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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Where on Garmon??? Coming from Nebo. I went down Garmon--but wasn't really looking--I thought it was on Bethel Church.
  2. I drove down Bethel, Williams Lake and Laird and did not see anything. A friend of mine told me about it, but I never saw any signs. Any help appreciated.
  3. Yes you do!!! They still have their big three wick candles 2 for $20. If you are lucky enough to have some of the $10 off $30--you can get 3 big candles for $20---the regular price for 1!!! I got 6 last weekend.
  4. There has been several drug busts at Checkers over the years, but I did not hear anything recently.
  5. Everytime I read this---I laugh out loud!!! Enjoy. This is an article submitted to a 1999 Louisville Sentinel contest to > find out who had the wildest Christmas dinner. This won first prize. > > Christmas with Louise > > As a joke, my brother used to hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace > before Christmas. He said all he wanted was for Santa to fill them. > > What they say about Santa checking the list twice must be true because > every Christmas morning, although Jay's kids' stockings overflo
  6. I did hear from a friend that neither one of them was at the City Counsel meeting last night---and that was really weird. they are ALWAYS there.
  7. We have 2 newspapers. Dallas New Era and Paulding Neighbor. Not from around here--huh???
  8. How expensive is it??? Is it just eating healthy like WeightWatchers or do they have food and supplements???
  9. I know that there is at least 1 female road office that is scared of cats (in a cage). She has no business on the road if she is scared to pick up a cage with a feral cat in it. JMO
  10. It was Lake Drive off Senator, which is in the Ridge Road area--I think.
  11. You are absolutely right!!! It never got that far. The Judge stopped it with his ruling.
  12. Well, ulike "some" folks on here---I do not pretend to know all of the laws. But, I do know how to look everything up along with the case law. I will say that I know Judge Flourney and the defendant's attorney--Scott. You could not ask for 2 nicer folks. They were both doing there job to the fullest with this case. And before everybody jumps on a band wagon---some folks go to law school to be on the prosecuter side and some go for the defender side. They both are responsible for seeing that the defendant gets a fair trial, no matter which way it goes. I do know that this was a huge mil
  13. I have always been a fan of Uniden phones. They seem to last longer for me. My very first cordless was a Uniden and I swear we used it for 10-12 years. It worked better than newer ones I bought--so I just kept in in one of the bedrooms.
  14. Does anybody know which wrecker service was involved??? I know that S & S is right there at Macland & 92.
  15. I make them---upon request. Have for years. They are very easy to make--just time consuming. I normally use my cookie shooter, but last time it wouldn't work--so I just made cookies (rolled into balls and flattened with a fork).
  16. Don't have to worry about that. I refuse to let anybody wear anything new unless it is washed and ironed!!! Just the way I am. We use nothing, (towels, sheets, curtains, clothes) until it has been washed. Just the way I was brought up!!!
  17. You are going to get me fired!!!! I am sitting here laughing out loud and my "lawyer" bosses wnat to know why!!!!
  18. He has only been charged at this point. Remember innocent until proven guilty!!! The original charges might get lowered by the time he goes to Court--which would be months down the road. Unless he "blew" really high---if he has a good attorney--it will probably get lowered to wreckless or unsafe driving. Happens all the time.
  19. This is the jail website that I was talking about. You have to use a date and/or name. Not real friendly. The Marietta Daily Journalts felony arrests---but they run several days behind.
  20. You can look it up on the jail site either by date or name or both. It soes not work all the time. Seems to be down a good bit. Cobb County is somewhat better. You can pull the arrests off the Sherriffs website--but not exactly sure how. We pull them at office every day and do our mailings from that list, I am just not the one to pull them. The Clerk of Court in Cobb will only show anything that has been indicted. Just an arrest does not mean an indictment. The charges can always get thrown out at the DA level if there is not enough evidence.
  21. I went to Douglasville and was standing in line at Office Depot at 4:30. They did not open until 6:00. They give out tickets for the big items at 5:30. I was there for the little Acer Netbook. I got the next to the last one!!! Wasn't in the mood for the mall--drove thru but did not stop. Traffic in D'ville was not bad at all. There wasn't even as much traffic around Chapel Hill and Highway 5 as a normal Saturday.
  22. They did not have anything in their add that was worth that!!!!
  23. It wasn't funny at all when it happened, but my son got ragged about for many years afterwards. This was my youngest son and he was probably about 10 or 11 at the time. He was sitting in the living room while I was cooking and he said he was "cleaning" his BB gun. He knew all about it because his Papa had taught him. He emptied all the BB's out (or so he thought). He then proceeded to put his finger on the end of the barrel and was going to shoot it with air. Low and behold--there was a BB left in the gun and next thing I heard was him scream and something bouncing off the wall. He had sho
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