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Everything posted by tbird

  1. I went to school with Ricky and worked with Sheila for quite a while. I am sorry for their loss, I know they were a close family.
  2. Another entitled person!!! Don't you know that they were too good to be in trafic like all you other folks??? JK That is one of my biggest pet peeves--and I also think it is just plain RUDE.
  3. I will only use the Papermate Profile pens in blue. they are the smoothest writing pens I have ever found. They are pricey at the office stores. I usually just pick up a pack at Kroger, but when school started--Publix had them B1G1 for several weeks and I stocked up.
  4. I have lived right on Hiram Sudie since 1963-64. Have seen many wrecks right in front of our house. Nobody seriously injured, but a few that did have to be taken by ambulance and I do believe every one of them had totalled cars. I will say that the spot you are talking about--I can only remember one accident happening there. it was a guy I grew up with, who had a Corvette and I come by there one day and it was sitting almost completely on it's side--but it did not fall down that bank!!!
  5. Have only bought a couple of gifts. Going Friday--pray for me!!! I pretty much know what I am getting, with the exception of the 9 yr old grandson. Have asked for list or ideas for over a month now and got nothing--so I see Transformer underwear in his future!!! I'll show him!!
  6. Cucumber Dip Cucumbers Lg Cream Cheese (I use 1 lg cucumber to 1 lg cream cheese) Onion mayo Salt, pepper and garlic salt Soften cream cheese. Grate cucumbers and spread on thick stack of paper towels to mash the juice out. Mix in cream cheese. Use mayo to thin out. Add onion (your preference as to how much). Season to your taste. Good with veggies, chips, crackers--just about anything!!
  7. This is my absolute favorite!!! I have the email saved and I have to resend it every year. And I still can't read it without laughing out loud!!!
  8. Don't you know that all the mamas with the bad kids hang out at the post office and bank????
  9. The ONLY kind of Fudge there is---is the old fashioned Hershey Cocoa kind!!! Anything else is just plain nasty--and not real fudge!!!
  10. My recipe is called Potato Candy--but it tastes like a Mounds Bar!! 3/4 C cold mashed potatoes 1 lb flaked coconut 1 lb xxx sugar 1 tsp almond extract 1/4 tsp salt 1 lg bag semi sweet chocolate chips 1/3 bar paraffin wax Mix first 5 ingrediants well. Drop by teaspoons (I usually somewhat roll in balls) onto tray or flat surface. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Melt chocolate and wax in double boiler and dip coconut balls and dry on wax paper. And you don't taste the potatoes--they are to kindof hold everything together. ENJOY!!
  11. Do you EVER say anything nice to somebody???? All I ever see is smart a$$ remarks.
  12. When my kids were little, for the first 8-9 years, I just sat everything out. Each kid had his/her own pile of stuff. Then one year, as I had just finished getting everything set up and iff to bed at about 3:30 in the morning--out come the 2 boys and needless to say we were up for the duration. The next year, I wrapped EVERYTHING. Not long after I got to bed, I heard their door open and then I heard "Ah darn--everything is wrapped!!". I then justr yelled and said go back to bed!!! So I just decided that if I wanted any sleep at all on Christmas Eve--I had to wrap everything!!!
  13. I am sorry to hear that. I have dealt with David and his sweet grandmother over the last few years. I knew he was a troubled kid, but he was always very nice to me. I am truly sorry for his grandmother--she loved that boy to the end of the earth.
  14. I miss my dual screens. I really need to talk this new boss into it!!!
  15. I just got home--did you find anything out??? I was at SPMS and come from 61--so I am assuming that anything would have been past us toward Hiram??
  16. I am not surprised at anything that happens at Sparkles. Let's just say that poor Albert Couey is rolling in his grave.
  17. I don't put any faith in Nixel any longer. Sometimes I get text messages, other times I get an email, but mostly I get NOTHING. Either somebody is not doing it and keeping up with it or the system is really screwed up.
  18. In any other county--her being held for this would be very odd. Douglas County dances to a different tune. You can ask any attorney around here---they will automatically charge you a much larger fee for having to deal with Douglas County. If they don't---beware--they have no idea what they are doing and have probably never dealt with them before. I would think that if she was not drinking or something---then they would have no right to hold her. That is, unless they are not telling something about exactly how the accident happened. I am 100% positive that they did blood work (I believe it
  19. I never knew that the school system would take you home after extra-curricular activities???? I heard that on the news or radio because I was trying to figure out why a bus would be letting kids off at 7:00 at night. My thoughts on this---and I will probably get slammed, but here goes. If you want your kids to be involved in something after school (whether it be school sports, clubs, dances or even rec stuff), it is your responsibilty as a parent to see that the child has a way there and back. That is what's wrong today---too many folks rely on the "system" to do everything for them. I
  20. Any new updates on this??? Who it was and condition--maybe???
  21. And these are probably all the very same folks that are always talked about in out driving threads---every single one of them are entitled and better than all of us. Or so they think!!!
  22. GREYSTONE is AWFUL!!!! I rarely go there, but was off a few weeks ago and had cash so I decided to just stop and pay by power bill. BIG MISTAKE. Those folks move in slow motion. I realize that they do credit union and Greystone transactions, but give me a break. 40 minutes in line, inside, and when you walk in there are 3 people ahead of you???? Yes, it was the late lunch hour, but they should make sure that they have more than one person inside for that time. If they are short--pull somebody from another department. That's waht cross-training is for!!! In all my years of banking, I can tell y
  23. I had an old cliet that lived on Graves Spur--wonder if it could be him???
  24. I agree with you 100%!!!! That is the only king my Mom makes---and she usually has folks begging for it!!
  25. Yea---POOR TASTE. I don't post about sports--not into football at all--never have been. But on the other hand---don't guess you have noticed that this board had pretty much been dead for the last week or so???? My guess is that everybody is involved in holiday stuff and just not getting on here. But you go right ahead and do your gloating. I am guessing that you are a Tech fan??? If so, did you get on here and say anything when GA tore them up last week????? Don't think so????
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