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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I have a knock off I got off an Amazon Review group for $1.99. Works just as well as a Yeti for a fraction of the cost. I am over paying for the names of products!!
  2. Prime day is Tuesday, the 11th, but for Prime members they will start on Monday at 9:00 pm. The last couple years, the deals really haven't been that great!! And this is from an Amazon employee!! Just causes me to have to work a lot of mandatory over time--which I do not want to work! LOL
  3. After working in retail on one of the first tax free holidays--I refused to go out on those days. Not worth the hassle just to save the sales tax!
  4. We are considered Hiram, changes to Dallas at 4 way at Uncle Johnny's. I just HATE going to Hiram!! I go about every 2 weeks to WM to get cleaning stuff and that's it!! With everybody gone--doesn't take much for me now!
  5. I wish they would put something in the west side of the county. I hate going to Hiram--and Aldi seems so far out of the way!! I used to go to Aldi all the time when I worked in Marietta and Woodstock. Especially in the summer to get fruits and veggies.
  6. And you really think Hillary would have been better?? We were screwed either way--just Trump is the lesser version.
  7. Exactly what I was thinking!! The family should have her death certificate that would surely show the correct cause of death?? If I remember, she was on life support for a short period? Some folks in this county have gotten away with stuff for far too long!! Something needs to change!!!
  8. This person has 9 arrests just in Paulding. The latest, on 4-24--only shows Misdemeanor Probation?? Everything from DUI , possession, stalking and battery.
  9. Or any other "big" business families--just saying.
  10. ALWAYS buy Iodized salt. Thyroid issues are really common. Nothing to be alarmed about. I have been taking Thyroid meds for about 30 yrs, but I have a goiter. Once you are on the meds--you are on them for life.
  11. He and Gail have always been 2 of the sweetest people. Proud to call them my cousins!
  12. I would much rather remember them they way they were!! All these bands get older, naturally, but there comes a time when they need to hang it up! We know they can't sound as good as they did back then!
  13. Any newspaper we have here is completely useless--unless you want to know who had a birthday. Stopped getting them years ago.
  14. It would be interesting to know just how many of the business providing services were actually Paulding County businesses. My bet would be if they are from PC--they are from the "good ole boy" families!
  15. IF it was done lawfully--I would have no issue with it. From the article, it states that it might not have been. Of course, you are always have students and parents that will pitch a fit over it. Mostly because sweet little Johnny would never do anything like that--but they are usually the exact ones that have the drugs, etc. I remember many years ago (probably early 1970"s), Cobb county Schools purchased their own drug dog. And I know this because my Dad worked for them and I actually visited the dog several times. They had to get rid of it because some of the "richer" families in Cob
  16. I don't see a grocery store going in there at all. You have Publix and Ingles to close.
  17. Funny that her arrest does not show on Sheriff's website. Guess they do choose what they put on there.
  18. Son's power went out--Hiram Sudie close to Carruth.
  19. Low--those are cool. I spray my shephards hook with Pam to keep the ants off. Works pretty good.
  20. I never see hummingbirds until the mimosa trees start blooming on the edge of my yard. Once they start blooming--I get more and more everyday.
  21. It really wasn't much of a season finale to me!
  22. I missed the first 10 minutes. Unless something major happened then--I was VERY disappointed.
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