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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I feel creepy. Glad you're back!
  2. Wow! I had no clue! Thanks for the info.
  3. Awwwwww, that is so wonderful! Congrats guys!
  4. Yep, be consistant. Most important thing!!
  5. This is me. I didn't actually watch the video. I can't. I've been unreasonably terrified of snakes since I was little. However, from what everyone is saying i'm even more glad I didn't watch because the snake got hurt. That makes me sad (if it wasn't venomous). I wish snakes didn't exsist but since they do I respect their right to live, and I never, ever want to see them.
  6. Snakes are scary. I think if they had legs I would like them more.
  7. Here's a parent failure for ya- My DD is in 8th and has attended Moses since 6th. I'm still not sure what time middle school starts & lets out! I just know I drop her off at 8:20 and pick her up at 3:40. Works for us!
  8. I just read through this ENTIRE topic, for the second time. I didn't see anyone "hating" on Academy. I said the word "hate" because I hate sports, and I do. I saw people disappointed because they miss their Kroger which was a convenience for them. I Understand that. I also understand some people are very excited, which is great. I don't think anyone wants them to fail. My husband will be happy as he is a golfer, I mean goof-off too.
  9. Wow, so they CHOSE to save her and are now suing her. Unless there is more to this story, I wouldn't call them heros.
  10. I HATE this!! It breaks my heart.
  11. Same with baby formula. They "changed the packaging" so now we pay the same price for about 8oz less than the old packaging. Chaps my hide.
  12. We met a looooooooooong time ago!!!
  13. I'm thinking this may up my chances of finally becoming famous, so there IS that. Also, Mark, I hope you are right. I really, really do!
  14. You were SUPPOSED to wrap the duct tape around you head BEFORE it exploded!!! duh. And yea, i'm right there with ya.
  15. Never said there was anything wrong with it? Reality is, Sports authority will likely go out of business with a bigger, better sporting goods store right across the street. I kinda think that is common sense. I could care less either way. I have no use for sporting goods. I hate sports. I do think it sucks for hiram residents that they have no grocery store. and I think THAT is silliness.
  16. So, what will happen to the Sports Authority after it goes out of business because of the NEW sporting goods store right across the street? Maybe they'll turn it back into a Publix? This is all silliness. BTW, Mrs.B, you have the BEST rants ever!
  17. I'm sober on this beautiful Sunday morning and i'm not sure either. Maybe because I said in another thread that I want my kids to have books in school. I never said I expected the BoC to pay for them though.
  18. Hey, you can pick your friends and your nose, and your friends nose. but you can't pick your birth place, you can only learn from it.
  19. not true. candidates don't have to make anyone happy. The majority of PC residents don't even know the BOC, what they do, or who they are. They just know that there is an "R" by their name on the ballot. That's good enough. Which is why we get stuck with "The good ole boys".
  20. Wow! I'm glad I started this! so cool!
  21. I notice you like to resort to personal attacks a lot. I think that sucks.
  22. hold your nose. or maybe vinegar and lemons?
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