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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I was born in Schenectady, NY.
  2. Baby back ribs from West Metro.
  3. Walmart produce is gross even without being groped by the undesirables. Plus, thats stealing.
  4. I'm curious, was it a black family with a mom and 2 daughters? If so I may have seen them a few months ago on the corner of 92 and East paulding holding similar signs. I am all for being charitable but if it's the same family I can't help but wonder if this is just something they do to make money. I couldn't help but feel sorry for the teenagers. I can't imagine putting my kids in that position. If my family is struggling to the point where I need to beg for money, I will do it myself. children should never be made to hold signs on a street corner. I was poorer than poor growing up but my pare
  5. I had fish and artichokes for lunch.
  6. I agree with this to an extent. I have not a religious bone in my body but commom sense tells me mixing humans with birds is probably not a great idea. However, I am all for "should we" when it comes to stem cell research and other ways to prevent or cure disease.
  7. 13 years ago (as far back as I can go)babies slept on their side. Mine did for a few nights, then I put her on her belly. I also put my son (10 months)on his belly from the beginning, even though the dr.'s had a heart attack when I told them. Sorry, they sleep better. I also fed/feed them when hungry, no waiting 3-4 hours. The main difference I notice between the 12 years are the products offered now. Now they have Gerber Graduates. bite sized melt away foods so the babies don't choke to death. My DD had cheerios. My DD had normal foods like carrots, bananas, and sweet potatoes. My son has
  8. I never put cereal in my kids bottles, I started spoon feeding around 4 months, stage 1 fruits and veggies at 5 months. IMO 5 weeks is too early, and WAAAAYY too early to expect a baby to be sleeping through the night. Also, I don't get why people always say "enjoy it now, you'll miss it one day". No, I won't. My BIL said this to me just a few days ago, obviously forgetting that I also have a 13 year old and i'm fully aware of how quick children grow. I know what each stage of their lives hold, I was there and I did enjoy it. I like watching my kids grow. I don't want them to be newborns a
  9. I leave cabinet doors open. When I have a cold I leave snot rags laying around. It's adimttedly disgusting and he hates it. I lose things.
  10. jennilyn77


    I just wanted to use the word been. I have no clue.
  11. jennilyn77


    been there done that.
  12. haven't there been shady dealings with the PC commisioners and developers in the past? That might be a dumb question also. If so, I apologize.
  13. Exactly. But when the majority of people in paulding vote R instead of person what incentive do our comissioners have to do the right thing? An R next to your name in Paulding is a sure win.
  14. Do our comissioners have term limits? That might be a dumb question, but I really don't know.
  15. Cobb co. is huge, why in the world are there only 2 AC officers on call? Craziness. Is the old sweet dog that got attacked ok? The 2 people?
  16. UGH. I like chocolate, but that stuff is way. too. much. My daughter begs me do buy it and I refuse. I don't want her to turn into an instant diabetic. I bought Blue Bell triple chocolate ice cream instead. It was on sale.
  17. I thought I was the only one! We never have spaghetti. The fam likes it but I don't so I just never make it. They'll get over it. I'm having BLT's, The "T" is from NC's garden and it is awesome! Salad & tater tots on the side.
  18. It's not just todays society. My father is a recovering alcoholic, my mother is very active in alanon, has been for years. that is and has been the term to describe those who are dependant on alcohol and drugs. they are "self medicators". it's not new. ETA- you can call them drunks, druggies, losers, and jerks also. They know.
  19. People that abuse drugs and alcohol are self medicating. It's pretty simple actually. 10 times out of 10 an abuser is using to numb a pain of some sort.
  20. Fox 5 reported them as "right wingers". It appears that is what the wackos are being called. I could give 2 craps about what they are being called by anyone. I will refer to them as murderers.
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