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Everything posted by chindog
Another thumbs up for Dr. Miles. But we call him Doogie Howser, because he looks so young. (maybe that's because we are old).
I'm grilling her some boneless pork chops from West Metro! These are gonna be great!
The road is clear now. It was actually west of Seales Road, and just west of the entrance to the Devynwood subdivision.
When do they start showing up? I haven't seen any this year, yet.
I caught a glimpse of the rescue on the news. I didn't see the first part of the story, so I was wondering how those dam people got there in the first place. It looked like the fire department got them out of the dam water pretty quick.
Pekin Ducks, huh? OK, now we know who plays Farmville! BTW, thanks for the kibble!
Don't go back to work too soon. I had mine out a year ago. I went back to work sooner than my doctor advised, because I felt like I was back to normal. Bad decision. I tired easily, and wasn't productive at all. I finally had to take a few days off to rest up. On the good side, I haven't had any more of those middle of the night excruciating belly aches. Good luck with your surgery! I am glad I had it done, because I feel so much better now!
If he's looking for a caution light at that intersection, he will really be lost! (Although I have treated that flashing red light as a caution light in the past.... and one of Paulding's finest pulled me over to remind me what the different colors of flashing lights mean).
OK, I was wrong about Big Mike, so now I think it will be Siobhan.
I'm guessing Big Mike.
Thanks for the confirmation, Mrs. G!
I've indicated on my drivers license that I am an organ donor since that option was first available. What is really sad is when people don't talk about organ donation with their loved ones, and if an unexpected death occurs, the family has no idea if that person would have wanted to be a donor. If you don't know, ask all your relatives how they feel about organ donation. And tell them how you feel about it. The worst thing possible is to leave this earth and making your loved ones guess whether or not you would want your organs to benefit someone else. They will probably guess to
I usually brine whatever I'm grilling. It keeps the meat juicier and more tender than just tossing it on. I use 1/4 cup of salt, 1/4 cup of sugar, and a few of my favorite seasonings. I usually throw in some pepper, garlic, sometimes a little cayenne. Boil one cup of water, throw in the spices, and dissolve the salt and sugar in it. Then pour that into a pitcher with 1/2 gallon of cold water. Put your grilling meat in a suitable container and pour the brine solution over it. You will need enough to completely submerge the meat. I usually put the meat in baggies, and fill the baggies wi
There is no logical reason why a product that is legal for sale on one day of the week in the state of Georgia should not be legal for sale on any other day of the week. I suspect someone will soon post something about not wanting alcohol sales allowed at all, which will be a complete non sequitur to the question you posed.
I have never been in a Starbucks.
She should get a ZZ Top fake beard. It really enhances the outfit. Plus, she can sing "How How How", and really get into the groove while waving at cars!
I have never been in a Starbucks. My Grandpa taught me to not take everything when they passed around the plate of money at church. He said I should leave some for the other people.
Dang, Tim Urban did a good song.
I think there have been more Shriners and doughnut sellers working that intersection than DOT employees.
I wonder if anyone is going to do "Mystery Train"? One of my fave Elvis tunes. Oh, and Crystal hit a home run with her song. She is like a young Janis Joplin, but with a better voice.
There are long yellow pipes about 4 - 6" in diameter and boxed supplies laying near the intersection. There are several mechanical vehicles parked nearby, and the strangest thing of all is a person standing on the corner dressed like the statue of liberty who waves at all the passing cars. Are they finally going to put in a traffic signal? Everything seems to point in that direction. Except for the statue of liberty, who doesn't point at all, but waves continually. (Actually I preferred the two guys who used to stand there in their statue of liberty costumes that wore the ZZ Top fake b
Oh, you are supposed to put money into those jars? I thought they were there so if you were a little short of cash, you could grab some to pay for your order.
I usually check in with Harmony Central every day for music stuff. And, I also monitor a message board that is geared toward scientific stuff, primarily paleontology. Oh, and not really a forum board, but for shopping bargains, I check the deal-a-day sites at dealsucker.com.