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Everything posted by sutler

  1. They did better then I thought they would.
  2. We had high school kids come by and after we turned the lights out, they came to the door. The Trick or treating should stop by the 8th grade if not by the 5th.
  3. I found out I am Type II a few years ago. At first, I did fine with exercise and diet. Then I went off my diet (I am addicted to sweets!) and had a foot injury that made it impossible to walk much. Now I have been told have have some heart issues. I need to get back on a strict diet and exercise for me to survive but it is tough going. Low carb diets seem to work well but I need to cut back on everything. Good Luck (and I mean it!)
  4. Maybe drop another few days would be better. Start after Labor day and end by Memorial day.
  5. Many good and valid points. A couple of observations I have noticed. The schools in Paulding County started a policy of giving the students "make-ups", "second chances" , etc. to raise grades. Maybe Cobb demands excellence the first time. Also, from hearing teachers and parents talk, there used to be more emphasis on academic achievement at EPHS then recently. I'm sure many of the points mentioned earlier led to this decline in the education progress. It all depends on the foundation set up by the elementary and middle schools and set in motion by the leadership.
  6. Is 92 from East Paulding Dr. to Hwy. 41 okay? I drive to Cartersville tomorrow.
  7. What about the Friday football games? Will they still play if schools are in session or not? I assume they have not been practicing so they may postpone the games.
  8. The best I have seen in many years. They did a very good job with about seventy members.
  9. Jim and Nick's is very popular for BBQ with other foods on the menu. Chick-Fil-A is always good.
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