one time charge for the large can. But they for some reason later credited my account $10, I don't know if it was a mistake or they decided not to charge that fee.
  19. I was with liberty/american over the years they creeped my bill up to over $60/quarter. I switched to Cycleworks a few months ago, $36/quarter for trash and recycling. And they offer better service around large item pick ups than I previously had. I couldn't be happier. When I canceled with the old service they offered to drop to about $40/quarter. I asked if they could do it for that price then why did they raise my bill just a few weeks before. They had no answer so I finished cancelling the service.
  20. As always, it was a pleasure to see you this afternoon
  21. You are correct, I did unfortunately fail to get back to you. I did have an extremely busy 6-8 week period, where I had a very difficult time getting everything completed and obviously failed to do so. At the time I even had to stop accepting new customers. That project is completed now though and things are rolling smoothly again with a typical 1 - 2 day repair time. Since I failed to do it right, the next time you need some work done if your willing to give it another go, its on me. Nick
  22. hmm, I missed 'power'. Power is cobb emc, but no connection to my alarm there. Other than the outlet its plugged in to
  23. Ackerman is who my service is with. I was told the same thing, but it works fine. Mine even works through magic jack. Although for one of my friends theirs would not for some reason.
  24. Don't be, lots of us learned something today. And nobody yelled or named called Win Win
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