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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. I wake up in America every day. I consider myself lucky.
  2. My husband got pulled over for going too slow (49)in the left lane on Dallas hwy a few weeks ago, he got a warning. he deserved it. We don't call him slow Jones for nuthin.
  3. They were listening to polka? :runningaway:
  4. I've had pintos, peppers and boneless ribs in the crock pot all day! smells yummy!
  5. Sad that this dosen't suprise me. My DD's step sister, who is in Venture btw, thinks her Boxer is a Collie. Some kids are just dumb.
  6. And just where have you been??? I was about to start a "Where's Sugail" thread. I was worried!
  7. With my daughter I was very sick for about 6 weeks. With my son, I was sick feeling without actually puking for 20 weeks!!!
  8. I always sleep through storms. But not last night. I was awakened to what sounded literally like my neighbors house exploding (new hope). Loudest thunder ever! I kept waiting for it to blow over but it just seemed to hover there for an hour or so right over my house. UGH!!! I got no sleep.
  9. I already used all my +1's today, so i'll give you a instead. How nice of you!
  10. My 8th grade daughter said "it went pretty well", which coming from her means GREAT!!!!!! ya'll have no idea how happy I am. She had a horrible year last year and I was terrified of a repeat. She said she likes all of her teachers too.
  11. Me too. I don't think i've ever in my life been completely caught up with my laundry. I hate it and i'm not very good at it. The washer & dryer are located in the garage. Out of sight, out of mind.
  12. I only do that with black clothes, so the outsides don't get all linty.
  13. yep, still hate her... After reading about her so many times now, i've decided that I would pay money to see, actually witness, her being pulled over and hauled off for endangering innocent people. It would make my year!!! I just can't stand people like that.
  14. Is that why you offered to inflate my sack?
  15. Yea, I agree with that. Centipedes and millipedes are terrible. that's way too many legs.
  16. No, we have sprint and I hate them. Our contract is up in april but I plan to get the girl a new phone in December for her b-day. and yes, I will definately need a walk through. Or maybe sprint has a similar plan, idk.
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