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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I tend to agree that most pregnacies do not render you helpless. 28 yrs ago I had a 10 lb 23 in baby completely natural (was only at the hospital 30 minutes before he was born). I had 2 other children at home--a 1 yr old and a 3 yr old. I NEVER had or wanted any special treatment. I went to the grocery store or wherever with both of my kids in tow, kept my house and did all the normal mommy stuff. Never had the chance to think about anything different. Guess it is just the change in times--I wasn't brought up to lay down and quit just cause I was pregnant. Heck, I know ladies that had hysterec
  2. let's go see if I can see this crazy witch on the ride home, although, I usually don't see her in the afternoons.
  3. And just think--you probably already have folks headed to the grocery store!!
  4. Keeping this up so maybe Sgt. Gurley can get his guys to get her on 278--I am sure she is just as bad on it.
  5. I had to leave early this morning so I missed her. Darn these early Court hearings!!!
  6. I just did a complaint on the Cobb County site that was in Mr. Dis' previous thread. Now, I guess my nephew (the cop) will call me and want to know what the heck I am up to??? I would LOVE to see them pull her over one morning. I would just have to be late for work and stop and watch!!!
  7. All I will say is that it is not a white woman.
  8. No--I think she was driving some sort of Chrysler. Unless she has traded cars???
  9. I can certainly see her doing that. She has tried to go around cars by running on the side of the road and everything---it is only a matter of time until she is going to cause a huge wreck.
  10. You are going to cause a wreck one morning!!! You almost made me hit you twice this week (which would have caused a chain reaction of many cars), by cutting in front of me way too early and quick. I don't like having to slam on my breaks and spilling coffee and everything flies off my seat in the floor. You drive like a maniac all the way down the EW Connector--weaving in and out in front of cars, cutting folks off, etc. And the funny thing is--you usually wind up behind me at the Paces Ferry redlight!!! All the dangerous driving you do--and I pretty much just stay in the same lane the
  11. I heard this on the scanner when I got home. Sounded pretty bad. There was also an accident at 92 and Hiram Sudie about the same time. They were having to re-route traffice thru the store parking lot and they were loading somebody in the ambulance. All of this is kindof scary considering it was the first night of driving home with the time change and it getting darker earlier. Wonder if it had anything to do with it??
  12. Even though there is no income tax in FL---some things are still much higher. They go by the weight of your car for the advalorem taxes--and it never changes. My friend pays over $500 a year for her Tahoe and it is 5+ yrs old. She did get her homeowners insurance down a little bit by installing storm shutters, but not much considering what they cost her. But it was the piece of mind she was looking for since she is only 2 blocks from the beach.
  13. I have a friend that lives on the west end of PCB. Her son and DIL looked for about 6 months for a house and finally found one. They also got outbid several times (sometimes by as little as $1000). The one they finally bought was a foreclosure and I was actually surprised at how fast they were able to close. They did get lucky--this one was in good shape--just needed cosmetic stuff. They did decide to go ahead and put hardwoods in before they moved in, but it wasn't a necessity, they just knew that it would be easier to do before they filled the house up!!
  14. Oh gosh---I could fill this thread upin just one day!!! Our parking garage at work is a sea of Mercedes,BMW's,Lexus,LandROvers,Infiniti SUV's, etc. I drive in every morning in my nice new Ford and all I can do is shake my head. If you can't park it--don't drive it!!! And the men are the worst!! And don't even get me started on the drivers on the EW Connector!! I have a pic of a little beige Nissan Altima with Paulding tag, the whipped out in front of me last week. She almost bought my Ford!! And weaved in and out of traffic all the way to Cumberland--and the funny thing was that I wou
  15. The free or really low cost life insurance offered at credit unions is mostly accidental life. Good to have, but definately not the only thing you need to have.
  16. I agree. I have had many clients try to work with them and none of them every got any results. They would send documents over and over again. I even had to send numerous bankruptcy documents several times for them. Bunch of idiots!!!
  17. If it looks like there was a wreck there---you can call the GSP office in Cartersville and they will send the wrecker company out to clean it up. They are supposed to do that anyway--that is why you see most wreckers with big push brooms and kitty litter buckets tied to the back of their wreckers!! They get paid a pretty good amount when they pick up a car in a wreck--the least they could do it clean up like they are supposed to do. I know a couple in the county that are bad about not cleaning up--and I have made a call and they made them come back out.
  18. I put this in another post today---Target has the Acer mini laptop for $199 starting Sunday. If it is just for surfing and such--this one is great. I got mine a couple years ago on Black Friday for the same price and I love it. It is not for working on--still have the desktop for all of that.
  19. I would definately get a second opinion, but considering the mileage, some of these things might need to be done. I know that my old Thunderbird needed a motor mount for years and I never replaced it. My mechanic said it was OK as long as I could handle a little vibration at times. There was a good 75K put on it after that.
  20. I don't know about that tablet, but Target is going to have the little ACER mini laptop for $199 starting Sunday. I have one of those that I got a couple years ago on Black Friday for the same price and I love it!! It's not for working on--but just for surfing--it's great!!
  21. tbird


    I usually make a pecan cheesecake every year(just around the holidays) and I always make Ellenofdallas' cranberry sauce!!
  22. I thought they were just on the news for sending jobs out of the country???
  23. I second that!!! Only folks that I will use!!
  24. Carl and Albert (brothers) opened South Cobb. Then they had a falling out and Carl opened Crescent Park. They did not speak for many years. Albert went on to open all of the now Sparkles and now his son Jeff runs them (although I think his first ex got one or 2 of them). Carl come along and opened up a couple of Dazzles rinks. He had turned the D'ville Dazzles over to his former manager a few years back and his daughter, Gina, has the Fayetteville rink. I am sure that somebody else can pipe in with more!!
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