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Everything posted by cmorg

  1. I heard about this either yesterday or today . . . and I think it is a total shame that we need to be concerned about the potential violence from a segment of society who didn't get what they wanted. I believe this situation is more of an excuse than a legitimate reason (if there is such a thing when thinking of riots and violence).
  2. Uh-oh . . Now you done went and did it. Make sure your will is up to date.
  3. Ok, Ok . . . They weren't really virgin goats (like you can find a virgin goat around here . . .).
  4. We are mostly on topic. Your topic title was about Thanksgiving. I am thankful that nachos have meat - as God intended. And I am thankful for laughs.
  5. I appreciate the laughs - and that's twice tonight. I can always use a good laugh (preferably without having to people watch at Walmart).
  6. The north end of Paulding already has a city - we call it Acworth.
  7. Just remember that when it comes time for you to move all of your stuff, I am sick those days. Or, if you don't believe me . . . Wish I could help, but I have a(n) <insert event here> that day.
  8. Trust me, it's up there. I didn't sacrifice all of those virgin goats for a regular old moon.
  9. Two things: A - that was funny laugh out loud (LOL for all of you who speak acronym or maybe I should say lolfaoywsa). 3 - That's not nachos - it's cheese dip splattered over chips. But did he say eat meatless nachos? You could have used grilled chicken . . . mmmmmmmm. No doctor worth has weight in batteries is ever going to tell you not to eat nachos.
  10. No, my friend - it is a crime against humanity.
  11. My favorite reference to Judge Judy: From the major motion picture Hot Fuzz (2007), starring Simon Pegg as 'Officer Nick Angel', and Nick Frost as 'PC Danny Butterman', the following quote is the best . . . You can learn more about this movie here.
  12. Yeah, some things make a little more sense . . . Meatless nachos!? And when the guy was giving me the one-finger salute, it wasn't because I stopped at a green light - it was the full moon!
  13. Meatless nachos? That's like putting grass in a jar and calling it a floral arrangement. No . . . even that makes more sense that meatless nachos. Ok . . . Let me try again. Meatless nachos? That's like a meowless cat. You know what? Everything - even a 13 year old boy wearing a dress - makes more sense than meatless nachos.
  14. I'm not gonna watch the video because I know exactly where this is going . . . First, draw attention to the plight of the turkey. Then, build sympathy for the turkey. Finally, we'll be dragged into the whole "turkey rights" debate. No thank you.
  15. I tend to believe that the idea of conspiracy theories is itself a conspiracy to distract the masses from the real issues . . . the serious problems that plague us. Am I right? I think so.
  16. I think Kate is his stage name . . . His given name is probably Kurt. Or Joe.
  17. I want to know how they remove the McBones from the tasty rib meat.
  18. What the flock? This was almost a month ago. And it's nascar, what else can you expect?
  19. I have become desensitized to violence and humor to the point that that short needed to show the extreme violence of the attack, have a more realistic appearance of the aftermath of a violent attack, and more convincing, less predictable gags. Other than that, it was fine.
  20. I hate both time changes. Whether I am "gaining" or "losing" an hour, I get all discombobulated and it sucks!
  21. cmorg


    I have no doubt it my mind that you will beat this . . . just like the rest. Besides, I know you and I know you're tough enough to beat the hell out of cancer (or anything). In the end, I sure wouldn't want to be in cancer's shoes right now.
  22. I went ahead and put the tire chains on the car. Got more than a few dirty looks when I pulled into Publix for my milk, bread, and toilet paper.
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