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Everything posted by tbird

  1. Sorry, I have to disagree. I have been attending that parade since the 70's--when I walked in it as a child. Many more years I spent taking my own kids and now grandkids. The main reason I no longer attend is the mass of people that attend, do not watch their kids and are just plain rude. We have always gone to a family members house on Hardee Street and you would be surprised at the folks that will come and just walk all over you when you are sitting in a private yard. And I have just noticed this trend in the last 10 yrs or so---so if it is culteral--it's the new culture!!!
  2. I heard some of this on the scanner, but missed the first part, so I wasn't sure if it was at the Jail or YDC. It was a weird feeling while listening to it. You could hear all the muffled sounds coming from the background.
  3. I know you have probably heard this all your life--but consider yourself lucky!! My hair is so straight that it looks like I used a flat iron on it!!! I have enough hair for about 4 people, but it is fine--if that makes any sense. For years I kept a perm in it--just for body. I am now going without a perm and with a good product--I can keep the body in it--I just have to wash and style every day. And believe it or not, I have found a spray gell by Aussie that works better than all the more expensive brands that I bought at salons and Ulta for years!!! But I do like the Aveda Air Spray (I think
  4. Couldn't pay me to go to either one!!! Years ago, I never missed the parade. Now--I just get ill with all the crowds of people, especially the ones with unruly kids!! But ya'll have fun!!! Think it will be one of those weekends for me to pull my car in on Friday and not leave til Monday!!!
  5. I was at the QT on Spring Road, behind Cumberland Mall at lunch getting gas. Some guy pulls up behind me and asked me if I could just put a gallon of gas in his car??? Said he had forgot his debit card. I just told him that I did not have cash and I was using all money in my account to fill up my car so I could get to work. He walked away and then asked the lady at the pump beside us--she told him no. I left and he pulled up to the pump. I wanted to stay around and watch and see what he did--but that place is crazy and traffic was awful!!
  6. A gift card for a nice dinner????
  7. SUV in ditch on Hiram Sudie, truck creeping at 10mph with flashers on, and then a wreck happened right in front of me at the end of Hiram Sudie and 92. Had I not left plenty of room for someone to turn in or out of the store--she would have hit me!! I looked up in my rear view mirror and saw a red truck (young driver) flying down the turning lane and there was a VW bug pulling out if the store towards 92. She hit the brakes, slid and creamed him and ran into the truck in front of me. Stopped to see that nobody was seroiusly injured--and they weren't--just shook up. All of that in less than
  8. As my Grandpa always said, the ground has to be freezing or below for at least 3 days for anything to stick. And he lived strictly by the Farmers Almanac--his other bible!!!
  9. Congrats!!! Guess I am the odd man out. Mine were 3 little stair steps and I can't imagine having kids that far apart!! There was a reason that God give me my kids at a younger age!! For me--this would be one those "Shoot me now' moments!LOL
  10. Not only did one girl make a fool of herself over waffle makers---she looked like an idiot with her fat A$$ hanging out. Just gross.
  11. After dealing with idiots today, I will not be out there. Just trying to buy groceries was an ordeal. Nearly got ran over at both stores--nobody knows what a crosswalk is anymore. Shelfs were bare and even the workers were no help. Lazy kids at Kroger wouldn't even help me unload my cart. They were too busy talking to each other. But when you work---you have to do some things last minute. Thank god my boss decided we were closed today!!!
  12. I told my grandaughter (12) that I wanted everybody to chip in and get me a Kindle. Her responce was that if everybody chipped in--I could get several CANDLES!!! She got her Kindle last year!!! I really don't expect anything. The kids need to buy for the grandkids and that's probably all I will buy for. They are old enough to get stuff for themselves now. We are really trying to make it just for the grandkids.
  13. But there are also lots of folks that will not work retail. I guess they think they are too good to work retail??? I have done it all--office, banking, retail, manufacturing, etc. You do what you have to do to make a living--or at least I did.
  14. Man--those are the best kind!!! I LOVE storms. Just don't like to drive in them!! Get me home and I am a happy camper.
  15. NOTHING!!! After a weekend of this crud going around---all I want to do is go home and go to bed. Don't even want to think about eating.
  16. As I was driving down 92 and 278 this morning, I was thinking why in the world was Hiram Police not out stopping these folks?? You could barely see 4 feet in front of you and there were numerous cars that did not have their lights on. And then there were a few that only had foglights on--which does nothing for the folks behind you!!! Guess they were resting up from all their work on Friday night???
  17. Publix always has their standing rib roasts out at Thanksgiving and Christmas. They were in their sale paper today-$6.49 a pound. I cooked one several years ago and it turned out pretty good, just most folks in my family want theirs a little more done than you are supposed to cook them.
  18. If possible, read any reviews online. I was looking at one of the black friday deals at Target last year and after reading the online reviews--changed my mind. I am looking to buy a new TV sometime after Christmas, but not in a hurry. Most folks have told me to go with the Vizio, LG or Samsung (most expensive). THey have also told me to go with the 1080 vs the 720.
  19. Sent you a PM. You have to be sure to get somebody that knows about Chapter 11. Not many attorneys do Chapter 11's. There aren't any here in PC.
  20. Try some instant mashed potatoes and mix a little bit of gravy in them. I used to buy the jar gravy and mix it in. Good way to start them on table foods.
  21. At 3-4 months, they were eating the mixed meat and veggie. But I am one of the odd ones. I don't believe in waiting months to feed food. All of mine were eating cereal before they were a month old. My youngest was 10 lbs and could not get satisfied on formula only--Dr. started his cereal at 2 weeks.
  22. You can also just boil your macaroni and add the following: Sharp cheddar Small block of Velveeta Cheese 2-3 eggs Carnation milk Salt & Pepper I don't measure this, just one of those things that you throw everything ina bowl and cook it. Using the evaporated milk will keep it moist. Sometimes whne you use a lot of cheese it can be hard and dry.
  23. This recipe is easy and delicious!!! If you have ever eat at Dave Poe's BBQ in Marietta--it is his recipe. Dave Roberts' Mac and Cheese 4 to 6 servings Hands on: 15 minutes Total time: 1 hour 1 (16-ounce) box rigatoni noodles 8 ounces shredded sharp cheddar cheese 8 ounces shredded Monterey Jack cheese 4 ounces grated fresh Parmesan cheese 2 cups heavy cream Salt and freshly ground pepper (if desired), to taste Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Bring a large pot of water to boil over high heat. Season with salt ("till it tastes like sea water
  24. It has been a while with my kids, but they were all really good eaters. At 11 months, they were eating table food--completely. When they were eating baby food, they would have a jar of veggie and meat, another veggie and then a jar for desert (fruit or some sort of desert). They would have a big bowl of cereal, oatmeal or grits for breakfast--and of course eggs a couple days a week. This was once they were big enough to sit in the high chair. My grandkids didn't eat as much and were much pickier eaters, but they would easliy eat 2 jars at a sitting.
  25. SO true. And what in the heck were 18 and 19 yr olds doing with guns in their apartment anyway??? To me, that is just asking for truoble.
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