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Everything posted by sutler

  1. Trashy= Bra straps showing, especially bright colors. Fat showing around the waist, not covered. And then there are the "rednecks".
  2. We want to cook some green beans that will have the flavor of green beans cooked by our mothers and grandmothers. Nothing fancy, not a casserole, just green beans. I thought my mother cooked them all day or all night but I don't know what she put in there. Any helpful hints on how this was done and get the flavor that is good?
  3. I recently had a repair done to replace the evaporation coil which was in the dash of my auto. Following the repair, I started having a problem where my car would run hot and the rpm's would go up. Also, as I pushed on the accelerator, the auto would not speed up as it used to do. At times it seemed like it was coming to a complete stop. What could this be?
  4. Has anyone gotten the sales letter from Gas South about switching from Greystone to them? What is the best deal?
  5. We bought a Universal charger for our Dell and it didn't work. I was told by two techs to use the Dell power source unit.
  6. I chop up one potato (or more if you like) with a few carrots on the bottom and some real chopped onion and some water. On top of the roast I put meat tenderizer , salt and pepper with some chopped onion and some butter on top. I cook it for 8 hours. I have tried some packets of onion soup and beef broth but did not like it.
  7. Sounds like cheerleader practice at a local high school!
  8. My family and I ate at the IHOP today in Hiram. The service from the waitress was great and food was good. One of the best places to eat in this county.
  9. I guess if 101 failed the test, that would about 10% or less of the seniors. That is not too high a percentage. Apparently 1/3 of that is from one school. My kids never thought the test was very difficult but they were all good at taking tests like this. Some students are not good at these types of tests but are good workers and do well on other aspects of school work. My opinion has been that if they pass the required courses in school, they should graduate. One test should not negate four years of classes.
  10. We have had snakes in our yard so I put out "Snake Away" which I think may help. My neighbor has found several copperheads in his yard this year. I hate snakes, spiders and scorpions. but have trouble getting rid of them.
  11. I used to think that the Hiram Dairy Queen had the best chocolate shakes. It was the one I was talking about. The whipped cream, when dissolving into the shake part, made it "milky tasting" rather then chocolate. I believe it was weak to start with and not as rich as it used to be.
  12. I went by the drive-thru where I used to get my favorite milk shake last week and I was very disappointed. They had changed a couple of things by adding whipped cream and a cherry to the top with a clear plastic top instead of the old style top. It was not good!
  13. The officers may have responded to strongly but I would like to hear some of the witness's statements. That may clear some of this up. Had the women been drinking?
  14. A friend of mine thinks the colleges should do more advisement/counseling on what fields to major in based upon the availability of jobs in that field.
  15. Crist was good for us.
  16. The other day in Publix, a guy was walking around the floor smoking which I thought was against the law. The funny thing was he purchased lighter fluid.
  17. I was cooking out on my deck and a couple started flying around me. I thought the heat attracted them. I've looked around under the deck and corners but did not see a nest.
  18. How do you know if its the heating element or something blocking the vent?
  19. Our clothes dryer is not working (no heat). Does anyone know a good repair company?
  20. My son has put in applications at several local retail businesses. Are there any employment opportunities in industry in the area?
  21. The sleeping conditions were fine like a motel room with bath. I wasn't given anything to help me sleep but after they attached the connections (wires and mask) to me, I had some trouble sleeping. After you get the bill for the test, you may have more trouble sleeping. I have had problems using the machine. I am used to rolling over, etc and that is really hard to do with the mask on. Many people have told me how they are doing better now but I can't get used to the machine.
  22. Surely there is someone that knows a place!
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