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Everything posted by workingforaliving

  1. I have no words... I thought I did, but as I started to type, I realized that I didn't.... :shakeshead:
  2. I visited 7 daycares in the south Paulding area a few weeks ago....my gut narrowed it down to 2...and then I did some serious pro/con to narrow down to the 1. I suggest VISITING (during the school day) these places. The cheaper place I visited smelled like a moldy basement and the most expensive place I visited didn't seem worth the extra pay. Drive around the area, write down the names of the places you would be willing to drive to (or within a certain radius of your home/work) and visit, visit, visit. I didn't call any of the places ahead of time and no one seemed to be bothered by
  3. My daughter is almost 3 and her ears aren't pierced.....though there's lots of pressure from my mother, brother, sister, and from her dad (who doesn't get a say---IMO). I think that girls getting their ears pierced should be a "coming of age" type thing. I got a tattoo when I was 19. Regardless of if it is right or wrong, it was legal. Just because we may or may not agree with a law doesn't give us the freedom to decide if we are going to abide by it.
  4. I got my letter yesterday for the new payment schedule...it went down $9!
  5. It looks like this thread escaped the political forum.....and serves as a reminder to why many of us stay out. Many of these people I've never seen post, but have tons.
  6. Mine is in my attic. My concern is that I'm losing heat....I feel cold air drafting throughout the house, but cna't find the source. Who do I call to insulate the house?
  7. I turned that forum off long ago...and I don't miss it one little bit
  8. I thought they had the Tonk
  9. Would this be a good time to bring up the Heisman Curse?
  10. My favorite part is how quickly the comments at the bottom of the article started bashing Obama.
  11. So.....what are we going to be watching on tv next season?
  12. I have a BB Storm with Verizon and LOVE the service. I've been looking at new plans though---my mom/stepdad are on my "family" plan. It was cheaper before adding a data plan, but now I think it's cheaper (for me) to split off from them.
  13. I no longer feel bad about spilling nailpolish on my carpet....though I could stand to run the mop across the floor a little more often. I google imaged it, because I had no clue....wOw!
  14. There was something I wanted at Toys R Us, but I won't drag my toddler out with me to get it. Sh'es had a rough/busy week and doesn't need anymore excitement for a few days.
  15. hince, the GA-SC getting involved? If I have sex with one of my 14 year old students then I've broken laws since the student isn't old enough to consent. If that student is 16 then I have NOT broken any state laws, since the student is considered "of age"...or at least this is my interpretation of what has been said. IF I am directly responsible for the student then there could be the case of sexual assult based on the "boss/employee" mentality. If the 16 year old student is NOT in my classroom care (other school, etc) then there should NOT be any LEGAL reprocussions. Right? In all
  16. I wrote a very lengthy research paper on ODD when I was working on my master's degree. I have come across multiple students with this diagosis (which is not a special ed issue, btw) and I only truely believe that 1 of those students was accurately diagnosed. It's a cop-out disagonsis for bad parenting....the ADD of the 21st century. Do I believe it exists? Yes....but not at the level that it's described.
  17. Sex with 16 y/o is okay, but you'll lose your teaching certificate. BIG difference between breaking laws and violating a code of ethics.
  18. I've been annoyed too LR....I watch to see what's going to go on with Billy/Mac. I was suprised the other day to see how BIG Fen was! He and Summer are the same age....right? They treated him like a baby, but he was way too big! I want Sharon to get her baby back SOOOO badly. She was holding Faith the other day and my heart broke for her.
  19. send that to coorporate....see how high up they're willing to call you from
  20. :Zing!: I moved here in 1998 from INNER CITY SCHOOLS (I was known as "that white girl")and never saw the amount of sex, drugs, alcohol, and volience as I saw the 2 years I was in PC schools! The course offerings were sub-par and the apathy from students was unreal. 11 years later, I teach in PC schools and I FIGHT to put rigor into the curriculum and change student attitudes towards school, but I'm only one person and I may only "reach" one or two students a year. :shrug: I teach that kid too. Not a whole hell of a lot you can do about at kid who says [at least 2x a week--because tha
  21. I'm a big fan of knee-high boots for winterizing dresses....I don't like dresses with short boots. I tend to reserve those for pants that need boots, but I don't want to wear big, heavy boots....unless their slim-legged pants and hte boots have to go on the outside...in which case, a mid-calf boot is sufficient. My other issue with winterizing dresses is what goes between the dress and the shoes. Nothing makes me want to vomit quicker than black pantyhose on white legs. Black stockings or leggins are usually more appropriate (if black is the prefered color). I'm just sayin'. An
  22. She's not cute AT ALL. I don't get it.
  23. man...I JUST turned on the AMAs and she was the next act up.....I have heard the jokes, but had never seen her perform. I wish I could still make that statement!
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