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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. I don't know what the idea behind it was, but there were signs all over in Liberia stressing the need to wash your hands after coming in contact with ebola, signs telling people to wash off their shoes after being in a treatment area . . . even "wash stations" for people to wash their hands, some of which consisted of a bucket of water in the middle of an outside market. I have to wonder if the number one goal of WHO in West Africa in the beginning was really to stop ebola . . . or study its affects.
  2. Your post certainly didn't read that way. And it has been hinted at (from anonymous sources) that there will be no indictment. In fact, I heard on liberal news that the announcement will likely come over the weekend - the reason being that they want to make the announcement while kids are home from school . . . just in case. As for the local issues - sure, the lowlifes in paulding at this time are republican . . . don't know about when eddie had his issues . . . But look all around the metro area at the political crooks, hack, and lowlifes - there are plenty of democrats in the
  3. What the hell is your post even about? You find it problematic to speculate, then rush in to bash republicans for failing to indict? I don't know why you believe the officer should be indicted - even if there isn't evidence to support an indictment - and this be sent to the courts . . . unless you are of the opinion that what is right will not satisfy unruly people, but playing to their demands would be the proper course of action. I guess you should have avoided speculation, because I know you are more intelligent than that particular post makes you seem.
  4. For the longest time, the WHO suggested people wash with water after coming in contact with people who had Ebola and they would be fine. So this "water kills Ebola" myth technically started with the UN organization on the front lines when this outbreak started.
  5. I might agree if his limited participation in the system wasn't strictly liberal.
  6. I don't recall saying anything about Carter's integrity. I did say that he lacks experience - and what little we have to go on shows he is liberal. But if you really support him, and if you believe that all we have heard about him is lies, why not take a minute to tell us why we should consider him?
  7. It hasn't rained all day . . . and it is Sunday (and has been all day).
  8. I had a guy tell me "this is a young man's game" at an interview one time. And I was only 92 at the time.
  9. Is a 13 yo boy "potent" enough to get the blonde pregnant?
  10. I think this is a great love song. Oh.... You said make-out songs. Hold on.... Ok. Here is a good make out song.
  11. I believe you. But the reason it never happens is because not much of anything happens on direcTV.
  12. I think this is the dumbest thing I have heard you ask. Of course the answer is NO.
  13. Yeah, putting something IN ALL CAPS makes it seem reasonable. THE ODDS OF EBOLA REACHING AMERICA ARE LOW. Wait . . . it did make it here? Ok . . . WE HAVE REACTED QUICKLY SO THAT THIS DEADLY DISEASE DOESN'T SPREAD. What? Two nurses caught it? Were they following the proper procedures and protocols? They were . . . And the nurse flew while having a fever? Well . . . WE HAVE THOSE NURSES IN ISOLATION AND THEY WILL RECEIVE THE BEST CARE. Who . . . The NBC doctor violated quarantine? IT ISN'T NECESSARY TO PUT PEOPLE IN ISOLATION UNLESS THEY EXHIB
  14. Sorry for the sidetrack . . . I have no idea what was going on.
  15. Ha! I knew you'd be back!!
  16. Yeah, and this crap - again - with only playing the first half of a two half game isn't going to get it done.
  17. Now there you go - that was funny. You say what you want to say, then shake your head and walk away . . . For the record Bum (can I call you Bum?), my sense of humor - even when considered in bad taste or off color - has been consistent, yet you are the first (that I can recall) to say it's a problem - so I chalk this up to you being one of those over-sensitive types. You might want to seriously analyze that. Also, I never said I "wished" anything - I said "hopefully." I wouldn't waste one of my wishes on a scumbag like that.
  18. And I agree with that. So is the real issue with how a quarantine is conducted, or the fact there is a quarantine at all?
  19. If you would never joke about something like that, then your sense of humor isn't as "great" as you think. And I wasn't joking.
  20. First, I wonder if you have any original thoughts on this subject. B - given what seems to be unknown when it comes to how Ebola is contracted (because every time, everyone is following the protocols and procedures), and given that Ebola has a high death rate (though America has done a good job with those who have caught it), people shouldn't have a problem isolating those who have been in an area where exposure is likely . . . and those being put into isolation should understand why this is a good precaution. Think about it this way: when a child gets strep (for example), that child c
  21. If I have translated your post correctly, I think you are suggesting we give Carter a chance to prove himself, rather than keeping what we have? If there was a little more substance to base a decision on in regard to Carter, that might not be a bad idea. His record is not great, his record is mostly liberal, and regardless of all of that, I don't feel he is experienced enough to be the governor. Sometimes sticking with a low-rated politician might be better than going with an unknown quantity with little experience. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't.
  22. I'm sure the purpose of this topic was to make sure voters have all the information to make an informed decision. However, it has been established that practically every politician is a crook. In the case of Carter (who is looking for success because of his name), he just hasn't been around long enough for the dirt to show up. But try not to be too disappointed when the boy loses, because we lose either way.
  23. Hopefully the developer was out there jumping for joy and fell over dead.
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