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Everything posted by sutler

  1. What did he do to deceive the voters?
  2. Stout was 19 at the time he did something stupid. Rakestraw was much older and already in a political position when she did more then one stupid thing. I remember at one board meeting , she showed up with purple hair. I understand her hair is rather unusual now.
  3. Surely you wouldn't vote for Rakestraw. She was a nut when she was on the BOE and seems to be the same. Stout seems to want to do a good job.
  4. When I was growing up in the 60's, they integrated our schools by closing the black high school and moving the students to the white high school. There were very few if any problems that arose from this. I made good friends with a student of a different color and we would talk about the differences but found them to be very small for our time period. Over the years, I have had many friends of different color or race and we did not dwell on differences except to joke about misconceptions. I think at times, too much is made of this. We all have a chance to experience the same learning process
  5. It's a little confusing. One friend told me that because I had HD, DVR, etc, I didn't need the new boxes. I am calling them on Monday.
  6. Dell has been taking a slam on its customer service recently but it seems like most of the people I talk to on one of the service calls is from India, Pakistan, Vietnam, etc.
  7. We are looking for a laptop for our college-bound son. We considered Dell but when looking at Best Buys, a salesman tried to sell us an Asus which I am not familiar with. When checking on it, it seems like a good one. Anyone have an opinion on this? Thanks!
  8. I can't decide who would be better then Sonny between Moe, Larry or Curly. It is a tough decision with all of them so close!
  9. Several school systems have been "buying out" teachers close to retirement. Ware County and Lowndes County have been doing it.
  10. Does anyone have two tickets for sale for the LO.Lafayette game or Ark. game and how much?
  11. Sonny's which is available at WalMart and Sam's
  12. You are right on the testing. If we don't have the quality teachers to teach, why test? Has it ever really helped anything? I know some testing helps define weaknesses so teachers might know what to review but why so much emphasis in time, money, etc.
  13. Just some random thoughts where schools and parents could save money: Eliminate positions at the board office when some of the duties can be taken over by others. Don't keep retirees around the board office just to give them an extra paycheck. Eliminate paper progress reports except for those with no internet access. Less paperwork for teachers such as papers going home but use emails. No "reward" days for students giving them snacks, drinks, fast food etc. (This is done more then you think!) Re-structure high school athletic schedules so that travel in limited. Keep
  14. Isn't that the survey from last week?
  15. The schools may have been too small but the buildings were needed to have a place for the students to attend class. It is a bad time for education but if you want to blame someone, start with the Governor and state legislature and some of their decisions. I am hearing complaints about our school board members but if I understand it correctly, they are acting on recommendations from Cliff Cole. Also, are they responsible for all the cuts in DeKalb, Clayton, Cobb and other counties. BTW, Cliff Cole may be doing what he can do to help the situation. We may not know any difference for anot
  16. In some cases, people were convinced about how much they would help the system and improve the education process. (For a raise and no children to deal with.)
  17. At one time, we did without some of the "luxuries" we have now. It may be going back to those days in some ways. All the older teachers can tell stories about roughing it in the old days. Are the schools/teaching any better now?
  18. At the Paulding BOE meeting today, they said they were cutting 12 certified positions at the board office and 22 support personnel. That is a sizable cut in that office.
  19. We never paid anything and did not sign anything. The oldest had problems as he got older and he still has problems.
  20. I asked this question before. Are there any jobs in the community for teens? I've heard the fast food market is bad. The theater has not replied.
  21. We left it up to our oldest two kids to get their own cards. One is doing fine while one has not been handling it well at all. With our youngest, we are looking at what to do. A card in their name with a limit seems like the path to follow.
  22. I think that most people will agree that Germany has a good education system compared to many countries. At one time, it was mentioned that "if only the U.S. could do as well as Germany in education". A few years ago, on a broadcast of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, it was mentioned that the city of Berlin put more money into the arts then all of the U.S. I've always wondered why we take the course of action we take when we think we need to be as good as other nations in certain areas.
  23. It wasn't $900 million. The federal funds for the arts in Georgia were $900 thousand. I think this goes to play productions around the state; museums; artistic endeavors to educate and entertain the people of Georgia. It does not go to the schools. It was cut when the state cut their funds to zero. I had not heard if any of it was put back in but maybe I missed it. If it is still eliminated from the state budget, we would be the only state not to fund the arts. I am definitely not an expert on this but you could look it up on ajc.com.
  24. In today's news, it was announced that the federal government is now cutting $900,000 of support money for the arts in Georgia due to the state's lack of support. I guess the little league and fishing will be doing fine.
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