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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Working for Amazon--I have seen many late packages with UPS the last week. Glad to say that Amazon Logistics is running pretty much on time! And Blunt Trauma--if your tracking says it's lost--you need to contact the company you purchased from and have them send you another!! They won't find that package!
  2. High priced food for skinny chickens--just saying.
  3. I have a 55 in Element in the living room and a 32 in Vizio in my bedroom. Both are Black Friday deals from Walmart and I have not had a single problem. The 55 in is 3 yrs old and the 32 in is about 5 yrs old. Now I am getting my other Amazon Fire stick today so I can get my $20 a month streaming cable in my bedroom and be done!
  4. From my understanding--this debt is covered and discharged in his Bankruptcy. Even if it wasn't actually listed as a debt in his Bankruptcy--it is still discharged. However, I would think this could be thought of as fraud. He never had any thoughts of repaying this loan himself. I am sure that Roy Barnes is looking into all of these angles. Any type of fraud or criminal activity is totally separate from a Bankruptcy. Barnes also has Howard Rothbloom ( very well respected Bankruptcy attorney) at his disposal and if anybody can find a loop hole, it would be him. He is famous for going after har
  5. I get that Beavers set the bond--I know how it works (didn't work in a law office for years for nothing). The thing I am saying is that if you look at his record--the following are down for who authorized the release. Most arrest records have the name of the bail company there, not the Judge. Just makes it look like a lot of favoritism. Could be an easy explanation that the person keying in the info was wrong, but it does make it look suspicious. CINDY FOSTER , MAJ GOBLE/SIG BOND , JUDGE FARR , JUDGE VALBUENA , DEMENT,CYNTHIA , PAULDING QUICK BAIL , JUDGE VALBUENA , JU
  6. Secretary of State website shows Raymond F Phillips? Or at least he is the CEO, CFO and Registered Agent.
  7. If you look at the Sheriff's info--his release was authorized by Judge Beavers. Most folks will say Paulding Quick Bail or another bail company. Very interesting.
  8. Like I said before, maybe the news stations need to question why so low compared to that guy that killed his son a few years ago. Killing is killing--period!
  9. Somebody needs to go back and see how the bond was set on that guy that killed his son a few years ago. I remember that it was set really high and then they went back after a few months and asked for it to be lowered. I just don't understand how a bond can be so low for those charges. Sure hope the news stations stay on top of this.
  10. Not ALL of them are related. Not a real fan of any of them.
  11. Only a place to house them--no treatment!! Then they can make more druggie friends and have more connections when they get out.
  12. Nope, different folks. And they were just arrested, not sentenced.
  13. There was also a female arrested for vehicular homicide. Unless these are old happenings and they have just finished the investigations and issued warrants--I haven't heard anything lately.
  14. Certainly hope they check to see if this deputy (or the whole gang of them) have had any complaints filed on them in the past. Not taking up for the criminal at all (I don't know him at all), but sometimes these deputies look as though they are scared of their shadows.
  15. I would imagine that the families are asked if they want them posted on here (or at least I would hope so). Some folks might not care for them being posted on here.
  16. If they are doing this to protest against Trump--then they are doing it all wrong. I seem to think that is mainly what they are doing. Yes, he is the President, but they need to find some other way to protest him and not do it in a way that protests what our country stands for (for many, many years). I would be interested to see if it is actually in the NFL rulebook, code of conduct or whatever it is called that they are required to stand. If it is--then they should all be fined. They work for the NFL and should be treated just like any other employee.
  17. I would venture to say that Amazon could have a part in it!! You usually have a better selection on Amazon and even better prices. The last few times I was in one of their stores--I walked out and went to Walmart just because of the prices. Now days with Amazon and Walmart (I love the store pick up), I see a lot of stores going out of business in the future. For folks that don't like shopping and can afford to pay a little extra--you can virtually get anything needed from Amazon and have it delivered to your door. Anything from clothes, shoes, toys, medicines, even have a sex toy thrown in
  18. Does anybody remember the 7 up bar (I think that's what it was called?). It was 7 pieces of different candy all covered in chocolate?
  19. Really????? When he took over the Chief's job, it was his responsibility to look into this--as well as everything going on in his department. Yea, he has cronies that do parts of it, but if this is serious enough for an officer to lose his job--he should have been on it immediately. Maybe his cronies didn't think that much of it and then when he finally saw it he decided to do something?? Who knows, but as head of the department--he should have jumped on it ASAP. And this is not being said as anything against police officers. I have family members that are officers, so I fully support
  20. My question is why did it take this "Chief" a year to watch the video?? Maybe he needs to be looked into and investigated? Why was he not doing his job for a year? I have never been impressed by this Chief.
  21. Tim Maxwell, AmeriSpec 770-445-1964
  22. Guess I should have filled up today?? I only have to fill up about every 4-6 weeks, so it doesn't hurt too bad. Just one of the perks of working from home and not driving 60 miles a day! I haven't put 10K miles on my car in 2 years!
  23. He doesn't look so "bad" in that picture. I bet he wet his pants when he got to jail. Even though he is being sent to Rome--it will be a far cry from what he is used to on a daily basis.
  24. Nothing should be taken down and nothing should be re-named at all. It is all a part of the history of our nation. Some folks won't like one part of it and others won't like the other part. Get over it!! Grow up and realize that none of this bothered you personally and it is just history--plain and simple. Yea, you great, great, great, great uncle might have been affected by it--but you weren't. Again--part of history. These cities removing stuff after all these protests are like parents rewarding kids for bad behavior. And we wonder what is wrong with our world today??
  25. Normally only dealers can program a key fob. I work doing Roadside service (actually do Chrysler) and we have to have all of them towed to the dealer to be reset. Anytime it has to do with the new fangled key fobs, on any make, to the dealer it goes! Just another reason why I will hang on to my 2011 Ford until the wheels fall apart! After working Roadside for 2 years--I hate key fobs!
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